[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Strange problem using Seam iterating display components like

mwkohout do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Aug 8 12:05:46 EDT 2007

I'm creating a page where a user selects elements to be added to a entity object from a rich datatable...simple enough.  

That functionality works-when I look at the domain object through the debug.seam view, I see it's being updated.  

But when I attempt to display/iterate over the list of elements in the domain object, I'm getting this error:

  | javax.el.ELException: /home.xhtml: Property 'name' not found on type java.util.HashSet

here's my code:

  | <h:inputText id="findMentor"  value="#{newTeamFormMap.mentorName}">
  |                             <a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="mentorSelectList" requestDelay="1000" ignoreDupResponces="true" eventsQueue="myQueue" />
  |                         </h:inputText>
  |                         <rich:spacer height="10"/>
  |                         <rich:dataTable id="mentorSelectList" value="#{userHome.findByNameOrInternetID( newTeamFormMap.mentorName )}" var="user" render="#{not empty newTeamFormMap.mentorName}">
  |                             <rich:column>
  |                                 <f:facet name="header">Name</f:facet>
  |                                 #{user.name}
  |                             </rich:column>
  |                             <rich:column>
  |                                  <f:facet name="header">Add to List of Project Mentors</f:facet>
  |                                 <a4j:commandButton type="submit" value="Add" reRender="selectedMentorList" action="#{newTeam.mentors.add(user)}" />
  |                             </rich:column>
  |                         </rich:dataTable>
  |                         <rich:spacer height="10"/>
  |                         <a4j:repeat id="selectedMentorList" value="#{newTeam.mentors}" var="selectedMentor" rendered="#{newTeam.mentors.size gt 0}" summary="Project Mentors">                                
  |                                     #{selectedMentor.name}  
  |                         </a4j:repeat>
The error is occurring at the bottom, at #{selectedMentor.name}

The userHome object is pretty generic-userHome.findByNameOrInternetID expects a String as a parameter and returns a Set, as is newTeam- the mentors property is a Set(HashSet) as well.  Nothing is defined as a DataModel, but it seems that if that was the problem I wouldn't be able to see my entity object being updated via debug.seam.

does anyone see an error or what am I doing wrong?  could this be a richfaces/a4j error rather than a seam error?

Mike Kohout

--also, if anyone was tracking my saga with SSO, I was able to get single sign on working for my site.  Sometime soon I'll post all my steps...

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