[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Application config file outside the EAR

EricJava do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Aug 19 18:45:43 EDT 2007

Here is source code that shows all of the above: a persistent XMBean, accessing it within a web application, creating it as a Seam component, and wrapping the MBean proxy for safety: http://chiralsoftware.com/master-sauce/.  This is still a work in progress, and in fact it always will be in progress, hence the name.  You can build the app using:

ant -f build-template.xml ear

Or you can generate an app:

ant generate

and then go into that app and build it:

ant ear

It's an alternative to Seam-Gen.  It does a few more things that we need in every application, like admin users, a SAR to store configuration, etc.  Let me know what you think of it.  It's really an in-house tool, and is not a finished product, but I'm putting it out there because it might be of interest or use.  And it shows how to use a SAR to store config information outside the EAR.

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