[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Jboss + Seam + MySQL + MyFaces installation guide

christophe.laumond do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 4 03:00:05 EDT 2006


We have spent a lot of time in order to install a working environment for Seam, so we hope this little guide will help other people.

We don't consider this guide as a reference, it simply contains the step we have followed in order to get a basic working environment which matches to our needs.

We are working on Windows so we have tried this guide on Linux.

The main issue was that we HAVE to use JEMS installer and not another version of JBoss.
It is true that it was written in the README file but since we have already a JBoss AS working installation we spent time to try with it.
It could have been great if the README would have inform us that seam doesn't work with other JBoss version.

1. Install JBoss AS 4.0.4.GA with the EJB 3.0 profile selected using the JEMS installer ( this is important : using JEMS ! )

2. Install jboss-seam-1.0.1.GA unzip jboss-seam-1.0.1.GA.zip in a directory ( refered later as jboss-seam-1.0.1.GA in this document )

3. Install apache-ant-1.6.5 ( unzip + set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME environment variable )
  - Add the bin directory for ANT_HOME to the path variable (e.g. Add ";C:\apache-ant-1.6-5\bin" to PATH variable

2. In order to build Seam :
   in jboss-seam-1.0.1.GA
	-   Edit the "build.properties" file and change jboss.home to your 
	-   JBoss AS installation directory ( refered later as jboss-4.0.4.GA-jems in this document )
	-   Run ant into this folder.

   A new directory will be created (e.g: C:\jboss-seam-September 13 2006)
	-   Copy and paste the jboss-seam.jar from this directory into the lib folder of your project

3. In order to use MySql as database for your application,
   - copy mysql-connector-java-5.0.3-bin.jar in server\default\lib
   - See Deploy -ds.xml file ( you can find a sample of "datasource-ds.xml" file in docs\examples\jca\mysql-ds.xml" )

4. In order to use the MyFaces v1.1.3 ( the one in the Seam installation ) on your server,
   - you have to copy some jar files from 

   These files are:
	(1) commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar
	(2) commons-codec-1.3.jar
	(3) myfaces-api-1.1.3.jar
	(4) myfaces-impl-1.1.3.jar

   and you have to remove the previous non-versioned jar.

    - Finally, you have to modify jboss-4.0.4.GA-jems\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\conf\web.xml
      replace myfaces-impl.jar with myfaces-impl-1.1.3.jar

5. In order to use the MyFaces v1.1.3 ( the one in the Seam installation ) in your Eclipse Seam project,
you have to copy the following jar in a lib folder and add all this libraries to your buildpath.

 - myfaces-api-1.1.3.jar from the directory jboss-seam-1.0.1.GA\lib

 - jboss-ejb3x.jar,
from jboss-4.0.4.GA-jems\client

Note: When deploying your application copy and paste the -ds.xml in the deploy directory

We hope this guide is understandable and doesn't contain any error.

Any feedback about this guide is welcome.

Yogesh and Christophe
M-ITC Ltd,

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