[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Asynchronous continuations and Fork
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Aug 19 12:41:48 EDT 2006
I went through this forums about jbpm Asynchronous continuations and fork.
i think i already understand the definition of the "Asynchronous and Fork" in jbpm.
Now, the problem i want to ask is the same as most of the users want to know:
start state -->fork -->A and B task node-->join --> end.
Now, i need to make the actions within A and B task to be executed parally(from computing point of view).
For jbpm3.1, what is the best way to implement this requirement?
(My enviroment is JBossAS. So, threads must be managed by JbossAs itself.)
I have a rough idea in my mind, please comment:
(1)define both A and B as async="true". I think this is most for transaction management purpose. (not for parallel computing)
Because jbpm build-in asynchronous messaging stores the command messages in JBPM_MESSAGE table, and CommandExecutor is designed to read the messages from the JBPM_MESSAGE table using seperate thread, THIS is not acceptable in jbossAS enviroment unless i implement JMX bean to adapter the CommandExecutor.
(2)Based on above analysis, it seems that it is easier for me to implement the async myself in the task-node action by sending JMS message to JMS Queue and then i have messag driven bean (MDB) which is listening on the queue. Once one MDB instance read a message, it start corresponding tasks. At this point, i feel a bit blur because i am not sure what kind of info needed to passed to the MDB. (maybe i can refer to the JBPM_MESSAGE table).
(3)what functions i needed to implement/code in the message driven bean? Especially, what functions i must to code to maintain the jbpm context(jbpm related information)?
please help & comment
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