[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: BPEL beta2 - switch condition boolean true/false
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Oct 9 04:57:02 EDT 2006
It seems to be a problem only related to boolean.
If I change it to INT it works fine.
Here some stuff that you wanted:
partner-wsdl-file (functional):
| <message name="checkGuardRequest">
| <part name="Ticketnumber" type="xsd:int"></part>
| <part name="SomeStuffIn" type="xsd:string"></part> (Dummypart here)
| </message>
| <message name="checkGuardResponse">
| <part name="ValueOUT" type="xsd:int"></part>
| </message>
| <operation name="checkGuard">
| <input message="agi:checkGuardRequest"></input>
| <output message="agi:checkGuardResponse"></output>
| </operation>
partner-wsdl-file (non-functional):
| <message name="checkGuardRequest">
| <part name="Ticketnumber" type="xsd:int"></part>
| <part name="SomeStuffIn" type="xsd:string"></part> (Dummypart here)
| </message>
| <message name="checkGuardResponse">
| <part name="ValueOUT" type="xsd:boolean"></part>
| </message>
| <operation name="checkGuard">
| <input message="agi:checkGuardRequest"></input>
| <output message="agi:checkGuardResponse"></output>
| </operation>
partner_impl.java (functional):
| public int checkGuard(int ticketnumber, String SomeStuffIn) throws RemoteException {
| //This code is for test purposes only!
| //So I can change my output value without changing code and redeploy.
| boolean bool;
| int returnvalue=-1; //initialize and errorcode
| System.out.println("**** checkGuard ****");
| System.out.println("\tINPUT:: ticketnumber: "+ticketnumber+"\tSomeStuffIN: "+SomeStuffIN);
| Random random = new Random();
| bool = random.nextBoolean();
| if (bool == true)
| returnvalue = 1;
| if (bool == false)
| returnvalue = 2;
| System.out.println("\tOUTPUT:: "+ returnvalue);
| return returnvalue;
| }
partner_impl.java (non-functional):
| public boolean checkGuard(int ticketnumber, String SomeStuffIn) throws RemoteException {
| boolean bool;
| System.out.println("**** checkGuard ****");
| System.out.println("\tINPUT:: ticketnumber: "+ticketnumber+"\tSomeStuffIN: "+SomeStuffIN);
| Random random = new Random();
| bool = random.nextBoolean();
| System.out.println("\tYour returnvalue will be:: "+ bool);
| return bool;
| //Also not functional:
| //return true;
| //return false;
| }
Part of my.bpel (functional):
| <variable messageType="agi:checkGuardRequest" name="checkGuardReq"/>
| <variable messageType="agi:checkGuardResponse" name="checkGuardRes"/>
| <assign name="checkConditions">
| <copy>
| <from part="Ticketnumber" variable="nReq"/>
| <to part="Ticketnumber" variable="checkGuardReq"/>
| </copy>
| <copy>
| somestuff
| </copy>
| </assign>
| <invoke inputVariable="checkGuardReq" operation="checkGuard" outputVariable="checkGuardRes" partnerLink="agilpro" portType="agi:AgilproIssuer"/>
| <switch name="SplitVertriebschef">
| <case condition="bpel:getVariableData('checkGuardRes', 'ValueOUT')=1">
| <sequence>
| somestuff
| </sequence>
| </case>
| <case condition="bpel:getVariableData('checkGuardRes', 'ValueOUT')=0">
| <empty />
| </case>
| <otherwise>
| <empty />
| </otherwise>
| </switch>
Part of my.bpel (non-functional):
| <variable messageType="agi:checkGuardRequest" name="checkGuardReq"/>
| <variable messageType="agi:checkGuardResponse" name="checkGuardRes"/>
| <assign name="checkConditions">
| <copy>
| <from part="Ticketnumber" variable="nReq"/>
| <to part="Ticketnumber" variable="checkGuardReq"/>
| </copy>
| <copy>
| somestuff
| </copy>
| </assign>
| <invoke inputVariable="checkGuardReq" operation="checkGuard" outputVariable="checkGuardRes" partnerLink="agilpro" portType="agi:AgilproIssuer"/>
| <switch name="SplitVertriebschef">
| <case condition="bpel:getVariableData('checkGuardRes', 'ValueOUT')=true()">
| <sequence>
| somestuff
| </sequence>
| </case>
| <case condition="bpel:getVariableData('checkGuardRes', 'ValueOUT')=false()">
| <empty />
| </case>
| <otherwise>
| <empty />
| </otherwise>
| </switch>
my Variable checkGuardRes with its ValueOUT should have the boolean true or false as value. But It seems that he doesn't really check this value - there seems to be some issue as it allways started the first condition. Maybe only my condition is wrong? But I havent found NOWHERE any example that may fit my case...
I hope this will help you. I have changed my code to int values - so I have more options for returnvalues and it works :-)
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