[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Multiple select items in page scope with factories.
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Oct 30 10:12:56 EST 2006
Hi all,
I have an issue with multiple @SelectItems and factories.
Seam 1.1.0.beta1
selectitems 1.0.1rc1
In my SFSB I have these @SelectItems
@SelectItems(value = "selectProjectManagers", scope = ScopeType.PAGE, label = "name", strategy = SelectItems.Strategy.INDEX)
| private List<User> projectManagers;
| @SelectItems(value = "selectCustomers", scope = ScopeType.PAGE, label = "name", strategy = SelectItems.Strategy.INDEX)
| private List<Customer> customers;
| @SelectItems(value = "selectBusinessAreas", scope = ScopeType.PAGE, label = "name", strategy = SelectItems.Strategy.INDEX)
| private List<BusinessArea> businessAreas;
I have three factories for these
| @Factory("selectProjectManagers")
| public void getProjectManagers()
| {
| projectManagers = userManager.getUsersInRoles(new String[] { SystemRole.PROJECT_ADMINISTRATOR });
| }
| @Factory("selectBusinessAreas")
| public void getBusinessAreas()
| {
| businessAreas = systemManagerBean.getBusinessAreas();
| }
| @Factory("selectCustomers")
| public void getCustomers()
| {
| customers = customerManager.getCustomers();
| }
and finally a page that displays these select items on a page as drop downs.
| <h:outputLabel for="customer">Project Manager:</h:outputLabel>
| <h:selectOneMenu value="#{projectWebManager.projectManager}">
| <f:selectItems value="#{selectProjectManagers}"/>
| </h:selectOneMenu>
| <h:outputLabel for="customer">Customer:</h:outputLabel>
| <h:selectOneMenu value="#{projectWebManager.customer}">
| <f:selectItems value="#{selectCustomers}"/>
| </h:selectOneMenu>
| <h:outputLabel for="customer">Business Area:</h:outputLabel>
| <h:selectOneMenu value="#{projectWebManager.businessArea}">
| <f:selectItems value="#{selectBusinessAreas}"/>
| </h:selectOneMenu>
When I debug this I can see that only the factory associated with the first of the three dropdowns (selectProjectManagers) is called. If I put the selectCustomers dropdown before the selectProjectManagers dropdown the selectCustomers factory is called.
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