[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Help with application scope bean
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 13 20:05:06 EST 2006
I am a newbie with Seam and am trying to convert my JSF application to use Seam without ejb3.
I have an application scoped action object, which initialized a map of javabeans from the database, as below:
| @Name("appManager")
| @Scope(ScopeType.APPLICATION)
| @Startup
| public class GAHostAppManagedAction {
| @In
| private Session session;
| @Logger
| private Log log;
| private Map<String, List<Items>> hostAppsByHostName;
| public List<SelectItem> getHostList() {
| ... this instantiate and initialized a list SelectItem, containing String of host
| }
| @Create
| public void init() {
| ... get a list of Items and populate it to the map
| }
| }
Here is my home.xhtml code snippet:
| <h:form>
| <h3>Please enter your name and password:</h3>
| <h:panelGrid columns="2">
| Name: <h:inputText value="#{user.userName}"/>
| Password: <h:inputSecret value="#{user.userPassword}"/>
| Host:
| <h:selectOneMenu value="#{hostapp.host}">
| <a4j:support action="#{hostapp.hostChanged}" event="onchange" reRender="applist" limitToList="true" ajaxSingle="true" requestDelay="20"/>
| <f:selectItems value="#{appManager.hostList}"/>
| </h:selectOneMenu>
| Application
| <h:selectOneMenu id="applist" value="#{hostapp.id}">
| <f:selectItems value="#{appManager.appList}"/>
| </h:selectOneMenu>
| </h:panelGrid>
| <br/>
| <h:commandButton action="#{login.login}" value="Login"/>
| </h:form>
It doesn't seem to work. I got the following exception when hitting the page home.jsf:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value binding '#{appManager.hostList}'of UISelectItems with component-path {Component-Path : [Class: org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot,ViewId: /home.xhtml][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: _id2][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid,Id: _id4][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu,Id: _id10][Class: javax.faces.component.UISelectItems,Id: _id12]} does not reference an Object of type SelectItem, SelectItem[], Collection or Map but of type : null
| at org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.util.SelectItemsIterator.hasNext(SelectItemsIterator.java:144)
| at org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.RendererUtils.internalGetSelectItemList(RendererUtils.java:414)
| at org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.RendererUtils.getSelectItemList(RendererUtils.java:392)
Can any of you let me know what I did wrong?
Sorry, I am still trying to get familiar with Seam concepts and might have missed something.
Thanks a lot.
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