[jboss-user] [News & Announcements] - JBossAS 5.0.0.Beta3 released
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Fri Dec 21 11:54:21 EST 2007
JBoss AS 5.0.0.Beta3 has been released and is available for download on sourceforge.
JBoss 5.0.0.Beta3 Release Notes
This is the last Beta release of the JBoss 5.0.x series for the Java EE⢠5 codebase! This release completes a big round of refactorings related to the transformation of JBossAS into a pure POJO-based server. There should be no API changes from this point on as we move closer to a final release.
For information on the APIs that make up Java EE 5, see Java EE APIs & Docs. A tutorial on Java EE 5 can be found here.
A sample Java EE 5 application that can be run on top of JBoss 5.0.0.Beta3 and demonstrates many interesting technologies is the Seam Booking Application available here. This application makes use of the following technologies running on JBoss 5:
* EJB3
o Stateful Session Beans
o Stateless Session Beans
o JPA (w/ Hibernate validation)
o Facelets
o Ajax4JSF
* Seam
The JBoss Seam Wiki links to many interesting topics about Seam.
* Highlights
* Known Compatibility Issues
* Known Configuration Issues
* JBoss/Thirdparty Library Updates
* Detailed Release Notes
* Additional Docs and Help
* Licenses
* About JBoss
JBoss 5 is the next generation of the JBoss Application Server build on top of the new JBoss Microcontainer. The JBoss Microcontainer is a lightweight container for managing POJOs, their deployment, configuration and lifecycle. It is a standalone project that replaces the famous JBoss JMX Microkernel of the 3.x and 4.x JBoss series. The Microcontainer integrates nicely with the JBoss framework for Aspect Oriented Programming, JBoss AOP. Support for JMX in JBoss 5 remains strong and MBean services written against the old Microkernel are expected to work.
JBoss5 is designed around the advanced concept of a Virtual Deployment Framework (VDF), that takes the aspect oriented design of many of the earlier JBoss containers and applies it to the deployment layer. Aspectized Deployers operate in a chain over a Virtual File System (VFS), analyze deployments and produce metadata to be used by the JBoss Microcontainer, which in turn instantiates and wires together the various pieces of a deployment, controlling their lifecycle and dependencies.
Many key features of JBoss 5 are provided by integrating other standalone JBoss projects:
* JBoss EJB3 included with JBoss 5 provides the implementation of the latest revision of the Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) specification. EJB 3.0 is a deep overhaul and simplification of the EJB specification. EJB 3.0's goals are to simplify development, facilitate a test driven approach, and focus more on writing plain old java objects (POJOs) rather than coding against complex EJB APIs.
* JBoss Messaging is a high performance JMS provider in the JBoss Enterprise Middleware Stack (JEMS), included with JBoss 5 as the default messaging provider. It is also the backbone of the JBoss ESB infrastructure. JBoss Messaging is a complete rewrite of JBossMQ, which is the default JMS provider for the JBoss AS 4.x series.
* JBossCache 2.0 that comes in two flavors. A traditional tree-structured node-based cache and a PojoCache, an in-memory, transactional, and replicated cache system that allows users to operate on simple POJOs transparently without active user management of either replication or persistency aspects.
* JBossWS 2 is the web services stack for JBoss 5 providing Java EE compatible web services, JAXWS-2.0.
* JBoss Transactions is the default transaction manager for JBoss 5. JBoss Transactions is founded on industry proven technology and 18 year history as a leader in distributed transactions, and is one of the most interoperable implementations available.
* JBoss Web is the Web container in JBoss 5, an implementation based on Apache Tomcat that includes the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and Tomcat native technologies to achieve scalability and performance characteristics that match and exceed the Apache Http server.
JBoss 5 includes numerous features and bug fixes, many of them carried over upstream from the 4.x codebase. See the Detailed Release Notes section for the full details.
Compatibility Issues
* JBossAS 5 runs under Java 5 but there is an ongoing task to make it run safely under Java 6, too (JBAS-5031). If using a Sun Java 6 runtime, you may want to set -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true, as described in JBAS-4491.
* If using proprietary JBoss/EJB3 annotations, those have moved into the org.jboss.ejb3.annotation package, EJBTHREE-1099. Those are now included in a new artifact, jboss-ejb3-ext-api.jar
* Work on EJB3 Extended Persistence Context support is not completed, EJBTHREE-1026.
* Interoperating with previous JBoss EJB3 implementations may present problems due to serialVersionUIDs issues, EJBTHREE-1118.
