[jboss-user] [News & Announcements] - JBoss 4.0.5.GA released
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Mon Oct 23 15:49:39 EDT 2006
JBoss 4.0.5.GA has bee released and can be downloaded from the following location.
JBoss 4.0.5.GA Release Notes
This is the jboss-4.0.5.GA (final) release for the Java EE? 1.4 codebase. For information on the APIs that make up Java EE 1.4, see Java EE v1.4 Documentation. For a comprehensive tutorial on Java EE 1.4, see The Java EE? 1.4 Tutorial. A jboss-4.0.x getting started guide that is based on contents from the tutorial can be found in JBoss Application Server Documentation Library
JBoss releases follow our new product versioning rules.
Note: The JBossAS installer allows for arbitrary profiles of the underlying microkernel, including previews of future technologies such as EJB3 which by definition are not Java EE certified. Only the default and all installer profiles with isolation/call by value enabled correspond to Java EE certified profiles.
* Highlights
* Known Compatibility Issues
* Known Configuration Issues
* JBoss/Thirdparty Library Updates
* Detailed Release Notes
* Additional Docs and Help
* Licenses
* About JBoss
* With the update to JBossCache 1.4.0.SP1 JBoss now supports scalable Buddy Replication for replicating http sessions. Note that this is *not* the configured default, see JBAS-3297
* The new JBoss WebServices stack, has been updated to v1.0.3.SP1, see the release notes.
* The EJB3 RC9+ preview has been updated to match the current proposed final draft. The EJB3 Trailblazer is a good introduction to JBoss/EJB3.
* The JGroups stack has been configured for improved Failure Detection (FD), JBAS-3004.
* JBossMQ can be configured to support XA Recovery, when used with JBoss Transactions (experimental), JBAS-1341. Also, scheduled messaged in JBossMQ can now be browsed, JBAS-3228
* Other JBossMQ fixes, JBAS-3620, JBAS-3468, JBAS-3631
* Keystore passwords for Tomcat connectors can now be encrypted, JBAS-3369.
* Added support for advanced security role mapping, JBAS-3323.
* Tomcat Authenticators have been externalized, to allow integration with 3rd-party identity management solutions.
* Datasource connections can be validated in the background, JBAS-1241, and connection pools can be pre-filled, JBAS-1466.
* Access control for coarse grained operations (attribute set, operation invocations) for the JMX console, JBAS-3311.
* EAR applications can now specify the exact order of sub-module deployment, rather than rely in implicit ordering, JBAS-2904.
* HiLoKeyGenerator can now be used in a clustered setup, JBAS-3266.
* JNDIView MBean now shows the ENC of deployed web applications, JBAS-3547.
* A couple of fixes related to memory leaks, JBAS-3428, JBAS-3710.
* If you are using XMBean persistence, you can now persist custom types, JBAS-3463.
Plus more than 90 bug fixes, see the Detailed Release Notes section for the full details.
Compatibility Issues
This lists the changes that could affect compatibility.
* JBoss v4.0.5.GA is the first version to be tested against the BEA JRockit java 1.4.2 JVM. Traditionally the jboss testsuite was run against the Sun JVM, but now we test both Sun and JRockit VMs. See JBAS-3598.
* JBoss Cache 1.4.0.SP1, included with JBoss 4.0.5.GA, may not be fully interoperable with the JBossCache 1.2.4.SP2, included in JBoss 4.0.4.GA. The cause of this problem is the serialVersionUID for org.jboss.cache.ReplicationException that changed between JBossCache 1.2.4.SP2 and 1.4.0.SP1. You can work around this issue by upgrading JBossCache in JBoss 4.0.4.GA to JBossCache 1.4.0.GA. JBossCache 1.4.0.GA is certified to work with JBoss 4.0.4.GA. See JBAS-3772 for more information. This issue may also be present with JBoss 4.0.3SP1 and earlier. The same workaround applies, but also requires that jboss-serialization.jar (JBoss Serialization 1.0.3.GA) be added to the server/*/lib directory.
* The web container is now configured by default to abort any active transactions at the end of a request. This is the Java EE specified behavior, but it can be turned-off, if necessary, JBAS-3242.
* Our implementation of javax.management.timer.Timer (when running under jdk1.4) now supports fixed-delay periodic execution in addition to fixed-rate, and this is now the default (JBAS-3281) for the JMX timer. This affects the schedule manager (JBAS-3282) and the TimerService (JBAS-3391 that now have an additional FixedRate attribute to establish the old fixed-rate behavior.
