[jboss-user] [News & Announcements] - JBoss 5.0.0.Beta1 Released

rrajesh do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Nov 19 22:42:45 EST 2006

JBoss 5.0.0.Beta1 has been released and is available for download on SourceForge at the following URL:


This is the 1st Beta release of the JBoss 5.0.x series for the Java EE? 5 codebase! For information on the APIs that make up Java EE 5, see Java EE APIs & Docs. A tutorial on Java EE 5 can be found here.

    Please note that work on JBoss 5 is ongoing and this Beta release is by definition an unstable one that demonstrates many of the exciting new features of the JBoss Application Server.

A sample Java EE 5 application that can be run on top of JBoss 5.0.0.Beta 1 and demonstrates many interesting technologies is the Seam Booking Application available from SourceForge. This application makes use of the following technologies running on JBoss 5:

    * EJB3
          o Stateful Session Beans
          o Stateless Session Beans
          o JPA (w/ Hibernate validation)
    * JSF
          o Facelets
          o Ajax4JSF
    * Seam


JBoss 5 is the next generation of the JBoss Application Server build on top of the new JBoss Microcontainer. The JBoss Microcontainer is a lightweight container for managing POJOs, their deployment, configuration and lifecycle. It is a standalone project that replaces the famous JBoss JMX Microkernel of the 3.x and 4.x JBoss series. The Microcontainer integrates nicely with the JBoss framework for Aspect Oriented Programming, JBoss AOP. Support for JMX in JBoss 5 remains strong and MBean services written against the old Microkernel are expected to work.

JBoss5 is designed around the advanced concept of a Virtual Deployment Framework (VDF), that takes the aspect oriented design of many of the earlier JBoss containers and applies it to the deployment layer. Aspectized Deployers operate in a chain over a Virtual File System (VFS), analyze deployments and produce metadata to be used by the JBoss Microcontainer, which in turn instantiates and wires together the various pieces of a deployment, controlling their lifecycle and dependencies.

Many key features of JBoss 5 are provided by integrating other standalone JBoss projects:

    * JBoss EJB3 included with JBoss 5 provides the implementation of the latest revision of the Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) specification. EJB 3.0 is a deep overhaul and simplification of the EJB specification. EJB 3.0's goals are to simplify development, facilitate a test driven approach, and focus more on writing plain old java objects (POJOs) rather than coding against complex EJB APIs.
    * JBoss Messaging is a high performance JMS provider in the JBoss Enterprise Middleware Stack (JEMS), included with JBoss 5 as the default messaging provider. It is also the backbone of the JBoss ESB infrastructure. JBoss Messaging is a complete rewrite of JBossMQ, which is the default JMS provider for the JBoss AS 4.x series.
    * JBossCache 2.0 that comes in two flavors. A traditional tree-structured node-based cache and a PojoCache, an in-memory, transactional, and replicated cache system that allows users to operate on simple POJOs transparently without active user management of either replication or persistency aspects.
    * JBossWS 2 is the web services stack for JBoss 5 providing Java EE compatible web services, JAXWS-2.0 and JAXB-2.0.
    * JBoss Transactions is the default transaction manager for JBoss 5. JBoss Transactions is founded on industry proven technology and 18 year history as a leader in distributed transactions, and is one of the most interoperable implementations available.
    * JBoss Web is the Web container in JBoss 5, an implementation based on Apache Tomcat that includes the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and Tomcat native technologies to achieve scalability and performance characteristics that match and exceed the Apache Http server.

JBoss 5 includes numerous features and bug fixes, many of them carried over upstream from the 4.x codebase. See the Detailed Release Notes section for the full details.

Configuration Issues

The directory structure of JBoss 5 resembles that of the 4.x series with some notable differences:

    * bin - start scripts and run.jar
    * client - client jars
    * docs - docs, chemas/dtds, examples
    * lib - core bootstrap jars, somewhat different with the introduction of the microcontainer and breakup of jboss-common.
    * server - the same server configuration dirs.
          o default configuration
                + conf
                      # bootstrap-beans.xml - new mc kernel bootstrap configuration
                      # jax-ws-catalog.xml - oasis catalog driven schema/dtd namespace configuration
                      # jbossjta-properties.xml - new JBossTS properties
                      # jboss-service.xml - legacy static mbeans for compatibility
                      # jndi.properties - the same jndi props
                      # log4j.xml - the same log4j config
                      # login-config.xml - the same jaas login config
                      # props/ - the same default jaas login properties files
                      # standardjaws.xml - obsolete cmp config
                      # standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml - the same cmp2 config
                      # standardjboss.xml - the same ejb2 config
                      # xmdesc/ - legacy xmbean descriptors
                + deploy/ - the same deploy directory, however hot deploy is not currently enabled. Only the jsr88/legacy RMIAdaptor to the MainDeployerMBean is supported for hot deployment.
                + deployers/ - new vdf deployers
                      # aop-mc-int-aspect-beans.xml - aspect/mc integration beans
                      # client-deployer-beans.xml - ee14 client deployer
                      # ear-deployer-beans.xml - ear deployers
                      # ejb3.deployer/ - ejb3 deployers
                      # ejb-deployer-beans.xml - ejb2 deployers
                      # boss-aop-jboss5.deployer/ - aspect deployer
                      # jbossweb.deployer/ - war deployers
                      # jca-deployers-beans.xml - jca deployers
                + lib/ - the same static library jars

Library Updates
JBoss Libraries

    * hibernate, v3.2.1.GA
    * hibernate-annotations, v3.2.0.GA
    * hibernate-entitymanager, v3.2.0.GA
    * javassist, v3.4.GA
    * jboss-aop, 2.0.0.alpha2
    * jboss-backport-concurrent, v2.1.0.GA
    * jboss-cache, v2.0.0.ALPHA1
    * jboss-common-core, v2.0.2.GA
    * jboss-common-logging, v2.0.2.GA
    * jbossxb, 1.0.0.CR7
    * jbossws, 2.0.0.CR2
    * jboss-messaging, 1.0.1.GA
    * jboss-microcontainer, 2.0.0.Beta
    * jboss-remoting, v2.2.0.Alpha2
    * jboss-retro, v1.0.4.GA
    * jbossts, v4.2.2.GA
    * jboss-security, v2.0.0.Beta
    * jboss-serialization, v1.0.3.GA
    * jboss-test, v1.0.0.GA
    * jboss-web, v2.0.0.Beta1