* EJB 2.1 View requirements
o Home extending EJBLocalHome? or EJBHome must be defined
o Remote or Local interface must either be defined via @Local/@Remote or via return type of "create" methods of the Home
o EJB 2.1 Remote/Local interfaces must extend EJBObject/EJBLocalObject
* @Local/@Remote may be used to define either EJB 3.0 View Business Interface, or EJB 2.1 View Remote/Local interface
* Use of JBoss Cache 2.x. JBC 2.x has a significantly different API from the 1.x releases used in JBoss AS 4.x and 3.2.x.
Configuration Issues
This section lists changes that could affect the server configuration.
The directory structure of JBoss 5 resembles that of the 4.x series with some notable differences:
* bin - start scripts and run.jar
* client - client jars
* docs - docs, chemas/dtds, examples
* lib - core bootstrap jars, somewhat different with the introduction of the microcontainer and breakup of jboss-common.
* server - the same server configuration dirs.
o default configuration
+ conf
# bootstrap-beans.xml - new mc kernel bootstrap configuration
# jax-ws-catalog.xml - oasis catalog driven schema/dtd namespace configuration
# jbossjta-properties.xml - new JBossTS properties
# jboss-service.xml - legacy static mbeans for compatibility
# jndi.properties - the same jndi props
# log4j.xml - the same log4j config
# login-config.xml - the same jaas login config
# props/ - the same default jaas login properties files
# standardjaws.xml - obsolete cmp config
# standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml - the same cmp2 config
# standardjboss.xml - the same ejb2 config
# xmdesc/ - legacy xmbean descriptors
+ deploy/ - the same deploy directory.
+ deployers/ - new vdf deployers
# bsh-deployer - beanshell deployer
# ejb3.deployer - ejb3 deployers
# jboss-aop-jboss5.deployer - aspect deployer
# jboss-jca.deployer - JCA deployers
# jbossweb.deployer - war deployers
# jbossws.deployer - web services deployers
# ear-deployer-beans.xml - ear deployers
# ejb-deployer-beans.xml - ejb2.x deployers
# metadata-beans.xml - metadata handlers
# security-deployer-beans.xml - security deployers
# profileservice-beans.xml.bak - an example of the repository based profile service
+ lib/ - the same static library jars
Clustering related changes. Check out the Wiki for more info.
* The clustering configurations have been organized in the deploy dir in a new cluster subfolder (JBAS-4709).
* A separate cache is now used for Clustered SSO (JBAS-4676).
* Per webapp configuration of useJK, snapshot mode and snapshot interval (JBAS-3460). Default for useJK is whether jvmRoute is set (JBAS-4961).
* Setting of default clustering metadata removed from the Web Deployer (JBAS-4967).
EJB3 configuration is now controlled by deployers/ejb3.deployer/META-INF/ejb3-deployers-beans.xml. For more details check out this wiki page.
For security related configuration changes, please consult this wiki page.
Other known issues:
* Hot deployment is enabled, however undeployment on Windows, by removing files from the ./deploy directory is problematic due to jar files being locked, JBAS-4310.
* The Farm service is removed. Distributed deployments will eventually be handled by the AS 5 Profile Service, with the Profile Service (or JBoss ON) coordinating deployments across the cluster from a centralized repository. The Farm Service's function of replicating deployment archives between file systems will not be maintained.
* The JSR77 view of the server is not implemented yet.
Library Updates
For a full list of the JBoss and thirdparty libraries used with JBoss AS 5.0.0.Beta3 see build-thirdparty.xml.
