[jboss-user] Problem with Multiples .wars

Eros eroscc at terra.com.br
Thu Oct 26 15:31:13 EDT 2006


I have a problem with multiples wars. 
My JboosPortal version is: 2.2.1RC3 

My classes are shared, but my jboss-web.xml is: 

<class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance="false">
    </loader- repository-config> 

I see the problem when I try load one .properties that it is inside of war. 
Each war it has a different file .properties, with equals name but with 
different content. 

In my class that load .properties this code is used: 

public class CommonInformationPortal implements ServletContextListener {
	private static Properties properties = null;

	public static void load()
			if(properties == null)
				properties = new Properties();
		catch(Exception e)
	public static String getProperty(String property)  {
                                      return properties.getProperty(property);
		catch(Exception e)
			return null;

But always return the ClassLoader of last deployed war. 
So the file .properties read is always the file of last deployed war. 

I try use ServletContextListener the load of file .properties is ok, but when I get any propertie of this file is returned propertie of last deployed war. 

How i can resolve this problem?

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