* The EJB3 preview has been updated to match the current EJB3 draft. See EJB3 Wiki for a list of the documented issues.
* The dependency on dom4j.jar from the core jboss libs was replaced by a jarjar'ed equivalent (see JBAS-3666) and dom4j.jar has been removed from JBOSS_HOME/lib. It now lives in the server/default|all/lib directory where it can be upgraded by the user, if necessary.
* The update to jgroups v2.2.7.SP1 provides the ability to set TCP_NO_DELAY on tcp sockets to improve RCP call latency over a tcp configuration, JBAS-3711, JBAS-3712. Note also that jgroups system properties are now grouped under the jgroups name, JBAS-3649.
* If connecting to an LDAP server, those fixes should be relevant, JBAS-3649, JBAS-3438, JBAS-3645, JBAS-3653.
Configuration Issues
This lists the changes that could affect configuration.
* The JBossAS distributions now include the installer (.jar), the sources (.tar.gz) and the canonical binary release (.zip). Unzipping the binary distribution (.zip) with a native unzip utility will restore correctly the executable permission in the /bin/*.sh files. However, unzipping using the JDK jar utility ignores the executable bit, so this need to be set manually.
* The -server flag is not supported by the IBM JVM, so it now conditionally set by the run.sh/run.bat scripts, JBAS-3458.
* If you are on HP-UP, check out the changes in bin/jboss_init_hpux.sh because it has been updated, JBAS-3641.
* You can now start bin/run.sh in the background and stop the jboss JVM by sending a signal to the parent run.sh process, see JBAS-3748.
Note that as of the 4.0.1 release, the distributed configurations have switched back to the 3.2.x types of distribution configurations:
* minimal: a minimal microkernel with logging, JNDI and hot deployment support
* default: a base level Java EE 1.4 application server configuration
* all: a full Java EE 1.4 server configuration with clustering and all optional services
The standard configuration from the 4.0.0-4.0.1RC1 releases has been dropped and the default flat class loading model from 3.0.x-3.2.x has been restored for the default configuration. This change in behavior was done to restore consistency with the 3.2.x class loading model. The 4.0.0 scoped class loading behavior and call by value JNDI lookup behavior can be restored by:
1. Editing conf/jboss-service.xml and setting the NamingService CallByValue to true:
<!-- The call by value mode. true if all lookups are unmarshalled
the caller's TCL, false if in VM lookups return the value by reference.
<!-- The listening port for the bootstrap JNP service. Set this to
to run the NamingService without the JNP invoker listening port.
2. Editing the deploy/ear-deployer.xml and setting the Isolated and CallByValue attribute to true:
<!-- EAR deployer, remove if you are not using ear deployments -->
<!-- A flag indicating if ear deployments should have their own scoped
class loader to isolate their classes from other deployments.
<!-- A flag indicating if the ear components should have in VM call
optimization disabled.
Library Updates
JBoss Library Updates
* hibernate, upgraded to v3.2.0.GA (from v3.2.0.CR2)
* hibernate-annotations upgraded to v3.2.0.GA (from v3.2.0.CR1)
* hibernate-entitymanager upgraded to v3.2.0.GA (from v3.2.0.CR1)
* javassist, upgraded to v3.3.0.GA (from v3.2.0.CR2)
* jboss-aop, upgraded to v1.5.2.GA (from v1.5.1.GA)
