[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Drop Down Menu Using Seam and Facelets

yj4jboss do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Sep 25 03:05:43 EDT 2006

Hello Denis,

I had declared getModel() in the interface.....I could only get your code to work by doing the following changes:

  |         public Map<String,Object> model = new TreeMap<String,Object>();
  |       // Instead of public Map<String,Object> model;
  | 	public void fillMaps(){
  | 		//model = new TreeMap<String,Object>();
  | 		model.clear();
  | 		model.put("2004","-1");             // Add 2004 for test element if needed
  | 		for (Object o: yearList) {
  | 			String label = o.toString();
  | 			model.put(label, o );
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | 	public Map<String,Object> getModel(){          // f:selectItems value
  | 		log.debug("Initializing Model");
  | 		log.debug("Model Size = "+model.size());
  | 		getYearList();  // retrieves all years and places it in yearList
  | 		fillMaps();
  | 		return model;
  | 	}

My code in my searchbox.xhtml page is as follows:

  | <h:form>
  | 			<h:selectOneMenu value="#{companySearch.criterion.year}" converter="#{companySearch.converter}">
  | 				<f:selectItems value="#{companySearch.model}"/>
  | 			</h:selectOneMenu>		
  |                         <h:commandButton action="#{companySearch.findCompaniesByYearWithFinancialStatements}" 
  |                                          value="Search Company"
  |                                          class="formButton" style="width: 166px;"/>
  | </h:form>

Though this works by listing All Years in the drop down menu, there are two problems that i face:

(1) value specified in <h:selectOneMenu> is not selected as default
      ( I tested this with another example)
(2) When submitting the form, the submitted value is returned as null 

  | 2006-09-25 10:49:01,863 DEBUG [accountingAudit.actions.CompanySearchBean] criterion =null

However, if i use a plain <h:inputText> to submit this value, the search is carried out correctly.

Could you please enlighten me on these two issues ....I am using this for a small application and do not want to use custom annotation as long as your code can get me working ;0)

Thnx in advance


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