JBossAS 5.0.0.Beta3
JBoss Library Updates
* hibernate, v3.2.4.SP1_CP01
* hibernate-annotations, v3.3.1.Beta1
* hibernate-commons-annotations, v3.0.0.GA
* hibernate-entitymanager, v3.3.2.Beta1
* hibernate-validator, v3.0.0.GA
* javassist, v3.6.0.GA
* jboss-aop, v2.0.0.CR1
* jboss-cache, v2.1.0.CR2
* jboss-common-core, v2.2.3.GA
* jboss-common-logging, v2.0.2.GA
* jboss-ha, v1.0.0.BETA1
* jboss-jaxr, v1.2.0.GA
* jboss-integration, v5.0.0.Beta4
* jboss-ejb3-cache, v0.11.1
* jboss-ejb3-ext-api, v0.1.2.Beta1
* jboss-ejb3-impl, v0.1.2.Beta1
* jboss-jaspi-api, v1.0-BETA1
* jboss-javaee, v5.0.0.Beta3Update1
* jboss-security-spi, v2.0.2.Beta1
* jbosssx, v2.0.2.beta1
* jbosssx-client, v2.0.2.beta
* jbossts, v4.3.0.BETA2
* jboss-vfs, v2.0.0.Beta6
* jbossws-native50, 2.0.2.GA
* jbossxb, v2.0.0.CR5
* jms-integration-tests, v1.0.1.GA
* messaging, v1.4.0.SP1
* metadata, v1.0.0.Beta4
* microcontainer, v2.0.0.Beta9
* profiler/jvmti, v1.0.0.CR5
* remoting, v2.2.2.SP3
* serialization, v1.0.3.GA
* test, v1.0.4.GA
* jboss-web, v2.1.0.CR11
* jgroups, v2.6.1.GA
Thirdparty Library Updates
* antlr, v2.7.6
* apache-avalon,v 4.1.5
* apache-avalon-logkit, v1.2
* apache-bcel, v5.1
* apache-beanutils, v1.7.0
* apache-bsf, v2.3.0
* apache-codec, v1.3.0
* apache-collections, v3.1
* apache-digester, v1.7
* apache-discovery, v0.4
* apache-fileupload, v1.1.1
* apache-httpclient, v3.0.1
* apache-jaxme, v0.2-cvs
* apache-log4j, v1.2.14
* apache-logging, v1.1.0.jboss
* apache-myfaces, v1.1.3
* apache-scout, v0.7rc2
* apache-slide, v2.1
* apache-velocity, v1.4jboss
* apache-xalan, v2.7.0.patch01
* apache-xerces, v2.9.0
* apache-xmlsec, v1.3.0
* beanshell, v1.3.0
* cglib, v2.1.3
* commons-el, v1.0
* dom4j, v1.6.1
* easymock, v1.1
* gjt-jpl-util, v1.0
* gnu-getopt, v1.0.12
* hsqldb, v1.8.0.8
* jacorb, v2.3.0jboss.patch5
* jaxen, v1.1
* jfreechart, v0.9.20
* joesnmp, v0.3.4
* juddi, v0.9RC4
* junit, v3.8.2
* nekohtml, v0.9.1
* objectweb-joramtests, v1.5
* odmg, v3.0
* opensaml, v1.1b
* oswego-concurrent, v1.3.4-jboss-update1
* qdox, v1.6.1
* quartz, v1.5.2
* sleepycat, v3.0.12
* spring, v2.0
* sun-jaf, v1.1
* sun-javacc, v3.2
* sun-javamail, v1.4
* sun-jsf, v1.2_04_P02
* sun-jstl, v1.2
* sun-opends, v0.1.0.build016
* sun-servlet, v2.5
* sun-xacml, v2.0
* trove, v1.0.2
* woodstox, v3.1.1
* xdoclet, v1.2.3
* xmlunit-xmlunit, v1.0
Detailed Release Notes
Includes versions: JBossAS-5.0.0.Beta3
Feature Request
* [ JBAS-3400 ] JaasSecurityManagerService can show security provider/JCA algorithm information
* [ JBAS-3460 ] Allow per-webapp configuration of useJK, snapshotMode and snapshotInterval
* [ JBAS-3818 ] Application Client Container capabilities may be useful
* [ JBAS-3846 ] add mail.smtp.port property to mail-service.xml
* [ JBAS-3975 ] support value classes in EJBQLToSQL92Compiler
* [ JBAS-4042 ] Allow configuration of timers table name (and schema)
* [ JBAS-4120 ] modify testsuite start/stop management
* [ JBAS-4228 ] Preferred server HASingletonElectionPolicy
* [ JBAS-4268 ] Provide web-facesconfig_1_2.xsd in $JBOSS_HOME/docs/schema
* [ JBAS-4277 ] HAServiceMBeanSupport supports registration of classloader with HAPartition
* [ JBAS-4297 ] expose flush operation on table cache MBean's
* [ JBAS-4340 ] Key generators for StoreManager2
* [ JBAS-4341 ] Double index creation in alterTable
* [ JBAS-4362 ] Define profile service deployment repository SPI
* [ JBAS-4383 ] Allow a different JSF implementation to be packaged in the WAR
* [ JBAS-4392 ] Replace j2ee and ejb3x module with javaee module
* [ JBAS-4408 ] LIMIT/OFFSET support in StoreManager2
* [ JBAS-4479 ] It'd be nice for listThreadDump() to return a timestamp as well
* [ JBAS-4490 ] Update and document all HA Failover features for the jca datasources
* [ JBAS-4537 ] Use AspectDeployer from AOP rather than the temporary one in the system module
* [ JBAS-4560 ] HAServiceMBeanSupport doesn't return results from clustered RPC calls
* [ JBAS-4570 ] Add annotation support to the service mbean metadata
* [ JBAS-4584 ] Upgrade JBossMessaging to 1.4.0.CR1