* jboss-cache, upgraded to v1.4.0.SP1 (from v1.2.4.SP2)
* jboss-common, upgraded to v1.0.0.GA (from v1.0.0.CR1)
* jboss-retro-rt, upgraded to v1.0.3.GA (from v1.0.0.GA)
* jboss-serialization, upgraded to v1.0.3.GA (from v1.0.0.GA)
* jbossws, upgraded to 1.0.3.SP1 (from v1.0.0.GA)
* jbossxb, upgraded to 1.0.0.CR6 (from v1.0.0.CR4)
* jgroups, upgraded to v2.2.7.SP1 (from v2.2.7)
Thirdparty Library Updates
* apache-beanutils, upgraded to v1.7.0 (from v1.6.0)
* apache-coded, upgraded to v1.3.0 (from v1.2.0)
* apache-collections, upgraded to v3.1 (from v2.1)
* apache-lang, v1.0 removed
* apache-myfaces, upgraded to v1.1.4 (from v1.1.3)
* apache-scout, upgrade to v0.7rc2 (from v0.7rc1)
* apache-tomcat, upgraded to v5.5.20 (from v5.5.17)
* apache-xmlsec, upgraded to v1.3.0 (from v1.2.97)
* dom4j, restored to the original v1.6.1 (from v1.6.1jboss)
* jacorb, upgraded to v2.2.4jboss-patch1 (from v2.2.3)
* jaxen, upgraded to v1.1-beta-9 (from v1.1-beta4)
* sun-jaf, upgraded to v1.1 (from v1.0.2)
* sun-javamail, upgraded to v1.4 (from v1.3.1)
Detailed Release Notes
Includes versions: JBossAS-4.0.5.CR1, JBossAS-4.0.5.GA
Feature Request
* [ JBAS-397 ] Can't set SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation with Oracle XA
* [ JBAS-1241 ] ConnectionPools - Background validation required
* [ JBAS-1466 ] Prefilling Pools
* [ JBAS-1705 ] Implement getFixedRate() and add fixed-rate notification inTimerMBean, as of JMX1.2
* [ JBAS-2144 ] Scheduled task interval calculated from stop to start instead of start to start
* [ JBAS-2283 ] Custom header based authentication
* [ JBAS-2587 ] ValidConnectionChecker implementation for MS SQL Server
* [ JBAS-2609 ] Investigate bundling of tomahawk, and why it cannot be deployed in a web app
* [ JBAS-2904 ] Allow for ear modules to be deployed in the order that they are declared in application.xml
* [ JBAS-3096 ] Add a maxInactiveInterval concept to ClusteredSingleSignOn
* [ JBAS-3115 ] Extend ValidConnectionChecker semantics to include non JDBC based resources
* [ JBAS-3217 ] add JBOSS_CONF, JBOSS_HOST variables to jboss_init_redhat.sh
* [ JBAS-3228 ] Enable browsing of scheduled messages
* [ JBAS-3229 ] HiLo generator shoudn't always re-create the table at startup
* [ JBAS-3266 ] HiLoKeyGenerator is not cluster-safe
* [ JBAS-3290 ] update myfaces libraries to newest release
* [ JBAS-3297 ] Use Buddy Replication for HttpSession replication
* [ JBAS-3311 ] Access Control on JMX Operations in the JMX Console
* [ JBAS-3323 ] Role Mapping Login Module that maps application role to declarative role
* [ JBAS-3369 ] Add support for encrypting the tomcat server.xml keystore/truststore attributes
* [ JBAS-3391 ] Add FixedRate setting to org.jboss.monitor.services.TimerService (used to configure JMX Timers)
* [ JBAS-3395 ] ValidConnectionChecker for IBM DB2 AS400 environment
* [ JBAS-3466 ] JMS PersistenceManager: org.jboss.mq.SpyJMSException: Could not remove message when using MySQL DB
* [ JBAS-3506 ] Maintain the server logs for the different testsuite clustering configs
* [ JBAS-3547 ] Display ENC for web applications in JNDIView
* [ JBAS-3575 ] Standalone server configuration for HA-JMS
* [ JBAS-3731 ] The default ServiceBindingManager's sample bindings file should override JBoss Messaging's Connector configuration
* [ JBAS-3748 ] Allow bin/run.sh to run in the background and stop jboss, when stopped.
