[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - How to use the Example Database?

JimKnopf do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Nov 7 08:15:24 EST 2006

Hi, I am new in Jbpm and still at learning it.

How can i use the Database from the Starter-Kit-Example from my own test-code?

I allready wrote a little Code to deploy some Process-Definitions and get all of them from the Engine (they are not persistent).
Now I want to but them in the Database so that i can use the Web-Application from the Starter-Kit to test and monitoring them. But I don`t know how to do that (I allready read the manual and even Chapter 7-9).

  | 		ArcaViaController avc = ArcaViaController.getInstance();
  | 		String processDefinition = "<process-definition name='Timos die erste'>" +
  | 		    	      "  <start-state>" +
  | 		    	      "    <transition to='Timo 1' />" +
  | 		    	      "  </start-state>" +
  | 		    	      "  <state name='Timo 1'>" +
  | 		    	      "    <transition to='Timo 2' />" +
  | 		    	      "  </state>" +
  | 		    	      "  <state name='Timo 2'>" +
  | 		    	      "    <transition to='end' />" +
  | 		    	      "  </state>" +
  | 		    	      "  <end-state name='end' />" +
  | 		    	      "</process-definition>";
  | 		avc.deploy( processDefinition );		
  | 		processDefinition = "<process-definition name='hello world'>" +
  | 	      "  <start-state>" +
  | 	      "    <transition to='s' />" +
  | 	      "  </start-state>" +
  | 	      "  <state name='s'>" +
  | 	      "    <transition to='end' />" +
  | 	      "  </state>" +
  | 	      "  <end-state name='end' />" +
  | 	      "</process-definition>";
  | 		avc.deploy( processDefinition );
  | 		for( Object o : avc.getProcessDefinitions() ){
  | 			System.err.println( o );
  | 		}
  | 		System.err.println(avc.getLatestProcessDefinition("hello world"));
  | 		avc.commitAndCloseSession();

