[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r14297 - in labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en: Chapter-IDE and 1 other directories.

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Thu Aug 16 03:39:52 EDT 2007

Author: fmeyer
Date: 2007-08-16 03:39:52 -0400 (Thu, 16 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 14297

JBRULES-1076 corrected some wrong references 
JBRULES-1088 spell checked 

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Deployment/Section-Deployment.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Deployment/Section-Deployment.xml	2007-08-16 07:20:31 UTC (rev 14296)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Deployment/Section-Deployment.xml	2007-08-16 07:39:52 UTC (rev 14297)
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
   RuleAgent even without the BRMS, in which case you will need to use ant (or
   similar) to created serialized "Package" objects of your rules.</para>
-  <para>As every organisation is subtly different, and different deployment
-  patterns will be needed. Many organisations have (or should have)
+  <para>As every organization is subtly different, and different deployment
+  patterns will be needed. Many organizations have (or should have)
   configuration management processes for changes to production systems. It is
   best to think of rules as "data" rather then software in that regard.
   However, as rules can contain a considerable amount of powerful logic,
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 //now assert your facts into the session and away you go !
-    <para>The MyRules.properties is a configyration file which (in the above
+    <para>The MyRules.properties is a configuration file which (in the above
     case) should be on the root of your classpath:</para>
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     rulebase inside your application (from drl source), and then cache that
     rulebase. That rulebase can be shared across threads, spawning new working
     memories to process transactions (working memories are then discarded).
-    This is essentually the stateless mode. To update the rulebase, a new
+    This is essentially the stateless mode. To update the rulebase, a new
     rulebase is loaded, and then swapped out with the cached rulebase (any
     existing threads that happen to be using the old rulebase will continue to
     use it until they are finished, in which case it will eventually be
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
       <title>Some deployment scenarios</title>
       <para>This section contains some suggested deployment scenarios, of
-      course you can use a variety of techologies as alternatives to the ones
+      course you can use a variety of technologies as alternatives to the ones
       in the diagram.</para>

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Deployment/Section-Testing.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Deployment/Section-Testing.xml	2007-08-16 07:20:31 UTC (rev 14296)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Deployment/Section-Testing.xml	2007-08-16 07:39:52 UTC (rev 14297)
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
   <para>In recent years, practices such as Test Driven Development have become
   increasingly mainstream, as the value and quality that these techniques
-  bring to software development has been realised. In a sense, rules are code
-  (although at a highlevel), and a lot of the same principles apply.</para>
+  bring to software development has been realized. In a sense, rules are code
+  (although at a high level), and a lot of the same principles apply.</para>
-  <para>You can provide tests as a means to specify rule behaviour before
+  <para>You can provide tests as a means to specify rule behavior before
   rules are even written. Further to this, tests are even more important in
   environments where rules change frequently. Tests can provide a baseline of
   confidence that the rule changes are consistent with what is specified in
   the tests. Of course, the rules may change in such a way as the tests are
   now wrong (or perhaps new tests need to be written to cover the new rule
-  behaviour). As in TDD practices, tests should be run often, and in a rule
-  driven environment, this means that they should be run everytime the rules
+  behavior). As in TDD practices, tests should be run often, and in a rule
+  driven environment, this means that they should be run every time the rules
   change (even though the software may be static).</para>
@@ -38,27 +38,27 @@
     <title>FIT for Rules - a rule testing framework</title>
-    <para>As a seperate add-on, there is a testing framework available that is
+    <para>As a separate add-on, there is a testing framework available that is
     built on FIT (Framework for Integrated Testing). This allows rule test
     suites (functional) to be capture in Word documents, or Excel spreadsheets
-    (in fact any tool that can save as HTML). It utilises a tabular layout to
+    (in fact any tool that can save as HTML). It utilizes a tabular layout to
     capture input data, and make assertions over the rules of a rulesets
     execution for the given facts. As the tests are stored in documents, the
-    scenarious and requirements can be (optionally) kept in the same
-    documents, providing a single point of truth for rule behaviour.</para>
+    scenarios and requirements can be (optionally) kept in the same
+    documents, providing a single point of truth for rule behavior.</para>
     <para>Also, as the test documents are not code, they can be updated
     frequently, and kept with the rules, used to validate rule changes etc. As
     the input format is fairly simple to people familiar with the domain of
     the rules, it also facilitates "scenario testing" where different
-    scenarious can be tried out with the rules - all external to the
+    scenarios can be tried out with the rules - all external to the
     application that the rules are used in. These scenarios can then be kept
     as tests to increase confidence that a rule change is consistent with the
     users understanding.</para>
     <para>This testing framework is built on FIT and JSR-94, and is kept as a
-    seperate project to JBoss Rules. Due to it being built on FIT, it requires
-    a different licence (but is still open source). You can download and read
+    separate project to JBoss Rules. Due to it being built on FIT, it requires
+    a different license (but is still open source). You can download and read
     more about this tool from this web page: <ulink
         <citetitle>Fit for rules</citetitle>