* [ JBAS-3750 ] log of JMS LinkedException when handling provider failure
* [ JBAS-841 ] SQLUtil.fixConstraintName broken
* [ JBAS-940 ] Unecessary alias in SQL
* [ JBAS-1322 ] Farm service fails to deploy correctly on startup
* [ JBAS-1761 ] Clustering unit test failures
* [ JBAS-2182 ] JBoss doesn't support overloaded methods in SEIs
* [ JBAS-2950 ] HAPartition starts successfully even if state transfer fails
* [ JBAS-3178 ] Fix oid-sorting in the snmp-adaptor
* [ JBAS-3180 ] Broken MBean operation ServerInfo#displayInfoForClass(String)
* [ JBAS-3194 ] Proxies for HAServiceMBeanSupport subclass unbound across cluster when any instance undeployed
* [ JBAS-3210 ] DynamicLoginConfig service fails to load login-config.xml that may be absolute
* [ JBAS-3212 ] Externalized Tomcat Authenticators not compiled in
* [ JBAS-3214 ] Fresh 4.0.4GA/EJB3 install fails to boot because server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml is missing
* [ JBAS-3216 ] PooledInvokerProxy.getPooledConnection() is not threadsafe
* [ JBAS-3219 ] Error on lookup From a clustered SLSB to another clustered SLSB
* [ JBAS-3220 ] ejb3.deployer lost the javassit bytecode provider changes
* [ JBAS-3223 ] NullPointerException thrown in BadAttributeValueExpException.toString
* [ JBAS-3225 ] Installer doesn't contain srp libraries
* [ JBAS-3227 ] JNDIView.getHAJndiAttributes NPE
* [ JBAS-3239 ] Input stream reads binary from the db is closed twice
* [ JBAS-3242 ] EE spec requires that web container aborts any active txn at the end of a request
* [ JBAS-3246 ] Run.bat displays periods instead of blank lines
* [ JBAS-3258 ] JDBC artificats should throw SQLException when already closed
* [ JBAS-3260 ] JNDI-View.list() throws NPE
* [ JBAS-3271 ] Memory leak on org.jboss.deployment.SimpleSubDeployerSupport
* [ JBAS-3279 ] Authenticated user can bypass declarative role checks for servlets
* [ JBAS-3281 ] javax.management.timer.Timer should perform fixed-delay periodic execution by default
* [ JBAS-3282 ] ScheduleManager MBean uses fixed-rate execution on Java 1.4 and fixed-delay execution on Java 5.0
* [ JBAS-3287 ] Credential object typing is not consistent
* [ JBAS-3296 ] SpyObjectMessage loses original cause of exception when message payload has non-serializable fields
* [ JBAS-3310 ] Remotely initiated sessions are not cleared from the JBoss Cache upon expiration
* [ JBAS-3312 ] LdapExtLoginModule is missing the first role group of a nested structure
* [ JBAS-3313 ] Static logger initializer incorrectly using DomainSocketFactory in ClientSocketFactory, causing ClassNotFoundException on client side.
* [ JBAS-3318 ] Secondary http sessions in a cross-context request are not replicated
* [ JBAS-3320 ] Web services JBWS309 test failing as jboss-bean.deployer is not included in the custom server
* [ JBAS-3328 ] HiLoKeyGenerator.generateKey is not thread-safe
* [ JBAS-3336 ] Destroy connections after a ResourceManager failure
* [ JBAS-3341 ] Entity container is not ready after its startService
* [ JBAS-3347 ] commons-logging 1.0.5.GA-jboss broke log4j %C pattern format
* [ JBAS-3354 ] Attachment tests (as testsuite) fail on unix platforms (solaris and linux tested)
* [ JBAS-3358 ] Work directory for the web app shouldn't be deleted on Context Destroy
* [ JBAS-3360 ] No ability to override CMD_STOP in JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss_init_redhat.sh
* [ JBAS-3362 ] Foreign key index is created on the wrong table
* [ JBAS-3367 ] NPE in SimpleSubDeployerSupport.unregisterClassLoader(), during destroy(DeploymentInfo)
* [ JBAS-3370 ] Bug in XA Recovery implementation: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected BLOB got NUMBER
* [ JBAS-3381 ] The
* [ JBAS-3392 ] JBossSocketFactory should flag absence of securityDomain
* [ JBAS-3394 ] ejb3 installer has bindingservice-plugin.jar missing
* [ JBAS-3396 ] PooledInvokerHA returning java.rmi.MarshalledObject
* [ JBAS-3421 ] AcceptNonWarDirs attribute of AbstractWebContainerMBean not exposed for .war deployer
* [ JBAS-3428 ] org.jboss.ejb.SecurityActions.getMBeanProxy duplicating proxies
* [ JBAS-3431 ] AuthorizationInterceptor throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* [ JBAS-3438 ] LdapExtLoginModule does not handle roles containing '/' correctly
