[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Stale Session Objects ? DataModelSelection Problems
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Mon Jul 24 13:22:13 EDT 2006
JBoss 4.0.4.GA
JBoss Seam 1.0.1 GA
I am having issues dealing with 1 to many relationships and DataModelSelection, in that
session data i think, doesn't seem to be cleared, this issue happens sporadically, i am looking for a pattern to see when it fails.
Basically, I have a set of rate objects that i can add for a contractor's page
This is the vew
anonymous wrote :
| <c:choose>
| <c:when test='${ratesPageManager.rates == null or ratesPageManager.rowCount == 0}'>
| Empty Rates
| </c:when>
| <c:otherwise>
| <h:dataTable value="#{ratesPageManager.rates}" var="item" rendered="#{ratesPageManager.rowCount>0}" rowClasses="rvgRowOne,rvgRowTwo">
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Duration"/></f:facet>
| <h:outputText value="#{item.duration}"/>
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Unit"/></f:facet>
| <h:outputText value="#{item.unit}"/>
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Currency"/></f:facet>
| <h:outputText value="#{item.currency}"/>
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Cost"/></f:facet>
| <h:outputText value="#{item.cost}"/>
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">Action</f:facet>
| <h:commandLink action="#{ratesPageManager.deleteRate}">Delete</h:commandLink>
| </h:column>
| </h:dataTable>
| </c:otherwise>
| </c:choose>
| <h:form>
| <h:outputLabel for="duration">Duration:</h:outputLabel>
| <h:selectOneMenu id="duration" value="#{rate.duration}"><f:selectItems value="#{ratesManager.durations}"/></h:selectOneMenu>
| <h:outputLabel for="unit">Unit:</h:outputLabel>
| <h:selectOneMenu id="unit" value="#{rate.unit}"><f:selectItems value="#{ratesManager.units}"/></h:selectOneMenu>
| <h:outputLabel for="currency">Currency:</h:outputLabel>
| <h:selectOneMenu id="currency" value="#{rate.currency}"><f:selectItems value="#{ratesManager.currencys}"/></h:selectOneMenu>
| <h:outputLabel for="cost">Cost:</h:outputLabel>
| <h:selectOneMenu id="cost" value="#{rate.cost}"><f:selectItems value="#{ratesManager.costs}"/></h:selectOneMenu>
| <h:commandButton value="Add Rate" action="#{ratesPageManager.addRate}" class="button"/>
| </h:form>
For the Session bean behind this
anonymous wrote :
| @Stateful
| @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
| @Name("ratesPageManager")
| @Interceptors(SeamInterceptor.class)
| @LoggedIn
| public class RatesPageManagerBean implements RatesPageManager {
| private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RatesPageManagerBean.class.getName());
| @In
| @Out
| @Valid
| private User user;
| @In
| @Out
| @Valid
| private Profile profile;
| @In(required = false)
| @Out
| @Valid
| private RatesPage ratesPage;
| @PersistenceContext
| private EntityManager em;
| @In
| private transient FacesContext facesContext;
| @DataModel
| private List rates = new ArrayList();
| @Out(required=false)
| @DataModelSelection
| private Rate selectedRate;
| @In(required = false, create = true)
| @Out(required=false)
| private Rate rate;
| public Rate getRate() {
| return rate;
| }
| public void setRate(Rate rate) {
| this.rate = rate;
| }
| @IfInvalid(outcome = REDISPLAY)
| public String create() {
| if (profile.getRatesPage() == null) {
| em.persist(ratesPage);
| profile.setRatesPage(ratesPage);
| profile = em.merge(profile);
| return "viewRatesPage";
| } else {
| facesContext.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("RatesPage already exists"));
| return "viewProfile";
| }
| }
| public String select() {
| profile = user.getProfile();
| ratesPage = profile.getRatesPage();
| rates.clear();
| rates.addAll(ratesPage.getRates());
| clearRatesOnDisplay();
| return "viewRatesPage";
| }
| private boolean isUnSet(Rate rateToCheck) {
| boolean isOk = (
| (rateToCheck.getCost() == 0) || (rateToCheck.getCurrency().equals("-")) ||
| (rateToCheck.getDuration() == 0) || (rateToCheck.getUnit().equals("-"))
| );
| log.info("Rate check:: cost=" + rateToCheck.getCost() + " currency=" +rateToCheck.getCurrency()
| + " duration=" + rateToCheck.getDuration() + " unit=" + rateToCheck.getUnit());
| return isOk;
| }
| public String addRate() {
| log.info("addRate() called");
| if(isUnSet(rate)) {
| log.warn("Failed rates check");
| rate = null;
