[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Entities with one/many_to_many relationships and SEAM

trouby do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Aug 18 15:08:19 EDT 2006

really weird, I use Seam with GlassFish, and GF comes with JSF1.2RI,

It seems to be a native JSF error message..
Here's my JSF code:

  | <h:selectManyListbox id="setnotes" size="10" value="#{issue.notes}" required="true">
  | <f:selectItems value="#{noteListForSelectbox}"/>
  | <selectitems:convertEntity entityClass="edentity.entity.Note"/>
  | </h:selectManyListbox>
  | <span class="errors"><h:message for="setnotes" showDetail="true"/></span>

One thing that i'm not sure about, In the html code, I see that the generated selectbox options look like this:

  | <selectitems:convertEntity entityClass="edentity.entity.Note"></selectitems:convertEntity><select id="j_id37:setnotes" name="j_id37:setnotes" multiple="multiple" size="10">	<option value="edentity.entity.Note at 17585e9">Note1</option>

Is this is how it should be? in none-multiple selectbox I see the ID as the value option.

thanks a lot.

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