[jboss-user] [Persistence, JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Hibernate 3, MySQL and nullable timestamp

sarbogast do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Aug 25 14:43:31 EDT 2007

I've got an issue with Hibernate 3 hbm2ddl and my MySQL 5.0 database
One of my entities has a field that is mapped onto a TIMESTAMP column. This field can be null but in MySQL, a TIMESTAMP can only be null if specified in the column declaration. From MySQL documentation:
anonymous wrote : 
  | TIMESTAMP columns are NOT NULL by default, cannot contain NULL values, and assigning NULL assigns the current timestamp. However, a TIMESTAMP column can be allowed to contain NULL by declaring it with the NULL attribute. In this case, the default value also becomes NULL unless overridden with a DEFAULT clause that specifies a different default value.

Unfortunately, the following mapping:

  | <hibernate-mapping default-cascade="none">
  |     <class name="com.thalys.opalys.domain.IncidentImpl" table="INCIDENT" dynamic-insert="false" dynamic-update="false">
  |         <!--...-->
  |         <property name="endDate" >
  |             <column name="END_DATE" not-null="false" unique="false" sql-type="TIMESTAMP"/>
  |             <type name="org.joda.time.contrib.hibernate.PersistentLocalDate">
  |             </type>
  |         </property>
  |         <!--...-->
  |     </class>
  | </hibernate-mapping>

Produces the following CREATE TABLE when hdm2ddl runs:

  | create table INCIDENT (
  |         --...
  |         --...
  |     ) type=InnoDB;

Did I miss something or is it a bug?

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