[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - lossing of attributes in the request scope of jsf

vadymkarpenko do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Nov 9 07:44:48 EST 2006

   I am playing around with a simple jsf portlet and have stuck on the problem  that managed bean with the scope request lose its attributes and they are not available at the result page. But when I run this application in tomcat lice web app everything is ok.
   Here is some more details :

  |   <navigation-rule>
  |     <from-view-id>/inputname.jsp</from-view-id>
  |     <navigation-case>
  |       <from-action>#{PersonBean.sayHi}</from-action>
  |       <from-outcome>ok</from-outcome>
  |       <to-view-id>/greeting.jsp</to-view-id>
  |     </navigation-case>
  |   </navigation-rule>
  |   <managed-bean>
  |     <managed-bean-name>PersonBean</managed-bean-name>
  |     <managed-bean-class>PersonBean</managed-bean-class>
  |     <managed-bean-scope>request</managed-bean-scope>
  |   </managed-bean>
  | inputname.jsp main part:
  |       <h:form >
  | 	    <h:inputText id="userName" value="#{PersonBean.userName}"/>
  |           <h:commandButton id="submit" action="#{PersonBean.sayHi}"        value="Say Hello" />
  |       </h:form>
  | PersonBean.sayHi :
  |    public String sayHi(){
  |        userName+=" (hello from jsf core)";
  |        return "ok";
  |    }
  | greetings.jsp main part:
  |       <h:outputText value="#{PersonBean.userName}" />!

So when the scope request it works ok like web app but id doesn't when it is working like jsf portlet.

Can anybody explain to me why ? Can this be a bug of jboss portal?

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