Detailed Release Notes
Includes versions: JBossAS-5.0.0.Beta1
Feature Request

    * [JBAS-810] - Oracle Sequence Create Command (one sequence per table)
    * [JBAS-1091] - Allow ejb timers to persist across server restarts
    * [JBAS-1107] - Add id attribute to module element in jboss-app.dtd
    * [JBAS-1156] - Implement jboss.server.log.dir
    * [JBAS-1290] - HAJNDI implementation
    * [JBAS-1291] - DistributedState (clustering) replacement
    * [JBAS-1293] - AOP HTTP session replication under Tomcat 5
    * [JBAS-1303] - Field replication for session data
    * [JBAS-1365] - Allow arbitrary creation of filters in ListenerServiceMBeanSupport
    * [JBAS-1382] - Externalize the clustering PartitionName setting to a single system property reference
    * [JBAS-1454] - Extend snmp-adaptor and implement a basic MIB-2
    * [JBAS-1460] - Add an option to relax the JaasSecurityDomain certificate validation
    * [JBAS-1473] - Add support for customization of the login module password hash mechanism
    * [JBAS-1494] - Need to expose the filter list for the default Filter implementation on URLDeploymentScanner
    * [JBAS-1558] - HAJNDI should use a thread pool
    * [JBAS-1610] - Integrate jdk5 MXBeans (platform MBeans) to JBoss
    * [JBAS-1698] - Timed Based Eviction Support for cmp2
    * [JBAS-1705] - Implement getFixedRate() and add fixed-rate notification inTimerMBean, as of JMX1.2
    * [JBAS-1722] - Allow for a Principal instance as the Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL in LoginInitialContextFactory
    * [JBAS-1739] - Add default users/roles properties to the UsersRolesLoginModule
    * [JBAS-1809] - Use the jboss.server.lib.url property in the conf/jboss-service.xml classpath
    * [JBAS-1814] - Incorporate JBossLoggingMonitor contribution to varia
    * [JBAS-1818] - New twiddle 'xmbean' command for producing skeleton xmbean descriptors
    * [JBAS-1839] - Need to improve naming debugging
    * [JBAS-1861] - Add more logging of shutdown cause
    * [JBAS-1896] - Disable full class and resource access by default in RMI dynamic class loading service
    * [JBAS-1906] - Allow property references in the login-config.xml application-policy name attribute
    * [JBAS-2048] - Misspell on Transaction Isolation should throw an error in DataSource Configuration
    * [JBAS-2059] - Add ability to include form auth password in error page via FormAuthValve
    * [JBAS-2063] - Add support for embedded login config policy to DynamicLoginConfig
    * [JBAS-2143] - Allow JaasSecurityManagerService to run in single-threaded mode
    * [JBAS-2144] - Scheduled task interval calculated from stop to start instead of start to start
    * [JBAS-2155] - Upgrade Xalan bundle to 2.7.0
    * [JBAS-2180] - Extend the tomcat FormAuthenticator to augment the error/login page info
    * [JBAS-2183] - Create a TimerService wrapper service for configuring javax.management.timer.Timer mbeans
    * [JBAS-2216] - Move sequenceNumber from ServiceMBeanSupport to JBossNotificationBroadcasterSupport
    * [JBAS-2217] - Simple extension of jboss Logger with a log() primitive that maps dynamically to a log level.
    * [JBAS-2218] - Provide basic notification-based fault management
    * [JBAS-2228] - PropertyEditorManagerService should probably use Thread context loader
    * [JBAS-2250] - Cleanup the org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.WrappedStatement
    * [JBAS-2280] - MainDeployer.undeploy(URL) should log warning on unrecognised URL
    * [JBAS-2304] - Support Connection.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency) in prepared statement cache
    * [JBAS-2365] - support for overager-period and max-bean-age in jdbc2 pm
    * [JBAS-2366] - support for dynamic-ql in jdbc2 pm
    * [JBAS-2371] - Specifying a bind address for Hypersonic in memory database
    * [JBAS-2400] - Add probe.sh/bat script to JBoss/bin
    * [JBAS-2416] - Need extension to MessageStatistics
    * [JBAS-2449] - Adding A Log4jService Reconfiguration MBean Notification
    * [JBAS-2459] - Add support for JMSXDeliveryCount to JBossMQ
    * [JBAS-2460] - Add support for JMSXDeliveryCount to JMS MDBs
    * [JBAS-2471] - Incorrect categorization of EJB method permissions when calling JACC PolicyConfiguration implementations
    * [JBAS-2494] - Cannot override load balancing policy of HAJNDI
    * [JBAS-2503] - JBossMQ JDBC2 Blob workaround for Oracle 4k limit
    * [JBAS-2507] - support for <, <=, > and >= comparisons for types mapped with user-type-mapping
    * [JBAS-2515] - Keep track of non JTA resource usage and rollback local transactions where the user forgets
    * [JBAS-2516] - Modify JNDIView to include HAJNDI bindings in a cluster environment
    * [JBAS-2555] - Add shutdown flag to the ServerMBean
    * [JBAS-2574] - System Startup Script for JBoss AS on HP-UX
    * [JBAS-2580] - Need ability to update MBeans using deployment service
    * [JBAS-2584] - CallableStatement Caching
    * [JBAS-2626] - Emit state change notifications from HASingletonSupport on startSingleton() / stopSingleton()
    * [JBAS-2657] - Add option to deep copy the authenticated subject sets
    * [JBAS-2673] - XACML Implementation
    * [JBAS-2727] - Add a twiddle command to list the hierarchy of jsr77 mbeans
    * [JBAS-2737] - InternalManagedConnectionPool.removeTimedOut() should not destroy connections below the minimum pool size
    * [JBAS-2738] - Security Auditing Service
    * [JBAS-2771] - ServiceBindingManager should allow more control over Tomcat5 ports
    * [JBAS-2778] - Add support for SSLSession tracking to the org.jboss.security.ssl package
    * [JBAS-2882] - Add support for setting the HTTP invoker content encoding that is accepted
    * [JBAS-2926] - Restore the authentication only semantics of the "*" role-name
    * [JBAS-2931] - Add support for using MBeanProxys remotely
    * [JBAS-2937] - Disable RMI DGC by default (set to 1 FGC per hour)
    * [JBAS-3020] - Exception Sorter Implementation for IBM DB2
    * [JBAS-3021] - Implementation of ValidConnectionChecker for IBM DB2
    * [JBAS-3118] - Make the URLDeploymentScanner pseudo-transactional
    * [JBAS-3132] - Example JBossMQ persistence for AS/400 (iSeries)
    * [JBAS-3148] - Unified JGroups MBean to configure the channel running inside the JBoss AS.
    * [JBAS-3203] - Delegate for Authorization Interceptor for RMIAdaptor should have roles configurable
    * [JBAS-3217] - add JBOSS_CONF, JBOSS_HOST variables to jboss_init_redhat.sh
    * [JBAS-3224] - Upgrade jboss-cache.jar to jboss-cache-jdk50.jar
    * [JBAS-3228] - Enable browsing of scheduled messages
    * [JBAS-3297] - Use Buddy Replication for HttpSession replication
    * [JBAS-3324] - Authorization Framework with pluggable Authorization Modules
    * [JBAS-3339] - ValidConnectionChecker for Sybase DB
    * [JBAS-3359] - Implement StaleConnection checking logic in JBossJCA
    * [JBAS-3369] - Add support for encrypting the tomcat server.xml keystore/truststore attributes
    * [JBAS-3391] - Add FixedRate setting to org.jboss.monitor.services.TimerService (used to configure JMX Timers)
    * [JBAS-3395] - ValidConnectionChecker for IBM DB2 AS400 environment
    * [JBAS-3409] - Deploy a .ear file with no deployment descriptor(META-INF/application.xml)
    * [JBAS-3506] - Maintain the server logs for the different testsuite clustering configs
    * [JBAS-3529] - Add support for JBoss Serialization in JBossFaces (JSF)
    * [JBAS-3547] - Display ENC for web applications in JNDIView
    * [JBAS-3577] - Security SPI
    * [JBAS-3731] - The default ServiceBindingManager's sample bindings file should override JBoss Messaging's Connector configuration
    * [JBAS-3750] - log of JMS LinkedException when handling provider failure


