[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: JBM and JAAS Client authentication

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Aug 15 09:07:34 EDT 2007

"btsibr" wrote : I think the only issue is that it isn't possible to propagate the client credentials from the JAAS client login to the standard ConnectionFactory.  This would be a feature request.

Please feel free to add a feature request in JIRA.

(BTW this feature is not supported by JBoss MQ either.)

anonymous wrote : 
  | However, it's still a puzzle why I was allowed to send to the destination without providing credentials, but was unable to read from it.  This is the only potential 'bug'.

Can you provide a test case that demonstrates the bug?

anonymous wrote : 
  | My mention of the CallerIdentityLoginModule is a separate configuration issue related to the use of the JmxXA connection factory from EJBs/MDBs.  Although, for MDBs it would be nice if it was possible to use the @RunAs role without having to provide a username and password (without a username and password I get an exception).  In our certificate based system, we don't use passwords anywhere.  Of course this is more of a feature request than a bug.

This is MDB/app server security, not JBM security.

You could try posting on their forum and ask if you can add a JIRA feature request, but we don't handle these kind of issues.

anonymous wrote : 
  | Incidentally, is there a schedule for 1.4.0CR2 or GA?  I'm experiencing the issue where improperly disconnected sessions eventually cause the server to hang up because the bundled version of remoting doesn't have the callback timeout.

It will be released when we have cleared the issues.

You can help if you want, we are a very small team, and always in need of help.

I can assign you some JIRA tasks if you want?

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