[jboss-rpm] News from the Fedora world and WildFly plans

Marek Goldmann mgoldman at redhat.com
Wed Jul 3 09:18:11 EDT 2013

Hi Ricardo,

I'll look at the Feature process this week and will make sure WildFly 8 
will bee a feature for Fedora 20 :) I'm not sure what currently the 
process is, but will make myself familiar with it (again).

Regarding packages - yes, please upgrade the packages you're maintaining 
in Rawhide, to at least corresponding versions you can find in the 
WildFly 8 Alpha2 pom.xml file.


We need to re-review the wildfly spec after rename, following the process:


So I'll need help with it at some point.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


On 02.07.2013 16:38, Ricardo Arguello wrote:
> Hi Marek,
> Nice to hear you began working on Wildfly. Do you need any help? I'll
> check the packages I maintain (ironjacamar, infinispan, etc) to try to
> re-package them for WildFly 8.
> Also: We need to add it to the Fedora 20 Features, but it looks like the
> process has changed:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes
> Do we need to go through the whole process since this is just a name
> change for the package jboss-as?
> --
> Ricardo Arguello
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 2:10 AM, Marek Goldmann <mgoldman at redhat.com
> <mailto:mgoldman at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     Hiya,
>     It was quiet here for (too) long time. Time to get back to updates from
>     the Fedora RPM world. There are quite a few news!
>     1. I've enabled the domain mode for the jboss-as package in Fedora 19+.
>     It's now easy to choose the mode for JBoss AS to launch at system boot.
>     I wrote a blog post explaining the basics:
>     http://goldmann.pl/blog/2013/05/24/domain-mode-in-fedoras-jboss-as/
>     2. Yesterday I (hopefully) fixed a bug that prevented from running oVirt
>     (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=972738) on Fedora 19.
>     Please grab the update and bump the karma if it fixes the issue:
>     https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/jacorb-2.3.1-7.fc19,jboss-as-7.1.1-20.fc19
>     3. And this is the most important thing - I've started upgrading all the
>     components to make it possible to package WildFly into Fedora. The
>     target is Fedora 20 (Final in ~January 2014). So far I made a nice
>     progress - I'm building now 28 modules out of 96.
>     Currently I'm fighting with the transaction and clustering parts. Some
>     of the projects were renamed (or changed the build system) and this
>     involves more work on my side to make it work in Fedora.
>     OK, that's all from the news for now, you'll be hearing from me more in
>     the near future.
>     Thanks!
>     --Marek
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