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-IDE/Section-QuickStart.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-IDE/Section-QuickStart.xml	2007-08-16 07:20:31 UTC (rev 14296)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-IDE/Section-QuickStart.xml	2007-08-16 07:39:52 UTC (rev 14297)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   allows you to author and manage rules from within Eclipse, as well as
   integrate rules with your application. This is an optional tool, and not all
   components are required to be used, you can use what components are relevant
-  to you. Other flavours of the workbench will follow, which will be aimed at
+  to you. Other flavors of the workbench will follow, which will be aimed at
   less technical rule management (such as allowing business analysts to review
   and manage rules) - all this is based on the Eclipse platform (hence the
   term "Workbench").</para>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-        <para>Wizards to accellerate and ...</para>
+        <para>Wizards to accelerate and ...</para>
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
-        <para>A domain specific lanaguage editor</para>
+        <para>A domain specific language editor</para>
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
     resource. These are just hints, you can change your mind later !. In terms
     of location, typically you would create a top level /rules directory to
     store your rules if you are creating a rule project, and store it in a
-    sutably named subdirectory. The package name is mandatory, and is similar
+    suitably named subdirectory. The package name is mandatory, and is similar
     to a package name in java (ie. its a namespace that groups like rules
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
     are common terms used over an over, with different parameters.</para>
     <para>To aid with this, the rule workbench provides an editor for domain
-    specific lanaguages (they are stored in a plain text format, so you can
+    specific languages (they are stored in a plain text format, so you can
     use any editor of your choice - it uses a slightly enhanced version of the
     "Properties" file format, simply). The editor will be invoked on any files
     with a .dsl extension (there is also a wizard to create a sample
@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@
       rule, the values that are market by the curly braces {value} are
       extracted from the rule source. These values are then interpolated with
       the "Rule mapping" expression, based on the names between the curly
-      braces. So in the example above, the natural language expression mapps
-      to 2 contraints on a fact of type Person (ie the person object has the
+      braces. So in the example above, the natural language expression maps
+      to 2 constraints on a fact of type Person (ie the person object has the
       age field as less than {age}, and the location value is the string of
       {value}, where {age} and {value} are pulled out of the original rule
       source. The Rule mapping may be a java expression (such as if the scope
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
       compiler will not try to translate it according to the language
       definition. Also note that domain specific languages are optional. When
       the rule is compiled, the .dsl file will also need to be
-      avilable.</para>
+      available.</para>
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
     <para>The Rete Tree View shows you the current Rete Network for your drl
     file. Just click on the tab "Rete Tree" below on the DRL Editor.
-    Afterwards you can generate the current Rete Network visualisation. You
+    Afterwards you can generate the current Rete Network visualization. You
     can push and pull the nodes to arrange your optimal network overview. If
     you got hundreds of nodes, select some of them with a frame. Then you can
     pull groups of them. You can zoom in and out, in case not all nodes are
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@
     Builder is set in the project´s properties.</para>
     <para>If you are using Drools in an other type of project, where you are
-    not having a Drools Rule Project with the appropiate Drools Builder, you
+    not having a Drools Rule Project with the appropriate Drools Builder, you
     can create a little workaround:</para>
     <para>Set up a little Drools Rule Project next to it, putting needed
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
       <para>You can debug rules during the execution of your Drools application.
       You can add breakpoints in the consequences of your rules, and whenever
-      such a breakpoint is encounted during the execution of the rules, the execution
+      such a breakpoint is uncounted during the execution of the rules, the execution
       is halted.  You can then inspect the variables known at that point and use any
       of the default debugging actions to decide what should happen next (step over,
       continue, etc.).  You can also use the debug views to inspect the content of the
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
           about these properties, please check the eclipse jdt documentation.</para>
-          <para>Click the "Debug" button on the botton to start debugging your application.
+          <para>Click the "Debug" button on the bottom to start debugging your application.
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
      breakpoint is encountered.  This can be a Drools rule breakpoint, or any other standard
      Java breakpoint.  Whenever a Drools rule breakpoint is encountered, the corresponding drl
      file is opened and the active line is highlighted.  The Variables view also contains all rule
-     parameters and their value.You can then use the default Java debug actions
+     parameters and their value. You can then use the default Java debug actions
      to decide what to do next (resume, terminate, step over, etc.).  The debug views can also
      be used to determine the contents of the working memory and agenda at that time as well
      (you don't have to select a working memory now, the current executing working memory

