[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - OutOfMemoryException

matabo do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Aug 24 02:55:19 EDT 2006

We are using Jbosscache in production. The environment is:

-two weblogic 7 instances on two different machines (SUN and HP)

-Jdk 1.3.1

-JBosscache 1.2.3

-Jgroups 2.2.8-jdk-1.3

We don't use transactions and eviction policy. Object lifecycle is managed by our application. Synchronous replication. We use only Treecache objects. No use of AOP. The JBosscache configuration file is:

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <!-- ===================================================================== -->
  | <!--                                                                       -->
  | <!--  Sample TreeCache Service Configuration                               -->
  | <!--                                                                       -->
  | <!-- ===================================================================== -->
  | <server>
  |     <!--
  |     <classpath codebase="./lib" archives="jboss-cache.jar, jgroups.jar"/>
  |     -->
  |     <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  |     <!-- Defines TreeCache configuration                                      -->
  |     <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  |     <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.TreeCache"
  |         name="jboss.cache:service=TreeCache">
  |         <depends>jboss:service=Naming</depends>
  |         <depends>jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
  |         <!--
  |         Configure the TransactionManager
  |     -->
  |         <attribute name="TransactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.GenericTransactionManagerLookup</attribute>
  |         <!--
  |             Isolation level : SERIALIZABLE
  |                               REPEATABLE_READ (default)
  |                               READ_COMMITTED
  |                               READ_UNCOMMITTED
  |                               NONE
  |         -->
  |         <attribute name="IsolationLevel">REPEATABLE_READ</attribute>
  |         <!--
  |              Valid modes are LOCAL, REPL_ASYNC and REPL_SYNC
  |         -->
  |         <attribute name="CacheMode">REPL_SYNC</attribute>
  |         <!--
  |         Just used for async repl: use a replication queue
  |         -->
  |         <attribute name="UseReplQueue">true</attribute>
  |         <!--
  |             Replication interval for replication queue (in ms)
  |         -->
  |         <attribute name="ReplQueueInterval">100</attribute>
  |         <!--
  |             Max number of elements which trigger replication
  |         -->
  |         <attribute name="ReplQueueMaxElements">10</attribute>
  |         <!-- Name of cluster. Needs to be the same for all clusters, in order
  |              to find each other
  |         -->
  |         <!-- <attribute name="ClusterName">TreeCache-Cluster</attribute> -->
  |         <!-- JGroups protocol stack properties. Can also be a URL,
  |              e.g. file:/home/bela/default.xml
  |            <attribute name="ClusterProperties"></attribute>
  |         -->
  |         <attribute name="ClusterConfig">
  |             <config>
  |                 <!-- UDP: if you have a multihomed machine,
  |                 set the bind_addr attribute to the appropriate NIC IP address, e.g bind_addr=""
  |                 -->
  |                 <!-- UDP: On Windows machines, because of the media sense feature
  |                  being broken with multicast (even after disabling media sense)
  |                  set the loopback attribute to true; porta mcast originale:48866
  |                  indirizzo mcast originale: -->
  |                 <UDP mcast_addr="" mcast_port="48866" bind_addr=""
  |                     ip_ttl="64" ip_mcast="true" 
  |                     mcast_send_buf_size="150000" mcast_recv_buf_size="80000"
  |                     ucast_send_buf_size="150000" ucast_recv_buf_size="80000"
  |                     loopback="false"/>
  |                 <PING timeout="2000" num_initial_members="3"
  |                     up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
  |                 <MERGE2 min_interval="10000" max_interval="20000"/>
  |                 <!--        <FD shun="true" up_thread="true" down_thread="true" />-->
  |                 <FD_SOCK/>
  |                 <VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500"
  |                     up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
  |                 <pbcast.NAKACK gc_lag="50" retransmit_timeout="600,1200,2400,4800"
  |                     max_xmit_size="8192" up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
  |                 <UNICAST timeout="600,1200,2400" window_size="100" min_threshold="10"
  |                     down_thread="false"/>
  |                 <pbcast.STABLE desired_avg_gossip="20000"
  |                     up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
  |                 <FRAG frag_size="8192"
  |                     down_thread="false" up_thread="false"/>
  |                 <pbcast.GMS join_timeout="5000" join_retry_timeout="2000"
  |                     shun="true" print_local_addr="true"/>
  |                 <pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER up_thread="true" down_thread="true"/>
  |             </config>
  |         </attribute>
  |         <!--
  |         Whether or not to fetch state on joining a cluster
  |        -->
  |         <attribute name="FetchStateOnStartup">true</attribute>
  |         <!--
  |             The max amount of time (in milliseconds) we wait until the
  |             initial state (ie. the contents of the cache) are retrieved from
  |             existing members in a clustered environment
  |         -->
  |         <attribute name="InitialStateRetrievalTimeout">30000</attribute>
  |         <!--
  |             Number of milliseconds to wait until all responses for a
  |             synchronous call have been received.
  |         -->
  |         <attribute name="SyncReplTimeout">15000</attribute>
  |         <!-- Max number of milliseconds to wait for a lock acquisition -->
  |         <attribute name="LockAcquisitionTimeout">10000</attribute>
  |         <!-- Name of the eviction policy class. -->
  |         <attribute name="EvictionPolicyClass"></attribute>
  |        <!--
  |           Indicate whether to use marshalling or not. Set this to true if you are running under a scoped
  |           class loader, e.g., inside an application server. Default is "false".
  |        -->
  |         <attribute name="UseMarshalling">true</attribute>
  |        <!--
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderClass">org.jboss.cache.loader.bdbje.BdbjeCacheLoader</attribute>
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderConfig">
  |          location=c:\\tmp\\bdbje
  |        </attribute>
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderShared">true</attribute>
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderPreload">/</attribute>
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderPassivation">false</attribute>
  |        -->
  |        <!--
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderClass">org.jboss.cache.loader.FileCacheLoader</attribute>
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderConfig">
  |          location=c:\\tmp
  |        </attribute>
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderShared">true</attribute>
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderPreload">/</attribute>
  |        <attribute name="CacheLoaderPassivation">false</attribute>
  |        -->
  |     </mbean>
  |    <!--  Uncomment to get a graphical view of the TreeCache MBean above -->
  |    <!--   <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.TreeCacheView" name="jboss.cache:service=TreeCacheView">-->
  |    <!--      <depends>jboss.cache:service=TreeCache</depends>-->
  |    <!--      <attribute name="CacheService">jboss.cache:service=TreeCache</attribute>-->
  |    <!--   </mbean>-->
  | </server>

We are facing the following problems:

1) from time to time the Weblogic "freezes" (speaking BEA language: no answer - no remote exception, nothing at all - from a t3 call). 
We hope that this problem will disappear when we'll migrate to JBosscache 1.4.0/weblogic 9.1/jdk 1.5

2) OutOfMemory exception. Everything works fine for a few days, then we see many FULL garbage collection, then memory explodes. 
Our application has a sort of "periodic load": many user connect at morning, a few disconnect during lunch time, then they reconnect in the afternoon , then they disconnect on evening. During night we clean eveything (and from what we see, we are almost sure  to clean). 

We made a lot of stress test, but we've never seen this kind of problems during them. 

We are trying to investigate the OOM problem, but I would like to know if our JBosscache configuration file could be responsible for memory troubles (i read something about FC fast - messaging related to memory trouble...).


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