[jboss-l10n] Hosting JBoss translations

Sean Flanigan sflaniga at redhat.com
Fri May 8 03:52:40 EDT 2009

Hello world!

I'm a Java developer on the Red Hat i18n team.  I've been working on
some translation infrastructure for JBoss Tools, but I'll bore you with
that in another email.

I'd like to suggest that we set up a version control repository for all
jboss-l10n, including JBoss Tools.  Maybe a wiki too.

That way, the jboss-l10n team can choose/change its own file formats
(Gettext, XLIFF, whatever), and keep such decisions completely isolated
from the projects' source code repositories.  We could manage commit
access for translators ourselves.  We could even replace the VC
repository with a real translation database without having to touch, or
break, anyone else's build.

The problem is, I'm not sure jbosstools-l10n will fit the standard JBoss
governance model, so getting hosting on jboss.org might take a while.
It's not a development project in the usual sense.  Has someone tried to
get a jboss.org project started for this?

Perhaps we should just set up on SourceForge initially; I gather quite a
few JBoss projects started there, and I don't think sf.net cares too
much about governance models.  Plus we can use a real wiki, not
Clearspace!  Maybe even a DVCS, if we want to.

Any opinions or suggestions?  (We've currently got eight subscribers to
this list, so there should be at least 10 opinions!)

Sean Flanigan

Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

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