    * [JBAS-33] - XMBean interceptors instantiated twice
    * [JBAS-34] - EJBDeployer getDeployedApplications is treated as attribute
    * [JBAS-46] - EJB Deployment uses wrong ejb-local-ref for ejb-link
    * [JBAS-51] - bug in cascade-delete with relationships in Jboss CMP
    * [JBAS-66] - MBeanProxyExt doesn't handle equals correctly
    * [JBAS-545] - CachedConnectionInterceptor hides CMPPersistenceManager
    * [JBAS-597] - housekeeping in Main/SAR deployers
    * [JBAS-603] - Perform stop/destroy/remove for remaining services on ServiceController shutdown
    * [JBAS-787] - Distributed Cache Invalidation Issue
    * [JBAS-790] - URLDirectoryScanner and URLDeploymentScanner
    * [JBAS-963] - post-table-create failure
    * [JBAS-977] - Slow performance of JaasSecurityManager
    * [JBAS-993] - DeploymentException and invalid EJB-QL statements
    * [JBAS-1023] - JARDeployer accepting arbitrary deployment suffixes
    * [JBAS-1101] - NullPointerException at org.jfree.data.DefaultTableXYDataset
    * [JBAS-1104] - batchInvalidate async not possible
    * [JBAS-1140] - Exception creating MySQL table using backquoted table name
    * [JBAS-1168] - batch-cascade-delete problem
    * [JBAS-1181] - Performance degredation with local IIOP calls
    * [JBAS-1190] - Problem deleting relations
    * [JBAS-1214] - Incorrect data source used loading relationship field
    * [JBAS-1270] - UserTransaction with non default ProviderURL
    * [JBAS-1289] - JDBCCustomFinderQuery hides ObjectNotFoundException
    * [JBAS-1294] - commons-logging.jar should be in default/lib
    * [JBAS-1306] - Can't create timer because TARGETID column is too small
    * [JBAS-1307] - Confusing stack trace on EJB deployment for missing optional method attribute
    * [JBAS-1309] - Run as identity not used for JCA when using security-domain with caller identity
    * [JBAS-1321] - MdbEjb.jsp should use small caps for attrs (getstats() vs getStats())
    * [JBAS-1326] - LoaderRepositoryMbean does not display URLs properly
    * [JBAS-1354] - Dependency on the ServiceController is broken
    * [JBAS-1360] - session unbound event not fired
    * [JBAS-1361] - Incorrect relations management
    * [JBAS-1362] - bin/shutdown reports -S to be the default option
    * [JBAS-1363] - JACC DelegatingPolicy will not work with a SecurityManager installed
    * [JBAS-1379] - HA-JNDI write operations have deadlock problem
    * [JBAS-1380] - UIL2 server accept thread can be lost due to unexpected error
    * [JBAS-1381] - Clustering with CrossContext Enabled generates exception
    * [JBAS-1386] - commit option B does not work with CMP 1.x
    * [JBAS-1438] - EJB isCallerInRole affected by interaction with other secured resources
    * [JBAS-1444] - Incorrect warning about undefined query method with CMP1.x
    * [JBAS-1452] - SecurityAssociation trace flag was set too early
    * [JBAS-1456] - Login module is executed twice from web tier initiated authentication
    * [JBAS-1462] - Unified invoker config needs to expose basic settings
    * [JBAS-1463] - RemoteException on Remote interface not verified correctly.
    * [JBAS-1484] - ClassCastException while creating JNDI SubContext
    * [JBAS-1497] - org.jboss.util.property.PropertyMap remove has invalid assumption of String values
    * [JBAS-1499] - classcast exception after jaas login, while context lookup
    * [JBAS-1500] - session.invalidate does not gets replicated
    * [JBAS-1504] - type mapping for boolean in finder wrong
    * [JBAS-1511] - http session replication produces WARN message about null session
    * [JBAS-1516] - Tomcat5: StandardContext getConfigBase tries to create a directory
    * [JBAS-1517] - SAR detection broken
    * [JBAS-1518] - NPE in GlobalTxEntityMap
    * [JBAS-1522] - HttpNamingContextFactory fails due to system property read when under a security manager
    * [JBAS-1526] - Jacc: Request for the DelegatingPolicy.getPermissions(x) to also return the permissions of the replaced delegate
    * [JBAS-1530] - NPE in JDBCStoreManager
    * [JBAS-1534] - required display-name in application.xml
    * [JBAS-1539] - EntityEnterpriseContext does not clear ejbLocalObject
    * [JBAS-1544] - Wrong MBean attribute name in jboss:service=Mail (POP3SererHost )
    * [JBAS-1546] - ejbSelect methods with same name, diferent signatures does not work
    * [JBAS-1555] - HTTP Status 403 on using org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.JaccAuthorizationRealm
    * [JBAS-1560] - Clustered stateful session bean removal of expired passivated instances causes deadlock
    * [JBAS-1569] - CMR loaders should be initialized before queries are compiled in jdbc2 pm
    * [JBAS-1570] - NPE in jdbc2.Schema when no tx
    * [JBAS-1574] - SerializableResultSetMetaData.getColumnCount is off by one
    * [JBAS-1577] - white-space in ServiceMBean EVENT types
    * [JBAS-1580] - Problem when Submitting Massive Load into HttpSession
    * [JBAS-1588] - Collection synchronization into cmp2
    * [JBAS-1590] - Container does not call commit or refresh for the JACC provider
    * [JBAS-1591] - Throwing InvalidKeyException in business mehtods cause RemoteException
    * [JBAS-1592] - JaccAuthorizationRealm always returns false on subsequent requests
    * [JBAS-1599] - EJB Pools Strict Maximum Pool Permits Leak
    * [JBAS-1622] - findSessions doesn't find all sessions in http session replication
    * [JBAS-1625] - JBossQL ORDER BY does not work on string valued mapped types
    * [JBAS-1626] - ClientReconnectInterceptor doesn't work
    * [JBAS-1633] - Random IllegalStateException when session id is recycled
    * [JBAS-1663] - unsetEntityContext not called for instances released from the pool
    * [JBAS-1665] - EJB-QL compiler (parser) confused by "Order" abstract-schema
    * [JBAS-1669] - NullPointerException in DLQHandler
    * [JBAS-1671] - alias-max-length DB2 typemapping
    * [JBAS-1678] - No LOB Support for remote clients
    * [JBAS-1681] - ejbTimeout() shouldn't log a warning when run outside a CM transaction
    * [JBAS-1684] - JaccAuthorizationRealm incorrectly returns false when unauthenticated caller attempts to access an unprotected resource
    * [JBAS-1690] - Timer.cancel in a transaction never calls TimerImpl.killTimer
    * [JBAS-1704] - Access the interface not the implementation
    * [JBAS-1709] - MBean attribute classes not loaded with deployment classloader
    * [JBAS-1718] - JACC javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest PolicyContext data is null
    * [JBAS-1721] - Case sensitivity issue with win32 drive spec and link resolution
    * [JBAS-1723] - The JACC policy should be consulted for an 'unauthenticated caller'
    * [JBAS-1726] - Problem using HA-JNDI and Fail Over
    * [JBAS-1737] - jmx-console fails to pass java.lang.Object values to op invocations
    * [JBAS-1738] - JndiLoginInitialContextFactory is missing from jbossall-client.jar
