[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - NullPointerExecption when starting the Message Bridge

apwalker do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Dec 6 06:55:53 EST 2007

This issue is to do with the use of FactoryRef attribute from the JMSProviderLoader when looking up the ConnectionFactory in JNDI. It's actually valid not to provide one when create a JMSProviderLoader. Certain unnamed message providers don't have a single based class that implements both the Queue and Topic connection factories. As a work around I created two different JMSProviderLoaders and and bound the Topic or Queue connection factory to the FactoryRef attribute. This is not ideal really the bridge should get the QueueFactoryRef or TopicFactoryRef depending on the destination type.

I can raise and JIRA for this and submit a patch if you want....


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