* [ JBAS-3439 ] DelegatingPolicy: preload of ContextPolicy required for jrockit
* [ JBAS-3448 ] LdapExtLoginModule can leak connections
* [ JBAS-3454 ] Unable to set negative values for MBean attributes using Twiddle command
* [ JBAS-3458 ] Out of synch run.bat/run.sh, hotspot -server usage
* [ JBAS-3463 ] Loading of persisted XMBean attributes does not work for custom types
* [ JBAS-3468 ] JMS Connection starts ping thread before ClientID is set resulting in the ClientMonitorInterceptor to close the connection after client timeout
* [ JBAS-3471 ] Shutdown of 'jbossws14.sar#jbossws.beans' produces WARNing
* [ JBAS-3483 ] The javadoc relating to StdServerSessionPool pooling parameters is wrong
* [ JBAS-3484 ] non portable JDK dependant clasess (sun.**)
* [ JBAS-3485 ] Test failure - org.jboss.test.web.test.WebIntegrationUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3486 ] Unable to find deployment resources - org.jboss.test.securitymgr.test.WarPermissionsUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3488 ] Test failure - org.jboss.test.compatibility.test.SerialVersionUIDUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3489 ] Test failure - org.jboss.test.aop.test.ScopedUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3490 ] Test failure - org.jboss.test.aop.test.ObservableUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3491 ] Test failure - org.jboss.test.webservice.samples.ServerSideJMSTestCase
* [ JBAS-3503 ] Clustering testbeancluster test failures - Deployment Error
* [ JBAS-3513 ] adding to webapp's web.xml causes ERROR on startup in default server profile
* [ JBAS-3517 ] Redeploy of Tomcat5 Service chokes with RuntimeException
* [ JBAS-3528 ] HttpSession isNew() inaccurate if the 2nd request for the session is on different server
* [ JBAS-3541 ] JDBCParameterSetter is not used for query parameters
* [ JBAS-3545 ] HASessionState state transfer incorrect for replicated sessions
* [ JBAS-3555 ] LdapExtLoginModule fails if no initial bind credentials are supplied but anonymous login would be possible
* [ JBAS-3558 ] Service(Proxy) should be transient in ServiceContext
* [ JBAS-3561 ] InvokerInterceptor.invokeLocalMarshalled is not marshalling PayLoad and invocationContext
* [ JBAS-3566 ] Invalid mbean code reference in mssql-jdbc2-service.xml
* [ JBAS-3573 ] Failure to remove a message should result in a NACK + error
* [ JBAS-3584 ] WARNing logged when deploy-hasingleton is undeployed twice
* [ JBAS-3585 ] Duplicate undeployment of unpacked nested modules on jboss shutdown
* [ JBAS-3618 ] repository-zip target in build-release.xml doesn't consistently overwrite default config with all
* [ JBAS-3619 ] Deadlock in AsynchViewChangeHandler
* [ JBAS-3620 ] JBossMQ's PersistenceManager RecoveryRetries doesn't work if failure is creating the schema
* [ JBAS-3631 ] Missing branch in StdServerSession commit logic
* [ JBAS-3640 ] Clustering of the quartz-ra.rar failes
* [ JBAS-3642 ] Flag an exception in CachedConnectionValve if CachedConnectionManager is unavailable
* [ JBAS-3645 ] LdapExtLoginModule still has connection leak
* [ JBAS-3653 ] Ldap*LoginModule fail to retrieve multiple role names when roleAttributeIsDN=true
* [ JBAS-3684 ] References to TxManager
* [ JBAS-3685 ] References to TxManager
* [ JBAS-3702 ] Uncomment HA invokers in sample-bindings.xml
* [ JBAS-3705 ] Fixes included in JBAS-3689 for allowing the NamingService to work correctly in multi-homed environments need to be incorporated.
* [ JBAS-3710 ] WebServices leaking redeployment
* [ JBAS-3713 ] Full MBean lifecycle for HAPartition doesn't work
* [ JBAS-3717 ] correct TCL should be used before starting entity PMs
* [ JBAS-3722 ] on Windows, org.jboss.test.naming.test.SimpleUnitTestCase fail
* [ JBAS-3727 ] NPE on context classloader changing in EJB container when caller doesn't have a context classloader
* [ JBAS-3736 ] JBoss AS 4.0.5.CR1 does not include jaxen, which is required for using Hibernate XML mapping
* [ JBAS-3737 ] On Windowsm, jmx.test.DeployServiceUnitTestCase fails with DeploymentException
* [ JBAS-3738 ] On Windows: timer.test.BasicTimerUnitTestCase fails
* [ JBAS-3742 ] Can't use . in username when using BaseCertLoginModule
* [ JBAS-3743 ] Wrong SQL in oracle-jdbc2-service.xml example
* [ JBAS-3744 ] UseJK is not displayed correctly in jmx-console (for case 11730).
