[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: LDAP Authentication

sohil.shah@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Aug 22 11:15:53 EDT 2007


A simple explanantion for the admin user requirement is that the CMS Security Engine, is built to provide unix like access control to resources stored in the cms (read,write,manager) to users and groups of users (we call roles in portal lingua).

Now, the 'admin' user is designated as what we call 'root' in the Unix world. The reason being, say you have your security policy fudged up, and no one can access the system, someone with access to the 'admin' account, can go in and fix things without any restrictions. However, just like the root user, admin user information should be kept secret.

Now, I will have to look and see if 'root' designation can be made configurable to any user you suggest instead of the core 'admin' user that is selected in the code.

I will update the JIRA task with details on the fix.

Thanks again

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