[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Could not find Stateful bean

carojas do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 20 21:09:59 EDT 2006

This is the JSP 

  | <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
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  | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
  | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  | <f:view>
  | <f:loadBundle basename="messages" var="msg"/>
  |  <head>
  |   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
  | 	<title><h:outputText value="#{msg.CrearColombia}"/></title>
  |   <style type="text/css" media="all">
  |     @import "style/default/screen.css";
  |   </style>
  |  </head>
  |  <body>
  |  <h:form>
  |  <f:subview id="header">
  |  <table width="988"  border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  |    <tr>
  |      <td valign="middle"><div align="center"><img src="style/default/img/cabe.jpg" width="984" height="170"/>
  |         </div>
  |          <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  |           <tr align="center">
  |             <td width="141" height="23" class="boton_menu"><a href="beneficiariosOferente.jsf">Beneficiarios</a></td>
  |             <td width="141" height="23" class="boton_menu"><a href="convocatoriasOferente.jsf">Convocatorias</a></td>
  |             <td width="141" height="23" class="boton_menu"><a href="portafoliosOferente.jsf">Portafolios</a></td>
  |             <td width="141" height="23" class="boton_menu"><a href="casoExitoOferente.jsf">Casos de éxito</a></td>
  |             <td width="141" height="23" class="boton_menu"><a href="evaluacionesOferente.jsf">Evaluaciones</a></td>
  |             <td width="141" height="23" class="boton_menu"><a href="salir.jsf" class="boton_menu">Salir</a></td>
  |             <td width="142" class="txt_label">
  |             <!--<select name="select" >
  |                         <option class="txt_titulo2" value=<h:commandLink value="#{msg.Create} #{msg.Convocatoria}" action="#{fachada.srvEditarConvocatoria}"/> > </option>                    
  |                         <option class="txt_titulo2" value=<h:commandLink value="#{msg.VerConvocatorias}" action="#{fachada.srvConsultarConvocatoriaOferente}"/> ></option>
  |              </select>                
  |             </td>
  |            --><h:selectOneMenu  value="#{fachada.opcion}" >
  |             		<f:selectItem itemValue="crearConvocatoria" itemLabel="#{msg.Create} #{msg.Convocatoria}"  />
  |             		<f:selectItem itemValue="convocatoriaOferente" itemLabel="#{msg.VerConvocatorias}"  />
  |             </h:selectOneMenu>
  |             </td>
  | 			<td>
  | 				<h:commandButton value="Ir" action="#{fachada.srvOpcion}"></h:commandButton>
  | 			</td>
  |           </tr>
  |          </table></td>
  |      </tr>
  |  </table>
  | </f:subview>
  | <div align="right" class="txt_titulo"> <h:outputLabel value="#{msg.ConvocatoriasDisponibles}"></h:outputLabel> </div>
  |      <DIV align="center">
  | 		        <br />
  | 		        <br />
  | 		       <table width="580px"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table_border" >
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  |                <td>
  |               <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0">
  |                   <tr><td colspan="3"><span class="error"><h:messages id="mensajesCreacion"/></span> </td></tr>
  |                     <tr>
  |                      <td width="19%">
  |                    <h:outputText value="#{msg.Convocatoria_nombre}" />  </td>
  |                       <td width="13%"><div align="right" class="txt_label">
  |                  <h:inputText value="#{fachada.convocatoriaEditor.instance.nombre}" id="nombre"/>
  |                      </div></td>                                                               
  |                     </tr>
  |                          <!--  Propósito -->
  |                     <tr>
  |                      <td width="19%">
  |                    <h:outputText  value="#{msg.Convocatoria_proposito}" />  </td>
  |                       <td width="13%"><div align="right" class="txt_label">
  |                 <h:inputTextarea rows="7" cols="70" value="#{fachada.convocatoriaEditor.instance.proposito}" id="proposito"/>
  |                       </div></td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                          <!--  Dirigido a -->
  |                     <tr>
  |                      <td width="19%">
  |                    <h:outputText value="#{msg.Convocatoria_dirigido}"/>  </td>
  |                       <td width="13%"><div align="right" class="txt_label">
  |                    <h:inputText value="#{fachada.convocatoriaEditor.instance.dirigido}" id="dirigido"/>
  |                       </div></td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                          <!--  Fecha y hora -->
  |                     <tr>
  |                      <td width="19%">
  |                    <h:outputText value="#{msg.Convocatoria_fechahora}"/>  </td>
  |                       <td width="13%"><div align="right" class="txt_label">
  |                    <h:inputText value="#{fachada.convocatoriaEditor.instance.fechahora}" id="fechahora">
  |                <f:convertDateTime  pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" type="both" />
  |            </h:inputText>      
  |                       </div></td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                               <!--  Fecha y hora -->
  |                     <tr>
  |                      <td width="19%">
  |                    <h:outputText value="#{msg.Convocatoria_hora}"/>  </td>
  |                       <td width="13%"><div align="right" class="txt_label">
  |                    <h:inputText value="#{fachada.convocatoriaEditor.instance.hora}" id="hora">
  |            </h:inputText>      
  |                       </div></td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                          <!--  Lugar -->
  |                     <tr>
  |                      <td width="19%">
  |                    <h:outputText  value="#{msg.Convocatoria_lugar}" />  </td>
  |                       <td width="13%"><div align="right" class="txt_label">
  |                    <h:inputText value="#{fachada.convocatoriaEditor.instance.lugar}" id="lugar"/>
  |                       </div></td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                       <!--  Nombre de contacto -->
  |                     <tr>
  |                      <td width="19%">
  |                    <h:outputText value="#{msg.Convocatoria_contacto}" />  </td>
  |                       <td width="13%"><div align="right" class="txt_label">
  |                    <h:inputText value="#{fachada.convocatoriaEditor.instance.contacto}" id="contacto"/>
  |                       </div></td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                       <!--  Teléfono de contacto -->
  |                     <tr>
  |                      <td width="19%">
  |                    <h:outputText value="#{msg.Convocatoria_telefonodecontacto}" />  </td>
  |                       <td width="13%"><div align="right" class="txt_label">
  |                  <h:inputText value="#{fachada.convocatoriaEditor.instance.telefonodecontacto}" id="telefonodecontacto"/>
  |                       </div></td>
  |                     </tr>
  |                     <tr>
  |                       <td colspan=2><table width="50%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  |                           <tr>
  |                             <td> <br/> <br/><table width="100"  border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  |                                 <tr onMouseOver="swap_boton('img_a_2', 'img_b_2', 'celda_2')" onMouseOut="restore_boton('img_a_2', 'img_b_2', 'celda_2')">
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  |                                   <td width="100%" background="style/default/img/bot_2.gif" id="celda_2" class="txt_button" align="center">
  |                                <span align="center"> <h:commandLink value="#{msg.Create}" action="#{fachada.srvCrearConvocatoria}" /></span>
  |                                   </td>
  |                                   <td width="3px"><img src="style/default/img/bot_3.gif" id="img_b_2" width="3" height="22"></td>
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  |                           </tr>
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  | 		      <br/>     
  | 		      </DIV>
  |    </h:form>
  |   </body>
  |  </f:view>
  | </html>