| facesContext.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Please enter rates"));
| return "viewRatesPage";
| }
| log.info("trying to add rate ..");
| rate.setRatesPage(ratesPage);
| em.persist(rate);
| ratesPage.addRate(rate);
| ratesPage = em.merge(ratesPage);
| profile = em.merge(profile);
| log.info("Persisted! and trying to remove");
| clearRatesOnDisplay();
| return select();
| }
| public String deleteRate() {
| log.info("deleteRate() called, removing " + selectedRate);
| rates.remove(selectedRate);
| ratesPage.removeRate(selectedRate);
| em.remove(selectedRate);
| clearRatesOnDisplay();
| return "viewRatesPage";
| }
| public List getRates() {
| log.info("getRates() called size = " + this.rates.size());
| return this.rates;
| }
| public void setRates(List in) {
| this.rates = in;
| }
| public int getRowCount() {
| return this.rates.size();
| }
| public String delete() {
| profile.setGalleryPage(null);
| em.remove(ratesPage);
| profile = em.merge(profile);
| return "viewProfile";
| }
| @IfInvalid(outcome = REDISPLAY)
| public String edit() {
| ratesPage = em.merge(ratesPage);
| return "viewRatesPage";
| }
| @Destroy
| @Remove
| public void destroy() {
| }
| private void clearRatesOnDisplay() {
| Contexts.getPageContext().remove("rate");
| rate = null;
| selectedRate = null;
| }
The rate object which forms the many side of the relationship
anonymous wrote :
| @Entity
| @Name("rate")
| @Scope(SESSION)
| public class Rate implements Serializable {
| protected int Id = 0;
| protected int duration = 0;
| protected String unit = null;
| protected String currency = null;
| protected int cost = 0;
| protected RatesPage ratesPage = null;
| @Id
| @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
| public int getId() {
| return Id;
| }
| public void setId(int id) {
| Id = id;
| }
| @NotNull
| public int getDuration() {
| return duration;
| }
| public void setDuration(int duration) {
| this.duration = duration;
| }
| @NotNull
| public String getUnit() {
| return unit;
| }
| public void setUnit(String unit) {
| this.unit = unit;
| }
| @NotNull
| public String getCurrency() {
| return currency;
| }
| public void setCurrency(String currency) {
| this.currency = currency;
| }
| @NotNull
| public int getCost() {
| return cost;
| }
| public void setCost(int cost) {
| this.cost = cost;
| }
| @ManyToOne
| @JoinColumn(name = "RATES_PAGE_ID")
| public RatesPage getRatesPage() {
| return ratesPage;
| }
| public void setRatesPage(RatesPage ratesPage) {
| this.ratesPage = ratesPage;
| }
| public boolean equals(Object o) {
| if (this == o) return true;
| if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
| final Rate rate = (Rate) o;
| if (Id != rate.Id) return false;
| if (cost != rate.cost) return false;
| if (duration != rate.duration) return false;
| if (currency != null ? !currency.equals(rate.currency) : rate.currency != null) return false;
| if (ratesPage != null ? !ratesPage.equals(rate.ratesPage) : rate.ratesPage != null) return false;
| if (unit != null ? !unit.equals(rate.unit) : rate.unit != null) return false;
| return true;
| }
| public int hashCode() {
| int result;
| result = Id;
| result = 29 * result + duration;
| result = 29 * result + (unit != null ? unit.hashCode() : 0);
| result = 29 * result + (currency != null ? currency.hashCode() : 0);
| result = 29 * result + cost;
| result = 29 * result + (ratesPage != null ? ratesPage.hashCode() : 0);
| return result;
| }
| public String toString() {
| StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
| buffer.append("Id=").append(Id);
| buffer.append(" Duration=").append(duration);
| buffer.append(" Unit=").append(unit);
| buffer.append(" Currency=").append(currency);
| buffer.append(" Cost=").append(cost);
| // buffer.append(" RatesPageId=").append(ratesPage.getId());
| return buffer.toString();
| }
| }
What happens is that the debug server log will show an old rate, perhaps the
previous one add or that exists in the session and displays
anonymous wrote :
| 2006-07-24 18:07:50,055 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.Component] selected row: Id=39 Duration=1 Unit=Week Currency=$ Cost=150
I added the clearRatesOnDisplay method to nullify any existence of state, in
an attempt to ensure that the select menus in the view are cleaned.
Any ideas people?
TIA Krypt
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