[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile cla

alamandrax do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Aug 10 08:01:01 EDT 2007

This is the listing for the contents of the file menu.jsp

<%@ include file="includes.jsp" %>
  | <%
  | Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("menu.jsp");
  | try
  | {
  | 	Employee employee = (Employee) session.getAttribute(com.icv.actions.Constants.USER_OBJECT);
  | 	String userRoleName = employee.getRole().getDesc();
  | 	List<String> privilageList = (List<String>) session.getAttribute(com.icv.actions.Constants.USER_PRIVILAGES);
  | 	List alertList = AlertDAOImpl.getAvailableAlerts(employee);
  | 	System.out.println("userRoleName : " + userRoleName);
  | %>
  | <!-- Do not change the ids of Lists. If you need to change ids, 
  | Please discuss with RamaKrishna before doing Modifications -->
  | 	   <tr>
  |       <td colspan="7" valign="top">
  | 		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  |           <tr>
  |             <td align="center" valign="top" width="100%"><div class="horizontalcssmenu" style="border-top:1px solid #FFFFFF">
  |                 <ul id="cssmenu1">
  |                   <li style="border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color:#375C8F;"><a href="#" style="color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:lighter; font-size:8pt; font-family:verdana" id="anchor">Dashboard</a>
  |                     <ul>
  |                       <li id="currentMonthList">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("currentMonthList")) {
  | %>
  |                       	<a href="#" onClick="getDashBoardDetails('dashboardDisplay', 'dashBoardDivId', 'CurrentMonth');" 
  |                       	id="currentMon" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Current Month</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  |             			<a href="#" id="currentMon" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">
  |             			Current Month</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="nextMonthList">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("nextMonthList")) {
  | %>
  |                       <a href="#" onClick="getDashBoardDetails('dashboardDisplay', 'dashBoardDivId', 'NextMonth');" 
  |                       id="nextMon" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Next Month</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  |                       <a href="#" id="nextMon" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Next Month</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="prevMonthList">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("prevMonthList")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" onClick="getDashBoardDetails('dashboardDisplay', 'dashBoardDivId', 'PreviousMonth');" id="prevMon" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Previous Month</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="prevMon" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Previous Month</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="currentYearList">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("currentYearList")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" onClick="getDashBoardDetails('dashboardDisplay', 'dashBoardDivId', 'CurrentYear');" id="currentYear" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Current Year</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="currentYear" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Current Year</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="prevYearList">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("prevYearList")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" onClick="getDashBoardDetails('dashboardDisplay', 'dashBoardDivId', 'PreviousYear');" id="prevYear" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Previous Year</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="prevYear" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Previous Year</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="nextYearList">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("nextYearList")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" onClick="getDashBoardDetails('dashboardDisplay', 'dashBoardDivId', 'NextYear');" id="nextYear" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Next Year</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="nextYear" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Next Year</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="viewTrends">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("viewTrends")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" onClick="viewTrends(); YAHOO.example.container.TrendsPopUp.show();" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" id="trend">Trends</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;" id="trend">Trends</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="exportPDF">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("exportPDF")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" onclick="exportToPDFFile()" class="leftNavTextBlue" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" id="export">Export</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" class="leftNavTextBlue" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;" id="export">Export</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="print">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("print")) {
  | %>
  | 				<a href="#" onclick="exportToPDFFile()" class="leftNavTextBlue" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;"  id="print">Print</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 					<a href="#" style="color:#8A8A8A;width:140px; font-size:8pt;" id="print">Print</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                     </ul>
  |                   </li>
  |                   <li><a href="#" style="border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF;background-color:#375C8F;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:lighter; font-size:8pt; font-family:verdana" id="anchor">Reports</a>
  |                     <ul>
  |                       <li id="generatedReport">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("generatedReport")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="genReport"  style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="ajaxCall('Reports', 'dashBoardDivId', 'passwordReport')">Generated Reports</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="genReport"  style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Generated Reports</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="userReport">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("userReport")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="useReport"  class="leftNavTextBlue" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" >User Defined Reports</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="useReport"  style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;" >User Defined Reports</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                     </ul>
  |                   </li>