    * [JBAS-1756] - Questionable management of the security association in StatefulSessionInstanceInterceptor
    * [JBAS-1759] - NPE in URLDeploymentScanner
    * [JBAS-1771] - MainDeployer.parseManifestLibraries does not log underlying exceptions
    * [JBAS-1784] - Injected mbean dependencies do not honor the dependency contract
    * [JBAS-1800] - JAAS authentication from bean (as client) doesn't work
    * [JBAS-1806] - org.jnp.server.Main does not call custom RMIClientSocketFactory.setBindAddress() if method is provided
    * [JBAS-1813] - call-by-value needs testing
    * [JBAS-1816] - StatusServlet xsl is not in the correct location
    * [JBAS-1821] - Setting AutoDiscoveryBindAddress has no affect
    * [JBAS-1825] - Twiddle script fails with JAVA_HOME that contains a space
    * [JBAS-1827] - JACC: DelegatingPolicy.implies() loops when SecurityManager and trace log used.
    * [JBAS-1829] - sample-bindings.xml doesn't contain binding for port 4446
    * [JBAS-1830] - Sample-bindings.xml doesn't have binding for port 1161
    * [JBAS-1837] - Sporatic OutOfMemoryErrors on bootup in a 64bit environment
    * [JBAS-1852] - Unexpected Principal (Security Identity) Propagation Switch
    * [JBAS-1855] - Tomcat clustered SSO will have tx active exception
    * [JBAS-1870] - JBoss JSR-88 DeploymentManager.getRunningModules returns no modules
    * [JBAS-1872] - The "--jaxp=crimson" option does not work
    * [JBAS-1893] - Finders that use user-type-mappings are broken
    * [JBAS-1894] - DistributedReplicantManager deadlock on Shutdown
    * [JBAS-1905] - NPE in FileURLLister
    * [JBAS-1911] - MarshalledInvocation should not eat errors deserializing arguments
    * [JBAS-1912] - Twiddle launch IOException when info command is used in Log4j service
    * [JBAS-1926] - two timers executing at the same time in some conditions
    * [JBAS-1930] - Attributes appear and can be accessed remotely as operations, only with XMBeans
    * [JBAS-1934] - J2EEDomain getparent() launch RuntimeException
    * [JBAS-1956] - JaccAuthorizationRealm constructs WebRoleRefPermission objects at runtime with an incorrect role value
    * [JBAS-1981] - testsuite compilation problem
    * [JBAS-1989] - eager-load-group for CMR doesn't work
    * [JBAS-2012] - DeploymentManagerImpl.start() causes TCK porting layer to fail
    * [JBAS-2015] - run-as does not work for Servlet.init()
    * [JBAS-2022] - ServiceController misses Lifecycle events if the caller does not follow the protocol.
    * [JBAS-2024] - binding service fails
    * [JBAS-2033] - ConnectionFactoryTemplate.xsl contains invalid markup
    * [JBAS-2034] - JvmRouteFilter not activated when using Tomcat clustering with mod_jk
    * [JBAS-2036] - NoClassDefFoundError: javax/management/MBeanServer when shutting down
    * [JBAS-2043] - Unchecked "WebUserDataPermission" instances not being created for deployed application
    * [JBAS-2066] - Breakage of Transaction Semantics
    * [JBAS-2072] - Servlets in WEB-INF/lib/xxx.jar cannot be loaded from web.xml
    * [JBAS-2076] - web-console should be more resilient when listing domains
    * [JBAS-2081] - org.jboss.management.j2ee.RMI_IIOPResource registers itself using a null ObjectName
    * [JBAS-2082] - IllegalArgumentException Unable to find operation getState()
    * [JBAS-2103] - Overly strict ModelMBeanInfoSupport validation of name/className descriptors.
    * [JBAS-2117] - org.jboss.util.xml.DOMWriter.printInternal() skips the DOCUMENT_NODE
    * [JBAS-2122] - org.jboss.test.cluster.test.WebSessionTestCase failure
    * [JBAS-2127] - Batch-cascade-delete fails with NSEE
    * [JBAS-2128] - Transaction remains indefinitely marked for rollback
    * [JBAS-2159] - 'jboss.jms:alias=QueueConnectionFactory' and 'jboss.jms:alias=TopicConnectionFactory' MBean declarations do not have 'jboss:service=Naming'
    * [JBAS-2160] - NullPointerException in RepositoryClassLoader.findResources()
    * [JBAS-2179] - SRPRemoteServer is not removing sessions on close
    * [JBAS-2184] - TimeoutFactory exits if the thread pool rejects any new tasks (thread pool is full)
    * [JBAS-2188] - "jboss:service=invoker,type=http,target=HAJNDI" misconfigured in file httpha-invoker.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml
    * [JBAS-2202] - HttpSession replication "ScopedSet..." Unit tests fail
    * [JBAS-2215] - Datasource deployments should only depend on a jrmp invoker when use-java-context is true
    * [JBAS-2226] - Unsafe handling of integer to long conversion in JaasSecurityManager.DomainInfo.
    * [JBAS-2229] - Remove instructions in Tomcat server.xml re sso-channel.xml
    * [JBAS-2238] - ConcurrentModificationException in MBEanServerImpl.queryNames
    * [JBAS-2240] - Sample-bindings.xml doesn't have binding for port 1101
    * [JBAS-2253] - Incorrect handling of datasource JNDI name
    * [JBAS-2255] - .wsr suffix should not be displayed in MainDeployer
    * [JBAS-2261] - DELETE_ALL_TX sql in the PersistenceManager.java should be configurable in the same was as the other sql statements.
    * [JBAS-2262] - Remove the log4j dependencies from the core services
    * [JBAS-2265] - Unexpected content in default InitialContext seen by NamingService
    * [JBAS-2267] - org.jboss.invocation.pooled.interfaces.Optimized*Stream break object serialization contract
    * [JBAS-2268] - Modify sample-bindings.xml to include invokers configurations
    * [JBAS-2270] - Cannot set cmp-field to null for entities obtained via a container managed relationship (CMR)
    * [JBAS-2273] - createDDL for timers does not take care of pk-contraint-template
    * [JBAS-2302] - ClientUserTransaction.begin() requires ServiceMBeanSupport and JBossNotificationBroadcasterSupport
    * [JBAS-2311] - getUserRoles via JaasSecurityManagerService didn't work (was OK in 4.0.1)
    * [JBAS-2312] - JMS Resource Adapter throws NPE for missing configuration
    * [JBAS-2314] - Following reauthentication, Principal is not bound to ClusteredSingleSignOn's SSO entry
    * [JBAS-2316] - NullPointerException in LdapExtLoginModule.rolesSearch() Line 306
    * [JBAS-2320] - Failed authorization does not clear caller identity
    * [JBAS-2321] - Catalina.load() overides Log4JService's control of the System.err and System.out output streams
    * [JBAS-2336] - org.jboss.mx.metadata.XMBeanEntityResolver ignores systemId
    * [JBAS-2357] - SecurityAssociation InheritableThreadLocal not initialized correctly
    * [JBAS-2363] - ExceptionAnalysis generate incorrect IDL name due to keyword collisions
    * [JBAS-2367] - jdbc2 pm doesn't support custom pk classes with pk-sql entity command
    * [JBAS-2378] - security-config_4_1.xsd module-option is required, should be optional
    * [JBAS-2381] - Invocation of HttpSessionBindingListener valueUnbound() not handled properly for clustered sessions
    * [JBAS-2386] - Property processing needs privileged blocks
