[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: simeple create/edit user question
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Aug 9 04:59:42 EDT 2006
Stateless beans are only useful if you want to invoke one of their methods without doing anything else with them.
But if you have a state that should be held (e.g. user filled in fields) you need a STATEFUL bean. To distinguish between new and existing entities you can call two different actions - create and edit. There should be corresponding clickable buttons in your application.
I suggest it like that (pseudo code - in your case replace Entity by User):
| @Stateful
| @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
| @Name(...)
| public class WhatEverBean implements WhatEver {
| private boolean newOne;
| @PersistenceContext(PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
| private EntityManager em;
| @In(required=false) @Out(required=false)
| private Entity entity;
| @Begin
| public String create() {
| newOne = true;
| entity = new Entity();
| return "editPageOutcome";
| }
| @Begin
| public String edit() {
| newOne = false;
| entity = em.find(Entity.class, theIdFromRequestParameter);
| OR: entity = getFromDataModelSelection...;
| return "editorPageOutcome";
| }
| @End
| public String save() {
| if (newOne)
| em.persist(entity);
| else
| em.merge(entity);
| return "toPreviousPageOutcome";
| }
| }
Ok, why do I suggest conversation scope? Cause the bean needs to live as long as the user edits the entity (including redisplays).
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