and this is a part of the java code for the action

  | public String srvCrearConvocatoria() 
  | 	{
  | 		long time=System.currentTimeMillis();
  | 		Date fechaHoy = new Date(time);
  | 		if(convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getNombre().equals("") || convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getNombre()==null
  | 				|| convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getContacto().equals("") || convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getContacto() == null
  | 				|| convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getTelefonodecontacto().equals("") || convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getTelefonodecontacto()== null
  | 				|| convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getProposito().equals("") || convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getProposito()== null
  | 				|| convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getDirigido().equals("") || convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getDirigido() == null
  | 				|| convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getLugar().equals("") || convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getLugar() == null
  | 				|| convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getFechahora().equals("") || convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getFechahora() == null
  | 				|| convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getHora().equals("") || convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getHora() == null)
  | 		{
  | 			FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(
  | 					null,
  | 					new FacesMessage(messages.get("DatosIncompletos") + " "
  | 					));
  | 			return null;
  | 		}
  | 		else
  | 		{   
  | 			if(convocatoriaEditor.getInstance().getFechahora().after(fechaHoy))
  | 			{
  | 				if(convocatoriaEditor.create()!= null)
  | 				{
  | 					FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(
  | 							null,
  | 							new FacesMessage(messages.get("ConvocatoriaCreada") + " "
  | 							));
  | 					convocatoriaEditor.create();
  | 				}
  | 				else
  | 				{
  | 					FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(
  | 							null,
  | 							new FacesMessage(messages.get("ErrorConvocatoria") + " "
  | 							));
  | 				}
  | 			}
  | 			else
  | 			{
  | 				FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(
  | 						null,
  | 						new FacesMessage(messages.get("FechaInvalida") + " "
  | 						));
  | 				return null;
  | 			}
  | 			return null;	
  | 		}
  | 	}

Can you help me???? 

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