    * [JBAS-2387] - RunAsListener should fail gracefully when it has no associated metadata
    * [JBAS-2392] - NPE in EJBVerifier21.java
    * [JBAS-2393] - Deadlock in RepositoryClassLoader
    * [JBAS-2397] - ClassCastException on failed naming lookups when trace logging enabled on org.jnp.server.NamingServer
    * [JBAS-2413] - ServerSecurityInterceptor should not log the password
    * [JBAS-2420] - 1.21 Change in org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsernamePasswordLoginModule.java breaks existing code
    * [JBAS-2424] - JMS PersistenceManager: ...Could not resolve uncommited transactions....java.sql.SQLException: Every derived table must have its own alias
    * [JBAS-2427] - jconsole integration does not provide the live thread list
    * [JBAS-2433] - TimedCachePolicy setResolution() cannot work.
    * [JBAS-2445] - BasicAuthValve returns incorrect exceptionHeader and exception Message for subsequent errors
    * [JBAS-2452] - The LdapLoginModule supplies the user with ALL roles from LDAP-server instead of constraining it by the membership.
    * [JBAS-2462] - JMS Spec - Special notes not supported
    * [JBAS-2468] - ejbRemove() not called for instances released from the pool
    * [JBAS-2472] - JBossMQ should not synchronize on the exception listener object
    * [JBAS-2473] - Remote side ClassCastExceptions as a result of WrapperDataSourceService using "getInterfaces()" to create Proxies.
    * [JBAS-2474] - None of the xmbean dtds are registered with the JBossEntityResolver
    * [JBAS-2476] - Still a distributed deadlock in UIL2
    * [JBAS-2483] - jboss.system:type=Server (exit|halt) 10 doesn't restart jboss
    * [JBAS-2484] - Incompatible Schemas "j2ee_1_4.xsd" "ejb-jar_2_1.xsd" in folder $JBOSS_HOME/docs/schemas
    * [JBAS-2486] - setupDLQConnection() uses incorrect class type for Util.lookup()
    * [JBAS-2487] - Incorrect acknowledge mode returned by JmsActivationSpec
    * [JBAS-2488] - jboss.server.exitonshutdown is broken
    * [JBAS-2490] - JBossMQ ReceiversImpl should have java.util.Set semantics
    * [JBAS-2500] - Bug when using both the PooledInvoker and PooledInvokerHA (client proxy shares the same connection pool)
    * [JBAS-2501] - Incorrect xmbean 1.1 and 1.2 dtds
    * [JBAS-2504] - if mbean info description is null -- equals() methods throws null pointer exception
    * [JBAS-2511] - Transaction Leak in JDBCStateManager
    * [JBAS-2550] - org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.ClassArrayEditor.getAsText() casts getValue() to the wrong type
    * [JBAS-2551] - Wrong subjects returned by PolicyContext.getPolicyContext() in JACC provider
    * [JBAS-2552] - SpyConnectionConsumer should throw an exception for temporary destinations
    * [JBAS-2582] - JBossMQ recovery is closing result sets/statements in the wrong order
    * [JBAS-2588] - LdapExtLoginModule 'hides' causal login exceptions which are then incorrectly reported as invalid Password/User
    * [JBAS-2601] - In JBoss 4.0.3, the installed file jar_versions.xml contains the informational string ?France Telecomm R&D?. The "&" character is a xml violation. XML parser catches this string during xml parsing
    * [JBAS-2615] - error using schedule-manager-service.xml at the boot in mode 'all'
    * [JBAS-2618] - DeploymentException when deploying archive with a dot in its name
    * [JBAS-2641] - BytesMessage.writeUTF has 64k limit
    * [JBAS-2643] - Map, possibly Set, silent persistence failure in 4.0.2
    * [JBAS-2651] - Restore stable JSR77 names for ejbs
    * [JBAS-2660] - Calling getEJBObject not allowed in ejbPassivate
    * [JBAS-2668] - Over-capacity of SFSB will lead to passivation/activation exception
    * [JBAS-2679] - FileURLConnection decodeFilePaths SystemProperty not retrieved correctly.
    * [JBAS-2683] - twiddle 'xmbean' command doesn't close all tags in the produced xml
    * [JBAS-2684] - DLQHandler ExceptionListener
    * [JBAS-2687] - IdleRemover using "random" classloader as TCL
    * [JBAS-2692] - Logger needs to reinit the plugin class in setPluginClassName
    * [JBAS-2707] - HibernateIntgUnitTestCase Failure
    * [JBAS-2712] - CMP testsuite failure: caller principal incorrect
    * [JBAS-2722] - org.jboss.security.auth.certs.SubjectDNMapping returns non-serializable Principal
    * [JBAS-2732] - NPE in org.jboss.console.plugins.helpers.servlet.ServletHelper.filter(String input)
    * [JBAS-2741] - PreparedStatements may not be closed when using prepared statement caching
    * [JBAS-2744] - TestCase failure: org.jboss.test.naming.test.SimpleUnitTestCase, connection refused
    * [JBAS-2759] - TimerService timeout fired within timer-creation transaction
    * [JBAS-2762] - Missing StateManager configuration causes infinite loop
    * [JBAS-2774] - problem using org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.DateEditor with a locale configuration different by english
    * [JBAS-2779] - MySQLValidConnectionChecker screws up on older MySQL driver (with the SELECT 1)
    * [JBAS-2785] - Correct the DomainServerSocketFactory CiperSuites property name
    * [JBAS-2797] - org.jboss.varia.schedule.ScheduleManager iteration over of Hashtable values produces ClassCastExceptions
    * [JBAS-2805] - TransactionImpl.prepareResources() votes readonly in error on lastResource commit failure.
    * [JBAS-2807] - TxConnectionManager needs to set XA errorCode of JBossLocalXAException
    * [JBAS-2812] - Duplicate ServiceProxy objects
    * [JBAS-2813] - UIL2 does not close client sockets when the service is shutdown
    * [JBAS-2815] - EJBContext.getTimerService should fail if the requesting bean does not implement javax.ejb.TimedObject
    * [JBAS-2820] - ClientLoginModule improperly clears SecurityAssociation stack in logout()
    * [JBAS-2822] - JBossMQ's TransactionRequest eats the underlying cause during unmarshalling
    * [JBAS-2824] - http fine-grained replication, the key for setAttribute can't contain "/"
    * [JBAS-2855] - Remove swallowing of undeclared exceptions in BSH deployer
    * [JBAS-2881] - Broken scheduler example
    * [JBAS-2900] - Trim CREATE_TABLES_ON_STARTUP in the JDBCStateManager
    * [JBAS-2906] - org.jboss.test.jmx.test. EarDeploymentUnitTestCase & UnpackedDeploymentUnitTestCase failure
    * [JBAS-2947] - org.jboss.test.cmp2.audit.test.AuditUnitTestCase(JACC+SecurityMgr) test failure
    * [JBAS-2949] - JARDeployer rejects packed deployments with .xml files in deeply nested directories under META-INF/
    * [JBAS-2956] - Example postgres config for JBossMQ needs an alias on the union
    * [JBAS-2987] - Datasource Failover using JBOSS 4.0.2 and postgres 8.0.1 database
    * [JBAS-3006] - NullPointerException at org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.WebCtxLoader.start(WebCtxLoader.java:130)
    * [JBAS-3007] - session timeout not implimented properly
    * [JBAS-3041] - ClassNotFoundException for dynamic classes will cause memory leak
