[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Seam-Icefaces example...TabSet bug?

sherkan777 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Nov 28 09:34:49 EST 2006

I've try to use TabbedPane in Seam-IceFaces example, but i'm little confused.

Why when I add TabSet, to example it's rendered without graphic?
I see only frames but tabs works fine!Is this bug, or is this my problem?

I've worked on clear IceFaces project (wihout Seam) on TabSet and they're rendered very nice.

  | <h:form id="myForm">
  | <ice:panelGrid>	      
  |     <ice:panelTabSet selectedIndex="1"  tabPlacement="top">
  | 	            <ice:panelTab label="Tab 1">Hello 1
  | 		    </ice:panelTab>
  | 	            <ice:panelTab label="Tab 2">Hello 2
  | 	            </ice:panelTab>	
  | 	            <ice:panelTab label="Tab 3">Hello 3
  | 	            </ice:panelTab>	
  |     </ice:panelTabSet>
  | </ice:panelGrid>
  | </h:form>
  | anonymous wrote : 
  |   | 
  |   | 

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