[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Hibernate optimistic locking & JBossCache

kresho do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Oct 28 04:30:41 EDT 2006

Hibernate 3.1, Jboss 4.0.3SP1

I'm trying to get optimistic locking to work, but with no luck.

I'm using Jboss cache 1.4. Configuration of cache and session factory:
  |     <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.TreeCache" name="jboss.har:service=HarSecondLevelCache">
  |     	<attribute name="CacheMode">LOCAL</attribute>
  |     	<attribute name="TransactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.JBossTransactionManagerLookup</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="NodeLockingScheme">OPTIMISTIC</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="EvictionPolicyConfig">
  | 			<config>
  | 				<attribute name="wakeUpIntervalSeconds">5</attribute> 
  | 				<!--  Cache wide default --> 
  | 				<region name="/_default_">
  | 					<attribute name="maxNodes">50000</attribute> 
  | 					<attribute name="timeToLiveSeconds">1000</attribute> 
  | 					<!-- Maximum time an object is kept in cache regardless of idle time -->
  | 					<attribute name="maxAgeSeconds">600</attribute>
  | 				</region>
  | 			</config>
  | 		</attribute>
  | 	</mbean>
  | 	<mbean code="org.jboss.hibernate.jmx.Hibernate" name="jboss.har:service=Chip_HB_LOCAL">
  | 		<attribute name="DatasourceName">java:/jdbc/ChipDS_LOCAL</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="Dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="SessionFactoryName">java:/hibernate/ChipHB_LOCAL</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="CacheProviderClass">org.jboss.hibernate.cache.DeployedTreeCacheProvider</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="DeployedTreeCacheObjectName">jboss.har:service=HarSecondLevelCache</attribute>
  |   		<attribute name="ReflectionOptimizationEnabled">false</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="MaxFetchDepth">1</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="ScanForMappingsEnabled">true</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="StatGenerationEnabled">true</attribute>
  | 		<attribute name="ShowSqlEnabled">false</attribute>
  | 		<!--attribute name="Hbm2ddlAuto">update</attribute-->
  | 	</mbean>
  | </server>

Here is my class that I expect to be optimistically locked:
  |  * $Id$
  |  */
  | package hr.chipoteka.erp.data;
  | import java.util.Date;
  | /**
  |  * @hibernate.class lazy = "false" dynamic-update = "true"
  |  */
  | public abstract class Analitika extends DataObject {
  | ...
  | 	/**
  | 	 * @hibernate.version type = "timestamp"
  | 	 */
  | 	public Date getTs() {
  | 		return ts;
  | 	}
  | 	public void setTs(Date ts) {
  | 		this.ts = ts;
  | 	}
  | }

and one subclass:

package hr.chipoteka.erp.data.artikl;
  | import hr.chipoteka.erp.data.Analitika;
  | import hr.chipoteka.erp.data.SlimDataObject;
  | import hr.chipoteka.erp.data.osoba.PoslovniPartner;
  | import hr.chipoteka.erp.data.osoba.adresa.Drzava;
  | import java.util.*;
  | /**
  |  * @hibernate.union-subclass lazy = "false" dynamic-update = "true"
  |  */
  | public class Artikl extends Analitika implements SlimDataObject {
  | ...
  | }

Generated hbm.xml looks like this:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
  |     "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" 
  |     "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd">
  | <hibernate-mapping
  | >
  |     <class
  |             name="hr.chipoteka.erp.data.Analitika"
  |             lazy="false"
  |             dynamic-update="true"
  |     >
  | ...
  |         <version
  |             name="ts"
  |             column="ts"
  |             type="timestamp"
  |         />
  | ...
  |     <union-subclass
  |         name="hr.chipoteka.erp.data.artikl.Artikl"
  |             dynamic-update="true"
  |             lazy="false"
  |     >
  | ...
  |     </union-subclass>
  | ...
  |    </class>    
  | </hibernate-mapping>

I use hibernate within stateless session beans.

When running some HQL queries, I stop jboss at a breakpoint and check locks in the database (postgres):

select pg_class.relname,pg_locks.locktype, page, tuple, transaction, pid, mode, granted from pg_class,pg_locks where pg_class.relfilenode=pg_locks.relation and pid = 31761 order by relname;
  |     relname    | locktype | page | tuple | transaction |  pid  |      mode       | granted
  | ---------------+----------+------+-------+-------------+-------+-----------------+---------
  |  artikl        | relation |      |       |     5378326 | 31761 | AccessShareLock | t
  | (1 rows)

What am I doing wrong?

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