[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: NullpointerException at ProcessInstance.signal()

bdepaz do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jul 18 03:10:43 EDT 2006


The pi - process was a typo indeed, sorry about that :-)

However, you set me on the right path in order to find my error: basically i took the sample database unit test from the userguide and just copied my custom code in that until I noticed any difference. 

What I did wrong: I neglected to call the jbpmContext.save() and jbpmContext.close() method in my business methods. I did this because I previously stumbled upon some transaction conflicts running in J2EE environment. I assumed these were not necessairy when running with JTA enabled. 
Presumably, I was wrong :-)

I beleive that was the main cause of my error here.

Thanks for your time!

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