[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Problem installing Embedded Jboss on Tomcat 5.5
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Aug 9 17:28:25 EDT 2007
"Stateless Bean" wrote : I removed my tomcat and installed in path: "C:\tomcat"
This is what I meant
anonymous wrote :
| WARN 09-08 22:32:39,515 (UnifiedLoaderRepository3.java:addClassLoader:675) -Tried to add non-URLClassLoader. Ignored
| | WARN 09-08 22:32:42,484 (TxControl.java:<clinit>:266) -[com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.TxControl_1] - Name of XA node not defined. Using -3f57ffff:422:46bb79ea:0
| | WARN 09-08 22:32:50,593 (JDBCPersistenceManager.java:start:143) -
| |
| | JBoss Messaging Warning: DataSource connection transaction isolation should be READ_COMMITTED, but it is currently NONE.
| | Using an isolation level less strict than READ_COMMITTED may lead to data consistency problems.
| | Using an isolation level more strict than READ_COMMITTED may lead to deadlock.
| |
There is no error in this log. That warning is fine
anonymous wrote : 1. Can u Pete explain me difference between folder in jboss-seam-2.0.0.BETA1/bootstrap and bootstrap packaged in embedded-jboss-beta2.zip ?
The one in Seam is for running the tests in Seam and examples.
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