[jboss-jira] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBESB-337) FtpFileHandler assumes no subdirectories in getFileContents, but does not check

Mark Little (JIRA) jira-events at jboss.com
Sun Jan 7 06:15:27 EST 2007

FtpFileHandler assumes no subdirectories in getFileContents, but does not check

                 Key: JBESB-337
                 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-337
             Project: JBoss ESB
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
          Components: Rosetta
    Affects Versions: 4.0 CR2
            Reporter: Mark Little
         Assigned To: Esteban Schifman
             Fix For: 4.0 CR2

Unsure whether this is a bug or inadequate documentation. For now I am assuming the former. Have added the following to the method.

String name = file.getName();
			if (file.toString().length() > name.length())
				_logger.debug("FtpFileHandler.getFileContents on "+file+" will ignore because of directory.");
				return null;

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