* [ JBAS-3478 ] Make jsse provider pluggable in testsuite
* [ JBAS-3683 ] snmp-adaptor.sar/attributes.mib MIB syntax errors
* [ JBAS-1341 ] XA Recovery
* [ JBAS-1477 ] Pass in the security-domain name to the login modules for error reporting
* [ JBAS-2398 ] Check for unparameterized interface configuration
* [ JBAS-2654 ] Validate Hosts defined under a tomcat service
* [ JBAS-2899 ] Externalize Tomcat Authenticators at the Host Level
* [ JBAS-3004 ] Use a combination of FD and FD_SOCK in the default JGroups protocol stack.
* [ JBAS-3116 ] JCA Exception Sorting/Valid Connection checking needs test coverage
* [ JBAS-3150 ] Cipher attribute in the SSL Connector is ignored
* [ JBAS-3204 ] Seperate the joesnmp.jar library from the snmp-support.jar
* [ JBAS-3218 ] Handle expiration of replicated sessions found in the buddy replication subtree
* [ JBAS-3235 ] Remove test dependency on com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider
* [ JBAS-3243 ] Use PojoCache instead of TreeCacheAop in HttpSession replication code
* [ JBAS-3244 ] Get rid of CredentialUpdater thread from TreeCacheSSOClusterManager
* [ JBAS-3251 ] Investigate org.jboss.test.jca.test.SecurityContextUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3252 ] jacorb.properties - wrong names for connection timeouts
* [ JBAS-3284 ] Upgrade jboss serialization to 1.0.1.GA (from 1.0.0.GA)
* [ JBAS-3285 ] Upgrade EJB3 to 1.0.0.CR8 (from CR7)
* [ JBAS-3286 ] ExtendedFormAuthenticator should override authenticate to populate session
* [ JBAS-3288 ] Remove JAXB1.0 API classes (javax.xml.bind.*) from jboss-j2ee.jar
* [ JBAS-3298 ] Upgrade JBossCache to 1.4.0 in Branch 4.0
* [ JBAS-3299 ] Release jbossws-1.0.1.GA binary
* [ JBAS-3306 ] Upgrade JBoss AS to use MyFaces 1.1.3
* [ JBAS-3319 ] dependency on jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer,type=Barrier should read
* [ JBAS-3371 ] Replace Sun activation.jar with a source-code friendly licensed implementation
* [ JBAS-3372 ] Replace Sun javamail (mail.jar) with a source-code friendly licensed implementation
* [ JBAS-3422 ] DynamicLoginConfig Service should not load conf/login-config.xml
* [ JBAS-3434 ] Produce the Installer for 4.0.5.GA
* [ JBAS-3435 ] Get the 4.0.5.CR1 testsuite passing
* [ JBAS-3436 ] Get the 4.0-compatibility tests passing for 4.0.5.CR1
* [ JBAS-3443 ] JBossCacheService should not hold a direct ref to TreeCache service bean
* [ JBAS-3446 ] Upgrade JBossSerialization to 1.0.2.GA
* [ JBAS-3461 ] Resolve the failures in the ClusteredSSO unit tests
* [ JBAS-3472 ] Upgrade jacorb to 2.2.4jboss.patch1
* [ JBAS-3476 ] Create the release notes for 4.0.5.CR1
* [ JBAS-3487 ] Create test of ClusteredSingleSignOn with BR enabled
* [ JBAS-3492 ] Test Failure with JRockit: org.jboss.test.exception.EntityExceptionUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3494 ] failure in org.jboss.test.classloader.test.BasicLoaderUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3496 ] all tests under org.jboss.test.cmp2.cmrtree.test fail with javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException
* [ JBAS-3497 ] (21) test under org.jboss.test.cmp2.lob fail with javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3504 ] Upgrade to JBoss Cache 1.4.0.SP1
* [ JBAS-3522 ] Include jbossws-1.0.3
* [ JBAS-3554 ] Upgrade JBoss AS to use MyFaces 1.1.4
* [ JBAS-3574 ] Upgrade jbossws to 1.0.3.GA
* [ JBAS-3578 ] Error in org.jboss.test.cluster.jmx.test.HAInvokerUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3579 ] Failure in org.jboss.test.web.test.ClusteredSingleSignOnUnitTestCase(tomcat-sso-cluster)
* [ JBAS-3580 ] Error in org.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.UnackedUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3586 ] Upgrade Tomcat to Version 5.5.18
* [ JBAS-3592 ] Add system property jgroups.mcast.ip_ttl