The config-file i am using is the default config-file

  | <project name="jbpm.deploy" basedir="." default="create.jbpm.configuration">
  |   <description>jbpm deployment build file</description>
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <!-- === PROPERTIES === -->
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <property file="${user.home}/jbpm/build/build.local.properties" />
  |   <property file="build.properties" />
  |   <!-- ================= -->
  |   <!-- === CLASSPATH === -->
  |   <!-- ================= -->
  |   <path id="classpath.ant">
  |     <pathelement path="build/classes.identity" />
  |     <pathelement path="build/classes.jbpm" />
  |     <pathelement path="build/classes.webapp" />
  |     <pathelement path="src/config.files" />
  |     <fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar" />
  |   </path>
  |   <path id="classpath.hsqldb">
  |     <fileset dir="${jboss.home}/server/default/lib" includes="hsqldb.jar" /> 
  |   </path>
  |   <!-- ============= -->
  |   <!-- === CLEAN === -->
  |   <!-- ============= -->
  |   <target name="delete.jbpm.configuration" description="removes the jbpm configuration from jboss">
  |     <delete dir="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm" />
  |     <delete dir="${jboss.home}/server/data" />
  |     <delete dir="${jboss.home}/server/log" />
  |     <delete dir="${jboss.home}/server/tmp" />
  |     <delete dir="${jboss.home}/server/work" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="clean" description="removes all generated files">
  |     <delete dir="build" />
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- ============== -->
  |   <!-- === SERVER === -->
  |   <!-- ============== -->
  |   <target name="create.db" depends="declare.jbpm.tasks, db.clean, db.start" description="creates a hypersonic database with the jbpm tables and loads the processes in there">
  |     <jbpmschema actions="create" 
  |                 cfg="${basedir}/src/config.files/hibernate.cfg.xml" 
  |                 properties="${basedir}/src/resources/hsqldb/create.db.hibernate.properties"/> 
  |     <loadidentities file="${basedir}/src/resources/hsqldb/identity.db.xml"
  |                 cfg="${basedir}/src/config.files/hibernate.cfg.xml" 
  |                 properties="${basedir}/src/resources/hsqldb/create.db.hibernate.properties"/> 
  |     <ant antfile="build.xml" target="build.processes" inheritall="false" /> 
  |     <deployprocess cfg="${basedir}/src/config.files/hibernate.cfg.xml" 
  |                    properties="${basedir}/src/resources/hsqldb/create.db.hibernate.properties">
  |       <fileset dir="build" includes="*.process" />
  |     </deployprocess>
  |     <antcall target="db.stop" /> 
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="create.jbpm.configuration" depends="delete.jbpm.configuration, build.webapp, build.service.archive, create.db" description="creates a jbpm configuration">
  |     <mkdir dir="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm" />
  |     <copy todir="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm">
  |       <fileset dir="${jboss.home}/server/${jboss.source.configuration}">
  |         <exclude name="data/**" />
  |         <exclude name="log/**" />
  |         <exclude name="tmp/**" />
  |         <exclude name="work/**" />
  |         <exclude name="jms/jbossmq-destination-service.xml" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/jboss-aop.deployer/**" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/jboss-ws4ee.sar/**" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/management/**" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/bsh-deployer.xml" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/jboss-ha-local-jdbc.rar" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/jboss-ha-xa-jdbc.rar" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/jboss-ha-local-jdbc.rar" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/mail*" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/monitoring-service.xml" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/properties-service.xml" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/schedule*" />
  |         <exclude name="deploy/uuid-key-generator.sar" />
  |       </fileset>
  |     </copy>
  |     <!-- copy the prefabricated resources -->
  |     <copy todir="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm" overwrite="true">
  |       <fileset dir="src/resources/jboss-${jboss.version}" />
  |     </copy>
  |     <!-- deploy the jbpm service archive -->
  |     <ant antfile="build.xml" target="build" inheritall="false" /> 
  |     <mkdir dir="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm/deploy/jbpm.sar" />
  |     <unzip src="build/jbpm.sar" dest="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm/deploy/jbpm.sar" />
  |     <!-- deploy the jbpm web application -->
  |     <antcall target="build.webapp" /> 
  |     <copy todir="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm/deploy" file="build/jbpm.war" />
  |     <!-- copy the jbpm database -->
  |     <mkdir dir="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm/data/hypersonic" />
  |     <copy todir="${jboss.home}/server/jbpm/data/hypersonic">
  |       <fileset dir="build/db" />
  |     </copy>
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="redeploy">
  |   	<antcall target="stop.jboss" />
  |   	<sleep seconds="5" />
  |   	<antcall target="create.jbpm.configuration" />
  |     <exec  dir="${jboss.home}/bin" 
  |           executable="${jboss.home}/bin/run.bat" 
