[jboss-user] [The Lizzard's corner] - Re: On the quality of user posts.

jwenting do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Aug 7 04:13:04 EDT 2007

Often the problem isn't that the user doesn't know he's posting incomplete questions or posting them in the wrong place but that the user doesn't care.

This may be less prevalent here than in other forums (like the Sun forums for example).
Combine that with an attitude of expecting instant gratification without having to put in any effort of their own, and you have a recipe for disaster.

This has in part to do with education (or the lack thereof that nowadays is called education), in part with cultures that raise children in an atmosphere where their every wish is your command, noone dares say no to them or punish them for transgressions for fear of being termed a bad parent or worse a child molester.

Together they create a user (or more generally a person) who doesn't know how to use the tools he has at his disposal, and doesn't care to figure out how to use them, instead expects others to instantly drop what they're doing and provide service free of charge without even being told what the problem is.

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