* [ JBAS-3593 ] Add a Marshaller to HAPartitionImpl
* [ JBAS-3598 ] Get the 4.0.5.GA testsuite-1.4 (JRockit) passing
* [ JBAS-3601 ] Switch copyright to RedHat Middleware LLC
* [ JBAS-3625 ] Update EJB3 for jboss-4.0.5.GA
* [ JBAS-3634 ] Acknowledgement of transacted message in MessageListener should be inside delivery lock
* [ JBAS-3641 ] Updated bin/jboss_init_hpux.sh script
* [ JBAS-3649 ] Startup switches should set the new JGroups system properties
* [ JBAS-3651 ] Get the jboss-4.0-testsuite-sun-1.4 passing on Solaris 10
* [ JBAS-3652 ] Add EULA to licenses folder of distribution
* [ JBAS-3655 ] Reduce logging for the construction of interceptor in ModelMBeanInvoker
* [ JBAS-3656 ] Disconnect HAPartition channel upon failure in startService()
* [ JBAS-3659 ] Increase ClusterPartition buffers to support farming of large files
* [ JBAS-3665 ] Update JBoss Serialization to 1.0.3.GA
* [ JBAS-3666 ] Replace the dom4j dependency with a jarjar'ed equivalent
* [ JBAS-3676 ] Upgrade jboss-common to 1.0.0.GA
* [ JBAS-3682 ] Upgrade jboss aop to 1.5.2.GA
* [ JBAS-3687 ] Test case for Custom Principal Propagation
* [ JBAS-3699 ] Fix testsuite OOMEs
* [ JBAS-3711 ] Update to JGroups 2.2.7.SP1
* [ JBAS-3712 ] Use TCP_NO_DELAY on sockets if HAPartition uses TCP
* [ JBAS-3740 ] Upgrade Hibernate/JPA to 3.2.0.GA
* [ JBAS-3741 ] Upgrade tomcat to 5.5.20
* [ JBAS-2071 ] Need a mechanism to retrieve FamilyClusterInfo in a consistent/synchronized way
* [ JBAS-2225 ] FCI.getTargets() should be Immutable
* [ JBINSTALL-74 ] German translation
* [ JBAS-2272 ] Clustering unit test failures - TCP stack
* [ JBAS-2409 ] EJB3 JMS Integration
* [ JBAS-2481 ] Externalization of the tomcat authenticators
* [ JBAS-3264 ] Write a helper class that retrieves an XAResource from the jms provider api suitable for use in recovery
* [ JBAS-3270 ] XID and hashmap
* [ JBAS-3386 ] Expose "in process" messages via JMX
* [ JBAS-3464 ] Add a wiki page explaining the implication of buddy replication for ClusteredSSO
* [ JBAS-3482 ] Still a WARN message during failed close
* [ JBAS-3510 ] Backport fixes from ServiceController rewrite to JBoss4
* [ JBAS-3525 ] Remove redundant ERROR logging when clustered webapp is not supported
* [ JBAS-3600 ] failure (jrockit) org.jboss.test.compatibility.test.SerialVersionUIDUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-3602 ] 3 failing tests org.jboss.test.jacc.test (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3603 ] 6 failing tests org.jboss.test.jca.test.XATxConnectionManagerUnitTestCase (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3604 ] 2 failed tests - org.jboss.test.jmx.test.DeployXMBeanUnitTestCase (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3605 ] test failures org.jboss.test.jmx.test.JMXInvokerUnitTestCase/SecureJMXInvokerUnitTestCase (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3606 ] failed org.jboss.test.naming.test.SecurityUnitTestCase (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3607 ] failing org.jboss.test.session.test.EjbRemoveUnitTestCase (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3608 ] 2 failing tests org.jboss.test.webservice.handlerflow.HandlerFlowTestCase
* [ JBAS-3609 ] failing org.jboss.test.webservice.jbws70.JBWS70TestCase (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3627 ] Write test to test rollback of a NACK in 2PC
* [ JBAS-3628 ] Invalid fix for JBAS-3573
* [ JBAS-3693 ] Other XAResource errors
* [ JBAS-3715 ] 1 failing test in org.jboss.test.security.test.SRPLoginModuleUnitTestCase (rockit)
* [ JBAS-3716 ] failed org.jboss.test.security.test.JaasSecurityManagerUnitTestCase (jrockit)
* [ JBAS-3734 ] Cannot use the classloader being null to detect whether beforeDelivery was invoked
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