[jboss-svn-commits] JBL Code SVN: r10295 - labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld.

jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org jboss-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Fri Mar 16 21:21:09 EDT 2007

Author: kurt.stam at jboss.com
Date: 2007-03-16 21:21:09 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 10295

Switching over the base-build.xml structure

Added: labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld/base-build.xml
--- labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld/base-build.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld/base-build.xml	2007-03-17 01:21:09 UTC (rev 10295)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<project name="Base" default="run" basedir=".">
+	<property file="../quickstarts.properties" />
+    <property name="additional.deploys" value="" />
+    <property name="classes" value="build/classes" />
+	<path id="compile-classpath">
+		<fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar" /> <!-- Quickstart Specific Jars. -->
+		<fileset dir="../../../lib/ext" includes="*.jar" /> <!-- Product Dependencies. -->
+		<fileset dir="${esb.product.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar" /> <!-- Product Jars. -->
+	</path>
+	<path id="exec-classpath">
+		<pathelement location="." />
+        <pathelement location="src" />
+		<pathelement location="build/classes" />
+		<path refid="compile-classpath" />
+		<fileset dir="${jbosshome.dir}/server/default/lib" includes="jboss-j2ee.jar" /> <!-- Required for JMS Client Code. -->
+	</path>
+	<target name="compile" depends="clean">
+		<mkdir dir="${classes}" />
+		<javac srcdir="src" destdir="${classes}">
+			<classpath refid="compile-classpath" />
+		</javac>
+	</target>
+	<target name="run" depends="compile">
+		<echo>Launching Quickstart in standalone mode...</echo>
+		<java fork="yes" classname="org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.StandAloneBootStrapper" failonerror="true">
+			<arg value="./jbossesb.xml" />
+			<classpath refid="exec-classpath" />
+		</java>
+	</target>
+    <target name="deployToSAR">
+        <echo message='******************' />
+        <echo message='DEPRECATED!!  Sorry, this target has been deprecated for Quickstart Deployment.' />
+        <echo message='Run "ant deploy" to deploy this Quickstart to your target JBoss ESB Server.${line.separator}${line.separator}' />
+        <echo message='******************' />
+        <fail />
+    </target>
+    <target name="deploy" depends="compile">
+		<echo>Deploying Quickstart to JBoss ESB Server...</echo>
+        <mkdir dir="build/META-INF" />
+        <copy todir="build/META-INF">
+            <fileset dir="./" includes="jboss-esb.xml,deployment.xml" />
+        </copy>
+        <jar destfile="build/${ant.project.name}.esb">
+           <fileset dir="build/classes" />
+           <fileset dir="src" excludes="**/*.java" />
+           <fileset dir="build" includes="META-INF/**" />
+           <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="jbm-queue-service.xml"/>
+           <fileset dir="./" includes="${additional.deploys}" />
+        </jar>
+        <copy file="build/${ant.project.name}.esb" overwrite="true" todir="${jbosshome.dir}/server/default/deploy/" />
+        <echo message='${line.separator}******************' />
+        <echo>Quickstart deployed to target JBoss ESB Server at '${jbosshome.dir}'.</echo>
+        <echo>1.  Check your ESB Server console to make sure the deployment was executed without errors.</echo>
+        <echo>2.  Run 'ant runtest' to run the Quickstart.</echo>
+        <echo>3.  Check your ESB Server console again.  The Quickstart should have produced some output.</echo>
+        <echo message='******************' />
+    </target>
+	<target name="echoCP">
+		<property name="cp" refid="exec-classpath" />
+		<echo message="Classpath is ${cp}" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="clean">
+		<delete dir="build" />
+	</target>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld/base-build.xml
Name: svn:mime-type
   + text/xml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld/build.xml
--- labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld/build.xml	2007-03-17 01:07:58 UTC (rev 10294)
+++ labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld/build.xml	2007-03-17 01:21:09 UTC (rev 10295)
@@ -1,98 +1,30 @@
-<project name="Quickstart_helloworld" default="run" basedir=".">
-  <property file="../quickstarts.properties" />
-  <property name="build.dir" value="${basedir}/build"/>
-  <property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}/src"/>
-  <property name="esb-config" value="${basedir}/jbossesb.xml"/>