  |           os="Windows XP, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT" > 
  |       <arg line="-c jbpm" /> 
  |     </exec> 
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- ============= -->
  |   <!-- === BUILD === -->
  |   <!-- ============= -->
  |   <target name="build.webapp" description="builds jbpm.war">
  |     <ant antfile="build.xml" target="build.webapp" /> 
  |     <mkdir dir="build/jbpm.war.dir" /> 
  |     <copy todir="build/jbpm.war.dir">
  |       <fileset dir="src/resources/jbpm.war" /> 
  |     </copy> 
  |     <copy todir="build/jbpm.war.dir/WEB-INF/lib">
  |       <fileset dir="build" includes="jbpm-webapp-${jbpm.version}.jar" /> 
  |       <fileset dir="lib/jsf" includes="*.jar" />
  |       <fileset dir="lib/dom4j" includes="*.jar" />
  |       <fileset dir="lib/hibernate" includes="jaxen-*.jar" />
  |       <fileset dir="lib/commons" includes="commons-digester-*.jar, commons-beanutils-*.jar, commons-fileupload-*.jar" />
  |     </copy> 
  |     <jar destfile="build/jbpm.war">
  |       <fileset dir="build/jbpm.war.dir" />
  |     </jar> 
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="build.service.archive" description="builds jbpm.sar">
  |     <ant antfile="build.xml" target="build.service.archive" /> 
  |   </target> 
  |   <!-- ============== -->
  |   <!-- === DEPLOY === -->
  |   <!-- ============== -->
  |   <target name="deploy.webapp" depends="build.webapp" description="deploys the jbpm webapp">
  |     <ant antfile="build.xml" target="build.jbpm" /> 
  |     <get dest="build/deployresult.html" src="http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&amp;name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&amp;methodName=redeploy&amp;argType=java.net.URL&amp;arg0=file://${basedir}/build/jbpm.war" /> 
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="undeploy.webapp" description="undeploys the jbpm webapp">
  |     <get dest="build/undeployresult.html" src="http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&amp;name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&amp;methodName=undeploy&amp;argType=java.net.URL&amp;arg0=file://${basedir}/build/jbpm.war" /> 
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="deploy.service.archive" depends="build.service.archive" description="deploys jbpm.sar">
  |     <get dest="build/deployresult.html" src="http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&amp;name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&amp;methodName=redeploy&amp;argType=java.net.URL&amp;arg0=file://${basedir}/build/jbpm.sar" /> 
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="undeploy.service.archive" description="undeploys the service archive">
  |     <get dest="build/undeployresult.html" src="http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&amp;name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&amp;methodName=undeploy&amp;argType=java.net.URL&amp;arg0=file://${basedir}/build/jbpm.sar" /> 
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="deploy.processes" depends="declare.jbpm.tasks" description="deploys the jbpm processes">
  |     <ant antfile="build.xml" target="build.processes" inheritall="false" /> 
  |     <deployprocess cfg="src/config.files/hibernate.cfg.xml" 
  |                    properties="${basedir}/src/resources/hsqldb/create.db.hibernate.properties">
  |       <fileset dir="build" includes="*.process" />
  |     </deployprocess>
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- =========== -->
  |   <!-- === RUN === -->
  |   <!-- =========== -->
  |   <target name="start.jboss" depends="declare.jbpm.tasks">
  |     <startjboss configuration="jbpm" /> 
  |   </target> 
  |   <target name="stop.jboss" depends="declare.jbpm.tasks">
  |     <exec  dir="${jboss.home}/bin" 
  |           executable="${jboss.home}/bin/shutdown.bat" 
  |           os="Windows XP, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT" > 
  |       <arg line="-S" /> 
  |     </exec> 
  |   </target> 
  |   <property name="hsqldb.database" value="${basedir}/build/db/localDB" /> 
  |   <property name="hsqldb.port" value="1701" /> 
  |   <target name="db.start" depends="declare.jbpm.tasks">
  |     <starthsqldb lib="${jboss.home}/server/default/lib/hsqldb.jar" 
  |                  database="${hsqldb.database}" 
  |                  port="${hsqldb.port}" /> 
  |   </target> 
  |   <target name="db.start.mgr">
  |     <java classname="org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager" fork="true">
  |       <classpath refid="classpath.hsqldb"/>
  |       <arg line="-url jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:${hsqldb.port}"/> 
  |     </java> 
  |   </target> 
  |   <target name="db.stop">
  |     <java classname="org.hsqldb.util.ShutdownServer" fork="true">
  |       <classpath refid="classpath.hsqldb"/>
  |       <arg line="-url jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:${hsqldb.port} -user sa"/>
  |     </java> 
  |   </target> 
  |   <target name="db.clean">
  |     <delete dir="build/db" /> 
  |     <mkdir dir="build/db" /> 
  |   </target> 
  |   <!-- ================= -->
  |   <!-- TASK DECLARATIONS -->
  |   <!-- ================= -->
  |   <target name="declare.jbpm.tasks">
  |     <ant antfile="build.xml" target="build" /> 
  |     <taskdef file="src/java.jbpm/org/jbpm/ant/jbpm.ant.tasks.properties" format="properties">
  |       <classpath refid="classpath.ant" />
  |     </taskdef>
  |   </target>
  | </project>

Thanks for ur help.

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