[jboss-rpm] How to run EAP / AS 7 - EDG - RHEV-M / ovirt - SOA-P side-by-side on a rpm based platform?

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Sat Feb 18 00:03:47 EST 2012

On 02/17/2012 10:19 PM, John Doyle wrote:
> On 02/17/2012 09:44 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>> On 02/17/2012 11:31 AM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>> I would like to come to a common packaging strategy for both RHEL&
>>> Fedora for the whole AS 7 family and forward that as a recommendation to
>>> Trevor.
>>> Specifically the issue I want to address is installing and possibly
>>> running AS 7 and ovirt side-by-side.
>>> Subhendu and Julian put forward Jindrich's proposal of "Dynamic Software
>>> Collections".
>>> http://jnovy.fedorapeople.org/scl-utils/dsc.pp.pdf
>>> Would it make sense to use DSC as a base strategy?
>>> Who sees any obstacles and possible solutions?
>>> To kick off:
>>> - interdepencies of DSCs are yet undefined, thus the whole multi-version
>>> dependency management issue is only lifted to another level
>>> - /opt is off-limits for Fedora. Can we use /usr/share instead?
>> it is not about /opt, it is about the entire concept of having more than
>> single version of each afaiu.
>> spot?
>> "Not approved for Fedora Packages
>> Please note that official Fedora packages must not be configured as
>> Software Collection packages. Fedora does not permit relocatable
>> packages, packages using hierarchies that conflict or violate the FHS,
>> or packages storing files in /opt. This documentation is NOT part of the
>> Fedora Packaging Guidelines, and is only here should you wish to
>> generate unofficial Software Collections against Fedora in a third-party
>> repository."
>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SoftwareCollections
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> I prefer software collections as our way to create Product RPMs, but I
> don't see a way forward to a common strategy for Community on Fedora and
> Products on RHEL.  As Carlo points out, Fedora is blocking the way.

I don't see how we'd have bandwidth to do this differently for oVirt on 
AS and rhev-m on eap. it's quite of an effort doing this once.
it is also a deployment choice. for the point of argument, rhev may 
choose to use whichever version of jboss they want, it would still be 
the jboss rpm's, as-is, right?
so why does it matter if they are part of software collections or not?
the way i see it, software collections only allow to have multiple 
(mostly major) versions of same product (someone has to maintain all 
these version streams).

I think more interesting is to solve allowing to easily create extend 
the jbossas service for pre/post steps of other products, and allow to 
launch multiple instances of it by creating a small wrapper service 
script re-using it (i.e., even if we decide we want ovirt to run jboss 
as ovirt-engine service, instead of jbossas service - I don't want to 
re-write and maintain the jbossas service as the ovirt service.
I want the ovirt service to use the jbossas service implementation to do 
so with minimal code (make the script a library, or just re-useable and 
allow it to get a parameter of service name when i start it, etc.)

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