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Install.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Install.xml	2007-08-16 07:20:31 UTC (rev 14296)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Install.xml	2007-08-16 07:39:52 UTC (rev 14297)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
     <para>Another option is to use the JBoss IDE, which comes with all the
     plug in requirements pre packaged, as well as a choice of other tools
-    seperate to rules. You can choose just to install rules from the "bundle"
+    separate to rules. You can choose just to install rules from the "bundle"
     that JBoss IDE ships with.</para>
@@ -247,10 +247,10 @@
-      <para>Step 7: The licence agreement. Choose the option to accept the
-      licence agreement. Once this happens, the workbench will start
+      <para>Step 7: The license agreement. Choose the option to accept the
+      license agreement. Once this happens, the workbench will start
       downloading. Might be an opportune time to go have a coffee. <screenshot>
-          <screeninfo>Licence</screeninfo>
+          <screeninfo>License</screeninfo>

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Maven_build.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Maven_build.xml	2007-08-16 07:20:31 UTC (rev 14296)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Maven_build.xml	2007-08-16 07:39:52 UTC (rev 14297)
@@ -6,13 +6,11 @@
     <title>Building the Source</title>
     <para>Now that we have the source the next step is to build and install
-    the source. Since version 3.1 Drools uses <indexterm>
-    <primary>Maven 2</primary>
-      </indexterm> to build the system. There are two profiles
+    the source. Since version 3.1 Drools uses <indexterm>  Maven 2 </indexterm> to build the system. There are two profiles
     available which enable the associated modules "documentation" and
     "eclipse"; this enables quicker building of the core modules for
     developers. The eclipse profile will download eclipse into the
-    drools-eclipse folder, which is over 100MB download (It depends on your operation system), however this only
+    drools-eclipse folder, which is over 100MB download (It depends on your operating system), however this only
     needs to be done once; if you wish you can move that eclipse download into
     another location and specify it with
     -DlocalEclipseDrop=/folder/jboss-rules/local-eclipse-drop-mirror. The

Modified: labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Setup.xml
--- labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Setup.xml	2007-08-16 07:20:31 UTC (rev 14296)
+++ labs/jbossrules/trunk/documentation/manual/en/Chapter-Install/Section-Setup.xml	2007-08-16 07:39:52 UTC (rev 14297)
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@
     </indexterm>path. The examples given illustrative and are for a win32
-  <literallayout>Path=D:\java\j2sdk1.5.0_8\bin;D:\java\apache-ant-1.7\bin;D:\java\maven2.0.7\bin</literallayout>
+  <literallayout>Path=D:\java\j2sdk1.5.0_8\bin;D:\java\apache-ant-1.7\bin;D:\java\maven-2.0.7\bin</literallayout>
   <para>Following environment variables will also need to be set. The examples
   given illustrative and are for a win32 system::</para>

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