[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JSR -181 Start with WSDL and Java
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Aug 24 01:47:04 EDT 2006
Alright i have been having a bit of a play with my classes as one of my web services was behaving in what can only be described as an interesting maner.
I am looking at the generated wsdl from my soap class and it works fine as per the listing below. but if i change the method name of getResult to getResult1 it seperates out the elements into two difference schemas. See below.
I would not have expected the change to the method name to have any effect on the actual wsdl ( given the name paramaters are specified). it does seem a little fragile.
@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://cs_dev.test/aua/User")
| @SOAPBinding(
| style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC,
| use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL,
| parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
| public class AuUserWs {
| private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AuUserWs.class);
| @WebMethod(operationName = "GetAuUserRole")
| @WebResult(name = "Userrole")
| public AuUserRole getResult(
| @WebParam(name = "AuNumber") int pAuNumber,
| @WebParam(name = "RoleCode") String pRoleCode,
| @WebParam(name = "Location") String pLocation
| ) throws DataBaseException, AuaSystemException {
| return null;
| }
| @WebMethod(operationName = "GetAuUserRoles")
| @WebResult(name = "Userroles")
| public AuUserRole[] getResults(
| @WebParam(name = "AuNumber")int _pAuNumber
| ) throws DataBaseException, AuaSystemException {
| return null;
| }
| }
| <schema elementFormDefault='qualified' targetNamespace='http://cs_dev.test/aua/User' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:soap11-enc='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:tns='http://cs_dev.test/aua/User' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
| <complexType name='AuUserRole'>
| <sequence>
| <element name='auNumber' type='int'/>
| <element name='dateEntered' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='dateLastModified' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='delegation' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='deleted' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='disabled' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='expiryDate' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='facility' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='lastModifiedBy' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='locationCode' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='notes' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='priorityOrder' type='int'/>
| <element name='roleCode' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='roleType' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='soleSignatory' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='startDate' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| </sequence>
| </complexType>
| <complexType name='AuUserRole.Array'>
| <sequence>
| <element maxOccurs='unbounded' minOccurs='0' name='value' nillable='true' type='tns:AuUserRole'/>
| </sequence>
| </complexType>
| <complexType name='AuaSystemException'>
| <sequence/>
| </complexType>
| <complexType name='DataBaseException'>
| <sequence/>
| </complexType>
| <element name='AuaSystemException' type='tns:AuaSystemException'/>
| <element name='DataBaseException' type='tns:DataBaseException'/>
| </schema>
| </type>
| @WebService(targetNamespace = "http://cs_dev.test/aua/User")
| @SOAPBinding(
| style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC,
| use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL,
| parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
| public class AuUserWs {
| private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AuUserWs.class);
| @WebMethod(operationName = "GetAuUserRole")
| @WebResult(name = "Userrole")
| public AuUserRole getResult1(
| @WebParam(name = "AuNumber") int pAuNumber,
| @WebParam(name = "RoleCode") String pRoleCode,
| @WebParam(name = "Location") String pLocation
| ) throws DataBaseException, AuaSystemException {
| return null;
| }
| /**
| *
| * @param _pAuNumber int
| * @return AuUserRole[]
| * @throws DataBaseException
| */
| @WebMethod(operationName = "GetAuUserRoles")
| @WebResult(name = "Userroles")
| public AuUserRole[] getResults(
| @WebParam(name = "AuNumber")int _pAuNumber
| ) throws DataBaseException, AuaSystemException {
| return null;
| }
| }
| <types>
| <schema elementFormDefault='qualified' targetNamespace='http://dto.aua.server.chw/jaws' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:ns1='http://cs_dev.test/aua/User' xmlns:soap11-enc='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:tns='http://dto.aua.server.chw/jaws' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
| <import namespace='http://cs_dev.test/aua/User'/>
| <complexType name='AuUserRole'>
| <sequence>
| <element name='auNumber' type='int'/>
| <element name='dateEntered' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='dateLastModified' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='delegation' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='deleted' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='disabled' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='expiryDate' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='facility' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='lastModifiedBy' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='locationCode' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='notes' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='priorityOrder' type='int'/>
| <element name='roleCode' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='roleType' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='soleSignatory' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='startDate' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| </sequence>
| </complexType>
| </schema>
| <schema elementFormDefault='qualified' targetNamespace='http://cs_dev.test/aua/User' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:ns2='http://dto.aua.server.chw/jaws' xmlns:soap11-enc='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:tns='http://cs_dev.test/aua/User' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
| <import namespace='http://dto.aua.server.chw/jaws'/>
| <complexType name='AuUserRole'>
| <sequence>
| <element name='auNumber' type='int'/>
| <element name='dateEntered' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='dateLastModified' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='delegation' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='deleted' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='disabled' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='expiryDate' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='facility' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='lastModifiedBy' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='locationCode' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='notes' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='priorityOrder' type='int'/>
| <element name='roleCode' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='roleType' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='soleSignatory' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| <element name='startDate' nillable='true' type='string'/>
| </sequence>
| </complexType>
| <complexType name='AuUserRole.Array'>
| <sequence>
| <element maxOccurs='unbounded' minOccurs='0' name='value' nillable='true' type='ns2:AuUserRole'/>
| </sequence>
| </complexType>
| <complexType name='AuaSystemException'>
| <sequence/>
| </complexType>
| <complexType name='DataBaseException'>
| <sequence/>
| </complexType>
| <element name='AuaSystemException' type='tns:AuaSystemException'/>
| <element name='DataBaseException' type='tns:DataBaseException'/>
| </schema>
| </types>
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