[jboss-jira] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBMESSAGING-777) Revise creation of Object*Stream on Remoting/our Marshallers

Clebert Suconic (JIRA) jira-events at jboss.com
Wed Jan 24 12:31:53 EST 2007

Revise creation of Object*Stream on Remoting/our Marshallers

                 Key: JBMESSAGING-777
                 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-777
             Project: JBoss Messaging
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 1.2.0.Beta2
            Reporter: Clebert Suconic
         Assigned To: Ovidiu Feodorov
             Fix For: 1.2.0.CR1

We have requested to create a new Object*Stream on every request... delegating the Object*Stream creation to the marshaller.

A Object*Stream should be reused.. and created only once...  Especially if using JavaSerialization, since :
I - its creation is considered expensive
II - Object*Stream has a weird internal buffer. overusing that stream creationg might cause intermitent errors IMO. It would be better if we could avoid recreating the streaming every time.

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