    * [JBAS-3043] - Conflicts in isUserInRole(String) between web apps with different user to role mappings for same user name
    * [JBAS-3046] - Small '?' Bug in JBoss AS 4.0.4.CR2
    * [JBAS-3053] - EJBTimerServiceImpl should get its TransactionManager via dependency injection
    * [JBAS-3054] - Use of isUserInRole from jsp does not work for JACC
    * [JBAS-3059] - classes calling TxManager.getInstance instead of using the locator
    * [JBAS-3060] - classes calling TxManager.getInstance instead of using the locator
    * [JBAS-3063] - Destroyed class loader should still delegate to its parent.
    * [JBAS-3073] - synchronization contention on transaction commits due to TransactionFactory.dropTimeout and newTimeout
    * [JBAS-3074] - MemoryLeak (redeployment) on WebService
    * [JBAS-3082] - SingleScheduleProvider as configured in default/schedule-manager-service.xml is missing class dependencies
    * [JBAS-3089] - PooledInvokerHA is not pooling anything
    * [JBAS-3107] - Failure during deployment scan results in JBoss undeployment
    * [JBAS-3112] - deployer.bat does not run properly - reports deployer.jar is missing
    * [JBAS-3114] - shutdown.sh script does not honour $JAVA
    * [JBAS-3135] - javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getQueryString() not implemented correctly
    * [JBAS-3141] - Ensure atomic creation of the JaasSecurityManger during lookup via the JaasSecurityManagerService
    * [JBAS-3146] - The security-config_4_1.xsd schema allows only (exactly) one jaas:login-module child of authentication element
    * [JBAS-3174] - java.util.Timer used by LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy and subclasses can be killed by uncought Exceptions
    * [JBAS-3178] - Fix oid-sorting in the snmp-adaptor
    * [JBAS-3180] - Broken MBean operation ServerInfo#displayInfoForClass(String)
    * [JBAS-3210] - DynamicLoginConfig service fails to load login-config.xml that may be absolute
    * [JBAS-3213] - ClusteredEntity unit test failure
    * [JBAS-3216] - PooledInvokerProxy.getPooledConnection() is not threadsafe
    * [JBAS-3223] - NullPointerException thrown in BadAttributeValueExpException.toString
    * [JBAS-3242] - EE spec requires that web container aborts any active txn at the end of a request
    * [JBAS-3246] - Run.bat displays periods instead of blank lines
    * [JBAS-3260] - JNDI-View.list() throws NPE
    * [JBAS-3271] - Memory leak on org.jboss.deployment.SimpleSubDeployerSupport
    * [JBAS-3278] - Securitymgr tests failure (jboss-head) - MDBUnitTestCase doesnt cleanup deployments
    * [JBAS-3281] - javax.management.timer.Timer should perform fixed-delay periodic execution by default
    * [JBAS-3282] - ScheduleManager MBean uses fixed-rate execution on Java 1.4 and fixed-delay execution on Java 5.0
    * [JBAS-3287] - Credential object typing is not consistent
    * [JBAS-3296] - SpyObjectMessage loses original cause of exception when message payload has non-serializable fields
    * [JBAS-3312] - LdapExtLoginModule is missing the first role group of a nested structure
    * [JBAS-3313] - Static logger initializer incorrectly using DomainSocketFactory in ClientSocketFactory, causing ClassNotFoundException on client side.
    * [JBAS-3358] - Work directory for the web app shouldn't be deleted on Context Destroy
    * [JBAS-3360] - No ability to override CMD_STOP in JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss_init_redhat.sh
    * [JBAS-3367] - NPE in SimpleSubDeployerSupport.unregisterClassLoader(), during destroy(DeploymentInfo)
    * [JBAS-3368] - jmx-console and other webapps are broken
    * [JBAS-3370] - Bug in XA Recovery implementation: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected BLOB got NUMBER
    * [JBAS-3381] - The
    * [JBAS-3382] - twiddle does not find org.jboss.util.NestedException
    * [JBAS-3390] - Error starting up tomcat-ssl config on jboss-head testsuite module
    * [JBAS-3392] - JBossSocketFactory should flag absence of securityDomain
    * [JBAS-3396] - PooledInvokerHA returning java.rmi.MarshalledObject
    * [JBAS-3401] - NPE in jdk5 javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo.equals() (affects jmx-console)
    * [JBAS-3421] - AcceptNonWarDirs attribute of AbstractWebContainerMBean not exposed for .war deployer
    * [JBAS-3428] - org.jboss.ejb.SecurityActions.getMBeanProxy duplicating proxies
    * [JBAS-3431] - AuthorizationInterceptor throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    * [JBAS-3448] - LdapExtLoginModule can leak connections
    * [JBAS-3458] - Out of synch run.bat/run.sh, hotspot -server usage
    * [JBAS-3463] - Loading of persisted XMBean attributes does not work for custom types
    * [JBAS-3468] - JMS Connection starts ping thread before ClientID is set resulting in the ClientMonitorInterceptor to close the connection after client timeout
    * [JBAS-3541] - JDBCParameterSetter is not used for query parameters
    * [JBAS-3555] - LdapExtLoginModule fails if no initial bind credentials are supplied but anonymous login would be possible
    * [JBAS-3558] - Service(Proxy) should be transient in ServiceContext
    * [JBAS-3573] - Failure to remove a message should result in a NACK + error
    * [JBAS-3584] - WARNing logged when deploy-hasingleton is undeployed twice
    * [JBAS-3585] - Duplicate undeployment of unpacked nested modules on jboss shutdown
    * [JBAS-3642] - Flag an exception in CachedConnectionValve if CachedConnectionManager is unavailable
    * [JBAS-3645] - LdapExtLoginModule still has connection leak
    * [JBAS-3660] - Error starting up jaspi config on jboss-head testsuite module
    * [JBAS-3701] - SystemPropertiesService does not properly generate server path on windows
    * [JBAS-3702] - Uncomment HA invokers in sample-bindings.xml
    * [JBAS-3727] - NPE on context classloader changing in EJB container when caller doesn't have a context classloader
    * [JBAS-3737] - On Windowsm, jmx.test.DeployServiceUnitTestCase fails with DeploymentException
    * [JBAS-3738] - On Windows: timer.test.BasicTimerUnitTestCase fails
    * [JBAS-3743] - Wrong SQL in oracle-jdbc2-service.xml example
    * [JBAS-3744] - UseJK is not displayed correctly in jmx-console (for case 11730).
    * [JBAS-3784] - derby-jdbc2-service.xml not updated to jboss 4.x
    * [JBAS-3785] - Syntax Error in derby-jdbc2-service.xml
    * [JBAS-3793] - DistributedState.getAllKeys() returns null
    * [JBAS-3795] - DistributedState notifications not broadcast across network
    * [JBAS-3821] - Uncatch JMSException in receive() methods in SpyMessageConsumer.java
    * [JBAS-3833] - Cannot unregister HAMembershipListener
    * [JBAS-3849] - Duplicating _$$_javassist_ classes after remote - call - OutOfMemory: PermGen
    * [JBAS-3861] - DeploymentFileRepository can be used to write/remove arbitrary files in the filesystem


