[jboss-jira] [JBoss JIRA] Closed: (JBCACHE-834) Combine eviction RegionManager with generic RegionManager

Manik Surtani (JIRA) jira-events at jboss.com
Tue Jan 9 15:53:28 EST 2007

     [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-834?page=all ]

Manik Surtani closed JBCACHE-834.

       Resolution: Done
    Fix Version/s: 2.0.0.ALPHA2

> Combine eviction RegionManager with generic RegionManager
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: JBCACHE-834
>                 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-834
>             Project: JBoss Cache
>          Issue Type: Feature Request
>      Security Level: Public(Everyone can see) 
>    Affects Versions: 1.4.0.SP1
>            Reporter: Manik Surtani
>         Assigned To: Manik Surtani
>             Fix For: 2.0.0.ALPHA2, 2.0.0.GA
>   Original Estimate: 2 days
>  Remaining Estimate: 2 days
> This has already been done for the marshalling Regions and RegionManagers - do the same with eviction Regions and RegionManagers.
> Also, 
> Another thing we need is equiv of the
> o.j.c.eviction.RegionManager.markNodeCurrentlyInUse()/
> unmarkNodeCurrentl yInUse() calls exposed in o.j.c.Region.
> They are used by the LRUPolicy (and potentially others that implement
> the feature) so the policy will ignore a node the app has marked "in
> use".
> Illustration of use by EJB3 SFSB:
> 1) User accesses bean.
> 2) StatefulTreeCache fetches bean from cache using get(). If no
> transactional context at this point, RL from the get is released as soon
> as method returns.
> 3) StatefulTreeCache call markNodeCurrentlyInUse
> 4) User invokes method on bean that takes a long time.
> 5) Eviction thread kicks in.  Would ordinarily evict the bean since the
> get() in #2 happened a while ago.  But the node-in-use event tells it
> not to.
> 6) User invocation finishes, bean is released.
> 7) StatefulTreeCache calls unmarkNodeCurrentlyInUse.
> 8) Bean can now be evicted on later eviction thread run.
> I'd thought the changes were discussing of moving the lock interceptor
> up in the order might help, but they don't -- as mentioned in step 2,
> the bean can be "in use" long after any lock is held on its cache node.
> Semantics we'd need are pretty much what we have now in 1.4 -- when
> method is invoked, if the region is configured for eviction, create an
> EvictedEventNode object and put it in the event queue.  Only difference
> is RegionManager doesn't get involved to find the region -- the app
> should do that itself via the Cache API.

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