  |                   <li><a href="#" style="border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF;background-color:#375C8F;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:lighter; font-size:8pt; font-family:verdana" id="anchor">Administration</a>
  |                     <ul>
  |                       <li id="masterDataMain" >
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("masterDataMain")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="masterMain" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="getAdministrationDetails('administration', 'dashBoardDivId', 'MasterDate'); return true; ">Master Data Maint.</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;" id="masterMain">Master Data Maint.</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="processMasterMain">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("processMasterMain")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="processMain" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="getAdministrationDetails('administration', 'dashBoardDivId', 'ICVProcess');return true;">Process Master</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="processMain" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Process Master</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  | 					  <li id="masterDataImportMain">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("masterDataImportMain")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="masDataImport" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt; font-family:Arial;" onClick="getAdministrationDetails('administration', 'dashBoardDivId', 'DataImport');return true;">Master Data Import</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="masDataImport" style="color:#8A8A8A; width:140px; font-size:8pt;">Master DataImport</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  | 					  </li>	 
  |                       <li id="icvAuditLogMain">
  |  <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("icvAuditLogMain")) {
  | %>                     
  |             <a href="#" id="ICVAuditLog" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="getAdministrationDetails('administration', 'dashBoardDivId', 'ICVAuditlog');return true;">ICV Audit Log</a></li>
  |  <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>          
  | 			<a href="#" id="ICVAuditLog" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;">ICV Audit Log</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |           </li>
  |           <li id="eventDataMain">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("eventDataMain")) {
  | %>
  |           	<a href="#" id="EventData" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="getAdministrationDetails('administration', 'dashBoardDivId', 'EventData');performLogEventSearch();return true;">Event Data</a></li>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %> 
  | 			<a href="#" id="EventData" style="width:140px; font-size:8pt;" >Event Data</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>		</li>
  |                     </ul>
  |                   </li>
  |                   <li><a href="#" style="border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF;background-color:#375C8F;color:#FFFFFF; width:154px;font-weight:lighter; font-size:8pt; font-family:verdana">Followup</a>
  |                     <ul>
  |                       <li id="sendMail">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("sendMail")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" style="font-size:8pt;" onClick="sendMail();YAHOO.example.container.MailFormPopUp.show();">Send Mail</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" style="font-size:8pt;" onClick="sendMail();YAHOO.example.container.MailFormPopUp.show();">Send Mail</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                       <li id="forwardReport">
  | <% 
  | 		if (privilageList.contains("forwardReport")) {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" id="forwardReport1"  style="font-size:8pt;"  onClick="YAHOO.example.container.ForwardPopUp.show();">Forward Report</a>
  | <% 
  | 		} else {
  | %>
  | 			<a href="#" style="color:#8A8A8A;font-size:8pt;" onClick="forward();YAHOO.example.container.ForwardPopUp.show();">Forward Report</a>
  | <% 
  | 		}
  | %>
  |                       </li>
  |                     </ul>
  |                   </li>
  |                   <%if (alertList != null && alertList.size() > 0)
  | 				  {
  | 				  	int noOfAlerts =alertList.size();
  | 				  %>
  | 				   <li><a href="#" style="background-color:#F59B43; color:#860000; text-decoration:blink;border: 1px solid #F59B43; width:123px; font-size:8pt; font-family:verdana" id="blink1"><blink SPEED=1000>Alerts (<%=noOfAlerts %>)</blink></a>
  |                     <ul>
  |                   	<%
  | 						int size = 0;
  | 						if (alertList != null && alertList.size() > 0)
  | 						{
  | 							size = alertList.size();
  | 							Iterator alertItr = alertList.iterator();
  | 							int i = 0;
  | 							while (alertItr.hasNext())
  | 							{
  | 								i++;
  | 								noOfAlerts++;
  | 								Alert alert = (Alert) alertItr.next();
  | 								if (alert.getIncident() != null) 
  | 								{
  | 					%>		
  | 									 <li><a href="#" style="color:#9D0D26; text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial;width:127px; font-size:8pt;" onclick="displayAlert('<%= (alert.getIncident() != null) ? alert.getIncident().getId() : "" %>','<%=alert.getDescription()%>','<%=alert.getTitle()%>','AlertsPopUp');YAHOO.example.container.AlertsPopUp.show();"><%=alert.getTitle()%></a></li>
  | 					<%
  | 								}
  | 								else
  | 								{
  | 					 %>
  | 					 				<li><a href="#" style="color:#9D0D26; text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial;width:127px; font-size:8pt;" onclick="displayAlert('<%= (alert.getIncident() != null) ? alert.getIncident().getId() : "" %>','<%=alert.getDescription()%>','<%=alert.getTitle()%>','AlertsPopUpWithOutIncident');YAHOO.example.container.AlertsPopUpWithOutIncident.show();"><%=alert.getTitle()%></a></li>			
  | 					 <%
  | 								}
  | 			         		}
  | 			         	}
  | 			         %>
  | 			                      <!-- li><a href="#" style="color:#9D0D26; text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial;width:127px; font-size:8pt;" onclick="YAHOO.example.container.messageAlert.show();">Logout Server01/209</a></li> -->
  |                     </ul>
  |                   </li>
  |                   <%
  |                   	}
  |                   	else 
  |                   		{
  |                   %>
  |                   		<li><a href="#" style="background-color:#F59B43; color:#860000; text-decoration:blink;border: 1px solid #F59B43; width:123px; font-size:8pt; font-family:verdana" id="blink1"><blink SPEED=1000>Alerts</blink></a>
  |                 	<%
  |                 		}
  |                 	 %>
  |                 </ul>
  |                 <br style="clear: left;" />
  |               </div></td>
  |           </tr>
  |         </table>
  |         </td>
  |     </tr>
  |     <TR>
  |     <%
  | }
  | catch (Exception exp)
  | {
  | 	logger.error("Exception during processing request" , exp);
  | } 
  | %>

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