[jboss-rpm] How to use this thing ? :)

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Mon Apr 9 05:27:44 EDT 2012

> In essence it is a matter of creation a copy of the configuration 
> starting AS from that copy.
> 1. cp -a $JBOSS_HOME/standalone $WORK/standalone
> 2. $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.sh -Djboss.server.base.dir=$WORK/standalone

i'm trying to install and use the jboss-as rpm that was released friday(?)

I've installed it as root and when running it I get permission errors on the logging files/directories.

Then I tried to do the cp from above but that fails too since cp -a remain the symbolic link in place.

cp -Lr fails too because of root permissions on the files installed.

I tried even adding my user to jboss-as group but that didn't help.

I had to do this instead:

0. su root # since noone else have access to copy
1. cp -Lr $JBOSS_HOME/standalone $WORK/standalone # traverse symbolic links so user can be someone else than root
2. chown -hR <user> $WORK/standalone # set owner and group to be able to write
3. chgrp -hR <user> $WORK/standalone
4. $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.sh -Djboss.server.base.dir=$WORK/standalone

Now it starts.

...and now the window manager in F17 crashed again on me....

...and now f17 is very dead :(

I guess it will have to wait to verify if the welcome page work and if it gets recognized by tools :(


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