[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Submitting using SelectOneRadio
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Oct 30 20:04:16 EST 2006
Sorry to be so noisy on an ignored topic. I have degraded to a much simpler question. Has anyone gotten the valueChangeListener attribute to work with <h:selectOneRadio>? I have seen a handful of threads around and no one has ultimately said that they got it to work. The result in my case is a very mysterious NoSuchMethodException, though I clearly have it defined in the interface and the implementation of my SFSB. How can this possibly be the case? In desperation, I've tried tweaking the InterceptionType, to no avail. Do I need a [currently unknown] annotation on this method?
<h:selectOneRadio immediate="true"
| id="stateRadios"
| value="#{editProfileAction.selectedState}"
| onclick="submit()" valueChangeListener="#{editProfileAction.updateStateRadioChange}">
| <f:selectItem itemLabel="MA" itemValue="MA"/>
| <f:selectItem itemLabel="ME" itemValue="ME"/>
| <f:selectItem itemLabel="NH" itemValue="NH"/>
| <f:selectItem itemLabel="RI" itemValue="RI"/>
| <f:selectItem itemLabel="VT" itemValue="VT"/>
| </h:selectOneRadio>
public void updateStateRadioChange(ValueChangeEvent event);
public void updateStateRadioChange(ValueChangeEvent event){
| this.selectedState = (String)event.getNewValue();
| }
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: updateStateRadioChange
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