[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - JBoss is not beginning transaction
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Sep 19 15:20:00 EDT 2006
I'm using JBoss 4.0.4-GA with Hibernate 3.2CR4 and EJB 2.1. Hibernate is complaining that "load is not valid without active transaction" This comes form the TransactionManager that is checking to see if the Transaction is active. The transaction exists, it just has not begun.
I have a stateless session bean using CMT that looks like this ...
| /**
| * @ejb.bean name="GeoFeatureServer"
| * jndi-name="com.free2be.framework.gis.feature.GeoFeatureServerHome"
| * type="Stateless" view-type="remote"
| * @ejb.transaction type="Required"
| */
| public abstract class GeoFeatureServerBean implements SessionBean {
| /**
| * @ejb.interface-method
| */
| public GeoFeature findGeoFeature(GeoFeaturePk geoFeaturePk) throws NoSuchElementException {
| GeoFeature value = (GeoFeature) cache.getByKey(geoFeaturePk);
| if (value == null) {
| getLogger().debug(geoFeaturePk + " not cached...loading");
| value = getGeoFeatureDao().findById(geoFeaturePk, false);
| cache.addToCache(value);
| }
| return value;
| }
| }
The DAO code looks like this ...
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
| public V findById(long id, boolean lock) {
| V entity;
| try {
| Session session = getSession();
| // Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
| if (lock)
| entity = (V) session.load(getPersistentClass(), id, LockMode.UPGRADE);
| else
| entity = (V) session.load(getPersistentClass(), id);
| } catch (HibernateException e) {
| throw new NoSuchElementException(e.getMessage());
| }
| return entity;
| }
If I un-comment the session.beginTransaction(), the exception won't be thrown. However, we're using CMT, so I shouldn't have to do that. In fact, I shouldn't be allowed to do that. Touching the transaction should throw an exception AFAIK.
My hibernate.properties file ...
| hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
| hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:mysql://integration:3306/mbgeo
| hibernate.connection.username=xxxx
| hibernate.connection.password=xxxx
| #don't use hibernate's pooling! http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/v3/reference/en/html/session-configuration.html
| hibernate.c3p0.min_size=5
| hibernate.c3p0.max_size=20
| hibernate.c3p0.timeout=1800
| hibernate.c3p0.max_statements=50
| hibernate.session_factory_name=hibernate/session_factory
| jta.UserTransaction=UserTransaction
| #hibernate.current_session_context_class=jta #can leave unset, default is jta
| hibernate.transaction.factory_class=org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory
| hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class=org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup
| hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion=true
| hibernate.cache.provider_class=org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider
| hibernate.show_sql=true
| hibernate.format_sql=true
| hibernate.generate_statistics=true
| hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer=false
| hibernate.bytecode.provider=javassist
Anybody have any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
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