[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - The pageflow attribute of @Begin not always processed proper

rlhr do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Aug 10 13:29:43 EDT 2006

I defined a SFSB as follow: 

  | @Name("someAction")
  | public class SomeAction implements Some {
  |     public void testOne() {
  | 	this.delegate();
  |     }
  |     @Begin(id="MY_ID", pageflow="testflow")
  |     public void delegate() {
  |     }
  | }

In a jsp, if the action of a button is set to #{someAction.testOne}, something goes wrong and the flow doesn't start. The current page is reloaded.
If the button action is set to #{someAction.delegate}, then the flow starts properly.

Now if I do the following, it works fine as well:

  | @Name("someAction")
  | public class SomeAction implements Some {
  |     public void testOne() {
  | 	this.delegate();
  |     }
  |     @Begin(id="MY_ID")
  |     public void delegate() {
  |         Pageflow.instance().begin("testflow"); 
  |    }
  | }
So it seems that when a method of the SFSB call the delegate method, the pageflow attribute of the @Begin annotation is not processed properly.
Unless I'm not supposed to do what I'm doing (But I need to perform some check before starting the flow or not), I believe this could be a bug.

I hope this can help.

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