[jboss-user] [JNDI/Naming/Network] - Extremely basic JNDI question

dbronk do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Aug 9 12:17:33 EDT 2007

I'm almost ashamed to ask such a basic set of questions, but I'm simply having problems.  I'm pretty new to JBoss, been using just Tomcat.  What I'm doing is creating a datasource and placing a custom pojo bean into jndi.  And, I want these to be only accessible by certain web contexts.  In Tomcat, this really could not be any easier.  I simply do the following in the server.xml...

<Context path="/myApp" ... >
    <!-- Datasource -->
     .... all the normal datasource params ...

   <!-- My Bean -->

Now to use the datasource normal Spring stuff.  To get my RPSClient object I need only:

Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
RPSClient rpsClient = (RPSClient) envCtx.lookup("rps/RPSClient");


Okay, how would I do the same for JBoss?  I have successfully got a datasource going in jboss jndi, but it is at application server level, not context level.  I've had zero success in placing a simple custom java object (a config object really) in jndi.

My main issue with the datasource is that after I war up my application it is named MyApp.war.  Great, works fine.  But after working on the war, we want to deploy it to QA so we simply copy/paste the war file to MyAppQA.war, then MyAppUAT.war, etc.  So now we may have several different versions running in the same JBoss instance.  Since each are looking for jdbc/TestDB they all get the same database.  This is bad.  With tomcat since we defined the datasource in the context, we pointed each (same name, but context sensitive) to a different db. done!

Thanks, and sorry for what I hope to be a very basic and easy thing to do.

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