[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: how to support treecache transaction in CMT

confuz do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Aug 20 23:46:07 EDT 2006

"bstansberry at jboss.com" wrote : That looks like it should work.  The cache should be participating in the tx as a Synchronization, and when the tx rolls back, the cache modifications should roll back.
  | What specifically do you do in "cacheoperation"?

the session bean method will invoke this method. forgive for the disorder code.

  |     public String checkAccess(String key1) throws Exception {
  |     	String key = key1.substring(0,2);
  |     	String value = key1;
  |     	String command = key1.substring(2,5);
  |     	TreeCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache();
  |     		if("add".equals(command)){
  |     			Address add = ((Person)cache.get("/test/p1","p1")).getAddress();
  |     			add.setCity(value);		
  |     			cache.put("/test/a1","a1" ,add);
  |     			if("pp".equals(key)){
  |     				System.out.println("Gettttttttttttttbefore:a1=" + cache.get("/test/a1","a1"));
  |     				throw new Exception("throw exception for rollback");
  |     			}
  |     		}
  |     		else{
  |     			boolean inCache = cache.exists("/test/" + key,key);
  |     			boolean inLoader = false;//cache.getCacheLoader().exists(Fqn.fromString("/test/" + key));
  |     			System.out.println("Exists in cache:" + inCache + "     exists in loader:" + inLoader);
  |     			Object o = (cache.get("/test/" + key,key));
  |     			if(o != null)
  |     				value = o.toString();
  |     			System.out.println("Get:" + key + "=" + value);
  |     		}
  |         System.out.println("Gettttttttttttttafter:a1=" + cache.get("/test/a1","a1"));
  |         return value;
  |     }

  | 	public static synchronized TreeCache getCache(){
  | 		if(CACHE != null) return CACHE;
  | 		initCache();
  | 		return CACHE;
  | 	}
  |     private static void initCache(){
  |     	try{
  |     		CACHE = new TreeCache();
  |     		PropertyConfigurator pc = new PropertyConfigurator();
  |     		pc.configure(CACHE, "tree-service.xml");
  |     		CACHE.startService();
  |     		Person p1 = new Person();
  |     		p1.setName("P1");
  |     		Person p2 = new Person();
  |     		p2.setName("P2");
  |     		Address add = new Address();
  |     		add.setCity("SZ");
  |     		add.setStreet("NR");
  |     		add.setZip(3009884);
  |     		p1.setAddress(add);
  |     		p2.setAddress(add);
  |     		CACHE.put("/test/p1","p1", p1);
  |     		CACHE.put("/test/p2", "p2", p2);
  |     		CACHE.put("/test/a1", "a1",add);
  |         	}
  |         	catch(Exception e){
  |         		e.printStackTrace();
  |         	} 
  |     }

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