[jboss-l10n] Workflow questions

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Mon Sep 19 06:24:11 EDT 2011


I posted some question on the wiki. I am not sure whether someone is  
monitoring them,
hence I post the link the questions here as well :-)
I am really most concerned on how to manage versions of the source code  
with the translations.


First question I have is regarding point 2 and 6 of the workflow . Does it  
make sense to already start translating
the documentation while development occurs and you know that the  
documentation will (at least partly)
  still change? Or do you really need a documentation freeze?How well can  
this translation process
(or the pot/po file approach in general) deal with changes in pot files?  
Does anyone have experience with this?

My second question is about the documentation release. Assuming I do a  
documentation freeze, how do I handle
the documetation release build in relation to the source code. At the  
moment I am ready for a documentation
freeze I am probably also going to release my new project version (say  
1.0). This version will the tagged in
the version control system. Some time later the translations are complete  
on zanata and I want to do a documentation release.
At this point I probably want to check in the translations into version  
control. The question is where? I cannot
change the tag and just add the documentation to the 1.0 tag. What are the  
best practices around this?


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