[jboss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: MBean: parameters name & description of operations with

kapilanand do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Sep 21 14:59:54 EDT 2006

hi all,
I am looking for the same solution. I had posted a topic in EJB3 user forum but got no response. I could not find anything documented on this either. Looks like this feature is absent. I was considering to move to XMBeans. 
I see two short-comings in the xmbean solution:
1. There is no way to separate out application and management interface.
2. You will have to do something addition to put the service in JNDI:

Option1: Using deployment descriptor define a RMI adaptor and register it in JNDI. Will be ineffecient if you need only local interface for the service, perhaps in-JVM JBoss JNDI lookup will return a local reference instead of network-enabled stub. (Will make the service remotely available though)

Option2: Write a separate startup service that creates these services and add them to JNDI programatically (and in the service kernel too perhaps).  I am not sure this can be done for ejb3 services.

I think the JBoss local JNDI implementation store the local reference of the object instead of the serialized copy, so implementing Referenceable might not be needed. (that's what is evident from the example in tutorial that binds a hashtable/hashmap in JNDI and uses it as a live object)

Please let me know if my information is flawed or same things can be done in a better or different way.

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