[jboss-osgi-users] [JBoss OSGi Users] - how to start a bundle in standalone JBossOSGi Runtime with E

CsabaSzucs do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Nov 24 10:51:02 EST 2009

Hello Users,

I installed JBossOSGi with Eclipse Equinox integration and hot-deployed a simple Equinox bundle.

It is installed only but not started.

How can I force it to start (programmatically or adminstratively)?

With Apache Felix integration the bundle is started as well and on JBoss OSGi Web Console I can play with it.
/By the way is this different deployment behaviour compliant to OSGi specification?/

Can I use a bundle admin console something similar to Web Console in case of Eclipse Equinox integration?


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