[jboss-rpm] JBoss AS RPM weekly news, 18th March

Marek Goldmann mgoldman at redhat.com
Sun Mar 18 16:58:19 EDT 2012

Hi all,

Below you can find progress info for the last week. I apologize for 
sending it so late.

1. Current status: 92/73/12/6/1

92 packages in total
73 packages in Rawhide / F17
12 packages waiting for review
6 packages in progress
1 packages having issues

I took my review hat this week and managed to review a couple of 
packages. Comparing to last week we have 14(!) new packages in Rawhide 
and many new cleaned and submitted for review, yay!

2. JBoss AS weld, ejb3 and jpa modules commited

We have now almost everything what's needed for having complete web 
profile. JPA module is submitted partially as there is no Hibernate 4 
package at this moment. We need to look at it very, very soon. Blocker 
for packaging it is the requirement to have Gradle first in Fedora.

Carlo, anything new on this topic?

3. Web profile at runtime

I'm now going to solve any runtime issues with out web profile 
standalone.xml file, so we can start running the TCK tests ASAP.

4. AS 7.1.1.Final released

Upstream released 7.1.1.Final. Although it would be good to rebase to 
this version - there is still some work to do on 7.1.0.Final. I'm not 
sure what's the best idea here. Rebase now? Or wait? Or maybe ship 
7.1.0.Final in Fedora initially? What's your opinion?

5. CLI

The other plan for upcoming days is to enable management via CLI.

That's all for now, thanks!


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