-	<path id="classpath">
-    <!-- fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="jbossesb-properties.xml" -->
-    <!-- fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="juddi.properties" -->
-	<fileset dir="${esb.product.lib.dir}/ext" includes="jboss-messaging-client.jar"/>
-    <fileset dir="${basedir}/lib" includes="*jar"/>    
-	<fileset dir="${esb.product.lib.dir}" includes="*jar"/>
-	<fileset dir="${esb.product.lib.dir}" includes="*xml"/>
+<project name="Helloworld-quickstart" default="run" basedir=".">
-	<fileset dir="${esb.product.lib.dir}/ext" includes="*jar"/>
-	<fileset dir="${jbosshome.dir}/client" includes="*jar"/>
-	<fileset dir="${jbosshome.dir}/server/default/lib">
-			<include name="jboss-j2ee.jar"/> <!-- added this for the JMS client -->
-	</fileset>		
-  <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="build/**/*.jar"/>
-  <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="build/**/*.xml"/>
-  <pathelement location="." />
-  </path>
-  <property name="cp" refid="classpath"/>
-  <target name="echoCP">    
-  	<echo message="Classpath is ${cp}"/>
-  </target>
-  <target name="prepare">
-	<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
-  </target>
-  <target name="clean">
-	<delete dir="${build.dir}" />
-  </target>
-  <target name="compile" depends="prepare">
-	<javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
-	   destdir="${build.dir}">
-	  <classpath refid="classpath"/>
- 	</javac>
-  </target>
-  <target name="jars" depends="compile">
-  	<copy file="jboss-esb.xml" todir="${build.dir}/META-INF"/>
-  	<copy file="jbm-queue-service.xml" todir="${build.dir}"/>
-	<delete file="${build.dir}/${ant.project.name}.esb"/>
-        <jar destfile="${build.dir}/${ant.project.name}.esb"
-		basedir="${build.dir}"
-		includes="**/MyJMSListenerAction.class,**/jboss-esb.xml,jbm-queue-service.xml"/>
-  	<delete file="${build.dir}/${ant.project.name}-client.jar"/>
-  	<jar destfile="${build.dir}/${ant.project.name}-client.jar"
-  		basedir="${build.dir}"
-  		includes="**/test/*.class"/>
-  </target>
-  <target name="run" depends="jars">
-	     <echo>Basic JMS Gateway and Listener with Actions</echo>
-	     <java fork="yes" classname="org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.StandAloneBootStrapper" failonerror="true">  
-	     	<arg value="${esb-config}"/>
-			<classpath refid="classpath"/>
-	     </java>     
-  </target>
-  <target name="deploy" depends="jars">
-	    <echo>Deploys the project to the JBoss Application Server</echo>
-	  	<copy file="${build.dir}/${ant.project.name}.esb" overwrite="true"
-	  		todir="${jbosshome.dir}/server/default/deploy/"	
-	  	/>
-	  	<echo>Check your AS console to see if everything deployed properly then run 'ant runtest'</echo>
-  </target>
+	<!-- Additional files to be deployed in the sar. -->
+	<property name="additional.deploys" value="smooks-cdr.lst,smooks-res.xml" />
-  <target name="runtest">
-     <echo>Runs Test JMS Sender</echo>
-     <java fork="yes" classname="quickstart.helloworld.test.SendJMSMessage" failonerror="true">
-     	<arg value="Hello World"/>
-		<classpath refid="classpath"/>
-     </java>
-  </target>  
-  <target name="sendesb">
-     <echo>Runs Test ESB Message Sender</echo>
-     <java fork="yes" classname="quickstart.helloworld.test.SendEsbMessage" failonerror="true">
-     	<arg value="FirstServiceESB"/> <!--  service category -->
-     	<arg value="SimpleListener"/>  <!--  service name -->
-     	<arg value="Hello World - Straight to ESB listener - no Gateway"/> <!--  Message text -->
-		<classpath refid="classpath"/>
-     </java>
-  </target>  
+	<!-- Import the base Ant build script... -->
+	<import file="base-build.xml"/>
+	<!-- The ESB itself is started by the default "run" target - defined in base-build.xml  -->
+	<!-- Target for injecting the sample order message for transformation... -->
+	<target name="runtest">
+		<echo>Runs Test JMS Sender</echo>
+		<java fork="yes" classname="quickstart.helloworld.test.SendJMSMessage" failonerror="true">
+			<arg value="Hello World"/>
+			<classpath refid="exec-classpath"/>
+		</java>
+	</target>  
+	<target name="sendesb">
+		<echo>Runs Test ESB Message Sender</echo>
+		<java fork="yes" classname="quickstart.helloworld.test.SendEsbMessage" failonerror="true">
+			<arg value="FirstServiceESB"/> <!--  service category -->
+			<arg value="SimpleListener"/>  <!--  service name -->
+			<arg value="Hello World - Straight to ESB listener - no Gateway"/> <!--  Message text -->
+			<classpath refid="exec-classpath"/>
+		</java>
+	</target>
\ No newline at end of file

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