    * [JBAS-64] - javax.naming.StateFactory/ObjectFactory support
    * [JBAS-1366] - Alter table throws Exception when using with mysql and postgresql
    * [JBAS-1506] - CDROutputStream.create_input_stream is wrong when there are deferred writes
    * [JBAS-1556] - SingletonStatelessSessionInstancePool doesn't work properly now
    * [JBAS-1805] - verbose exception when ejbCreate throws other than CreateException
    * [JBAS-1848] - Memory leak in Container.java due to thread pool: args remained in ThreadLocal
    * [JBAS-1992] - Unisys support case: Excessive number of exceptions generated during JBoss startup
    * [JBAS-2819] - JBoss-IIOP's Log4jLoggerFactory Should Only Be Configured By log4j.xml
    * [JBAS-2832] - Fix to allow TagLibCache to work with exploded deployments.
    * [JBAS-3128] - Patch commons-logging to allow late binding of the Log4jLogger
    * [JBAS-3418] - org.jboss.test.jmx.test.JMXConnectorUnitTestCase ends with errors
    * [JBAS-3478] - Make jsse provider pluggable in testsuite
    * [JBAS-3542] - jboss-web_5_0.dtd is malformed


    * [JBAS-68] - Added missing MdbEjb.jsp in web-console
    * [JBAS-1258] - Remove jbossha-httpsession.sar
    * [JBAS-1336] - Need better control over the pm memory usage during destination recovery
    * [JBAS-1341] - XA Recovery
    * [JBAS-1359] - Remove the castor dependency for the snmp adapter, use jbossxb
    * [JBAS-1475] - Provide optimized JGroups config for Clustering as default
    * [JBAS-1477] - Pass in the security-domain name to the login modules for error reporting
    * [JBAS-1491] - Resolve the isUserInRole mapping problem in the web container
    * [JBAS-1559] - Check all serverSocket accept threads
    * [JBAS-1617] - Merge fixes for JacORB bugs #562 and #568 into the JacORB lib shipped w/ JBoss
    * [JBAS-1623] - http session replication support passviation/activation
    * [JBAS-1637] - Add the j2ee dtd/schema redistribution terms to the release
    * [JBAS-1694] - http session replication performance tuning
    * [JBAS-1696] - OIL and RMI ILs are still present in the distribution
    * [JBAS-1795] - update JBoss logos
    * [JBAS-1798] - Create a thirdparty JBossCache jar library
    * [JBAS-1815] - Finish JBossRemoting 1.1.0
    * [JBAS-1851] - Validate example log4j configs
    * [JBAS-1882] - Farm service startup performs way too many file transfers
    * [JBAS-1883] - First deploy after joining a cluster is not farmed
    * [JBAS-1933] - Finish UnifiedInvoker release
    * [JBAS-1948] - Incorporate jsr-88 classes into jbossall-client.jar
    * [JBAS-1949] - WebServiceDeployers to attach/detach dynamically to corresponing ejb/ejb3/war deployers, remove WebServiceInterceptor
    * [JBAS-2050] - org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.DateEditor behaviour in different timezones
    * [JBAS-2101] - WebServices integration in JBoss5
    * [JBAS-2121] - DTM (JTS) integration in JBoss5
    * [JBAS-2147] - JBoss Cache Integration JBoss5.0.0alpha
    * [JBAS-2150] - Disable automatic JBossMQ destination construction
    * [JBAS-2290] - TomcatDeployer should look for context.xml in META-INF as well as WEB-INF
    * [JBAS-2359] - Resolve server/security dependency issues
    * [JBAS-2380] - VFS Aspect for deployments
    * [JBAS-2383] - PropertyEditor initialisation needs to be in a privileged block
    * [JBAS-2423] - Upgrade commons-httpclient.jar from 2.0 to 2.0.2
    * [JBAS-2431] - Modify JBossCache-based HAJNDI and DistributedState implementation so that they share a cache instance
    * [JBAS-2454] - Update JORAM jtests to the latest version and generalize for use with JBossMQ and JBossMess
    * [JBAS-2467] - Check JDBC Resource Adapter Exception handling
    * [JBAS-2489] - Creation of identical jar artifacts.
    * [JBAS-2512] - Move JDBC3 to the WIKI
    * [JBAS-2539] - Deadlock in accessing DistributedReplicantManagerImpl's keyListener collection
    * [JBAS-2578] - Use putIfNotPresent semantics for subpools in JBossManagedConnectionPool
    * [JBAS-2590] - Remove code for the old CMP Entity Bean based HttpSession replication
    * [JBAS-2621] - Port JAXR stuff to HEAD
    * [JBAS-2663] - Upgrade myfaces to 1.1.1
    * [JBAS-2729] - Correct/update the tomcat ROOT.war index.html links
    * [JBAS-2763] - Solve SerialVersionUID incompatibility failures
    * [JBAS-2840] - Upgrade xerces2-j from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1
    * [JBAS-2843] - Update to use the new release convention names
    * [JBAS-2846] - Update bundled tomcat version to include fixes
    * [JBAS-2856] - Upgrade to Tomcat Latest Stable Release
    * [JBAS-2863] - Remove org.jboss.deployment.SubDeployerInterceptorSupport implicit attach()/detach()
    * [JBAS-2888] - Example firebird config should include track-connection-by-tx
