[jboss-rpm] List of modules loaded whe running ovirt engine

Carlo de Wolf cdewolf at redhat.com
Thu Feb 9 06:06:37 EST 2012

On 02/09/2012 11:17 AM, Marek Goldmann wrote:
> Thanks Juan for the list!
> The biggest tasks I see here are: Hibernate, and AS7 modules: jpa, ejb3,
> weld. Probably my infinispan spec file will require some love too.
> We need to start thinking about packaging Gradle as it is required to
> build H4. Carlo, you have any updates from the battle field?

No, haven't had a chance to proceed.

Maybe somebody knows whether we have logback and wharf-core packaged?


> I'm still fighting with web, transactions and security. Now packaging
> jbossjts - which seems to be a pretty "nice" task itself.
> --Marek
> On 02/08/2012 07:59 PM, Juan Hernandez wrote:
>> Find attached the list of modules that are loaded in AS7 when ovirt
>> engine is running.
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