    * [JBAS-2898] - Add missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode to the standardjboss.xml
    * [JBAS-2899] - Externalize Tomcat Authenticators at the Host Level
    * [JBAS-2951] - Add AutoDiscovery test to HA-JNDI test
    * [JBAS-2955] - JacORB upgrade from v2.2.1jboss to release v2.2.3
    * [JBAS-2973] - ConcurrentReaderHashMap iterators returning null
    * [JBAS-3004] - Use a combination of FD and FD_SOCK in the default JGroups protocol stack.
    * [JBAS-3027] - Make org.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.ExpiryDestinationTestCase more reliable
    * [JBAS-3062] - Deprecate TxManager
    * [JBAS-3072] - Upgrade joesnmp from v0.3.3 to v0.3.4
    * [JBAS-3101] - Javassist only client side dependencies for proxy frameworks
    * [JBAS-3105] - Fix HEAD Security TestCases
    * [JBAS-3109] - AppCallbackHandler as the default CallbackHandler in the security module
    * [JBAS-3113] - Port tc5-cluster.sar structure to HEAD
    * [JBAS-3116] - JCA Exception Sorting/Valid Connection checking needs test coverage
    * [JBAS-3149] - Port JBAS-2261 to HEAD(EJB context isCallerInRole not delegating to JACC when installed)
    * [JBAS-3152] - Ungraceful exit of JBossCacheManager Installation
    * [JBAS-3153] - Update handling of NoClassDefFoundError by the RepositoryClassLoader
    * [JBAS-3182] - Improve logging in Invoker security
    * [JBAS-3204] - Seperate the joesnmp.jar library from the snmp-support.jar
    * [JBAS-3243] - Use PojoCache instead of TreeCacheAop in HttpSession replication code
    * [JBAS-3244] - Get rid of CredentialUpdater thread from TreeCacheSSOClusterManager
    * [JBAS-3251] - Investigate org.jboss.test.jca.test.SecurityContextUnitTestCase
    * [JBAS-3252] - jacorb.properties - wrong names for connection timeouts
    * [JBAS-3273] - Update JBossRemoting to version 2.2.0
    * [JBAS-3280] - Spring Integration and Serialization
    * [JBAS-3286] - ExtendedFormAuthenticator should override authenticate to populate session
    * [JBAS-3289] - Use REPL_SYNC mode for ejb3-clustered-sfsbcache-service.xml
    * [JBAS-3304] - Adapt PolicyConfig to incorporate AuthorizationInfo
    * [JBAS-3319] - dependency on jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer,type=Barrier should read
    * [JBAS-3326] - Implement JACC 1.1 Specification
    * [JBAS-3330] - Tomcat6 Integration Issues With HEAD
    * [JBAS-3345] - Synch up with tomcat6 based jbossweb as the bundled web container
    * [JBAS-3371] - Replace Sun activation.jar with a source-code friendly licensed implementation
    * [JBAS-3372] - Replace Sun javamail (mail.jar) with a source-code friendly licensed implementation
    * [JBAS-3373] - Authorization Framework Integration with the Web Layer
    * [JBAS-3374] - Authorization Framework Integration with the EJB Layer
    * [JBAS-3403] - JBossWS integration
    * [JBAS-3419] - EnterpriseContext.isCallerInRole should use the Authorization Framework
    * [JBAS-3420] - Fix org.jboss.test.timer.test.SecureTimerUnitTestCase in HEAD
    * [JBAS-3422] - DynamicLoginConfig Service should not load conf/login-config.xml
    * [JBAS-3427] - FamilyClusterInfo.getTargets() should return List, not ArrayList
    * [JBAS-3446] - Upgrade JBossSerialization to 1.0.2.GA
    * [JBAS-3459] - Remove the jms module
    * [JBAS-3470] - Inject TreeCache instance into DistributedState
    * [JBAS-3472] - Upgrade jacorb to 2.2.4jboss.patch1
    * [JBAS-3492] - Test Failure with JRockit: org.jboss.test.exception.EntityExceptionUnitTestCase
    * [JBAS-3496] - all tests under org.jboss.test.cmp2.cmrtree.test fail with javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException
    * [JBAS-3497] - (21) test under org.jboss.test.cmp2.lob fail with javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException (jrockit)
    * [JBAS-3507] - Add ability to toggle the MultiplexerStack between UDP- and TCP-based versions
    * [JBAS-3531] - ClusterPartition and related services must share the same multiplexed JChannel
    * [JBAS-3535] - Make AuthorizationManager injectable via JNDI
    * [JBAS-3580] - Error in org.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.UnackedUnitTestCase
    * [JBAS-3592] - Add system property jgroups.mcast.ip_ttl
    * [JBAS-3634] - Acknowledgement of transacted message in MessageListener should be inside delivery lock
    * [JBAS-3641] - Updated bin/jboss_init_hpux.sh script
    * [JBAS-3649] - Startup switches should set the new JGroups system properties
    * [JBAS-3655] - Reduce logging for the construction of interceptor in ModelMBeanInvoker
    * [JBAS-3662] - Add TCP_NIO tests to tests-clustering-all-stacks
    * [JBAS-3789] - Update JBossORG-EULA.txt
    * [JBAS-3801] - Replace the snapshot versions with releases

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