* [ JBAS-4595 ] Inconclusive exception thrown by HttpNamingContextFactory
* [ JBAS-4676 ] Provide a dedicated cache for ClusteredSingleSignOn
* [ JBAS-4758 ] Two Additional Default Destination Roles (Administrator/Manager)
* [ JBAS-4802 ] FirstAvailable target should not be transient
* [ JBAS-4804 ] GenericHeaderAuthenticator injection of ssoid, sessioncookie name
* [ JBAS-4953 ] Support for JMS_JBOSS_REDELIVERY_LIMIT when using something other than MQ
* [ JBAS-4961 ] Default for JBossCacheManager useJK is whether jvmRoute is set
* [ JBAS-4977 ] Create a LoadBalancePolicy interface that doesn't leak legacy classes
* [ JBAS-4984 ] Add HAPartition methods for calling a specific cluster targetNode
* [ JBAS-5035 ] MySQLValidConnectionChecker has driver name com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hard coded
* [ JBAS-5064 ] Test Seam usage in AS5
* [ JBAS-2113 ] Tables creation problem on Oracle
* [ JBAS-3047 ] WebApps ignore java2ClassLoadingCompliance in jboss-web.xml
* [ JBAS-3325 ] Fix the handling of BindAddress and Host in org.jboss.web.WebService
* [ JBAS-3350 ] NPE on in web.xml
* [ JBAS-3379 ] BigIntegerTimerIdGenerator may create dupplicate timer IDs after server crash
* [ JBAS-3463 ] Loading of persisted XMBean attributes does not work for custom types
* [ JBAS-3508 ] org.jboss.test.aop.test.SimpleBeanUnitTestCase fails because "ejb" is not bound
* [ JBAS-3509 ] org.jboss.test.cache.bean.MBeanUnitTestCase because "ejb" is not bound
* [ JBAS-3536 ] Spring Deployer lacks info on Spring compatibility, I get NoSuchMethodError....and try to find which Spring version to use...
* [ JBAS-3595 ] Tomcat allows http access with transport guarantie CONFIDENTIAL
* [ JBAS-3885 ] JMXConnectorServer not respecting the -b value
* [ JBAS-3953 ] OracleDatabasePersistencePlugin does not override selectTimers(ObjectName containerId) - selecting persisted timers fails at startup
* [ JBAS-3976 ] Stateful Session Bean throws a Null Security Context exception with no login
* [ JBAS-4044 ] Fix SSL tests for JBoss 5
* [ JBAS-4053 ] EJB TimerService createTimer swallows underlying exception
* [ JBAS-4059 ] JBoss5 RARDeployer deploys RAR's twice
* [ JBAS-4103 ] testsuite testcases' reports overwritten
* [ JBAS-4114 ] LdapExtLoginModule needs to mask BIND_CREDENTIAL in trace logging
* [ JBAS-4155 ] run.conf used from other scripts than run.sh
* [ JBAS-4163 ] Interation between custom jboss trace and log4j trace levels
* [ JBAS-4178 ] RunAsListener uses unsupported implementation
* [ JBAS-4253 ] ServletContext().getRealPath("/") is returning null
* [ JBAS-4257 ] Jboss fails to start with MySQL due to case sensitive issue
* [ JBAS-4264 ] war context.xml is not being read
* [ JBAS-4265 ] JNDIView list fails to show java:comp envs
* [ JBAS-4269 ] NoClassDefFoundError performing remote lookup of dynamic proxy using IBM JDK
* [ JBAS-4304 ] Jboss calls ejbStore "inside" ejbPostCreate on the same entity.
* [ JBAS-4311 ] client jars do not contain org.jboss.security.plugins.JBossSecurityContext
* [ JBAS-4316 ] Minor bug in debug output of HAPartitionImpl.viewAccepted
* [ JBAS-4329 ] LinkRefPair GUID could change due to garbage collection
* [ JBAS-4339 ] QualifiedTableName in EntityBridge2
* [ JBAS-4379 ] MC beans deployed twice because of jacc service
* [ JBAS-4380 ] Deployers are not working when deploying/undeploying different JARS with the same name
* [ JBAS-4404 ] Tests testJdbc and testControlFlags in org.jboss.test.security.test.LoginModulesUnitTestCase may fail incorrectly
* [ JBAS-4418 ] run.bat should include %PATH% in java.library.path when bin/native exists
* [ JBAS-4422 ] org.jboss.test.util.test.TwiddleUnitTestCase can't connect to host
* [ JBAS-4427 ] Misnamed FK index name for CMP2
* [ JBAS-4428 ] Method org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.session.ClusteredSession.calcMaxUnreplicatedInterval incorrectly treats maxInactiveInterval as milliseconds
* [ JBAS-4432 ] Log4J does not output JSF 1.2 implementation logging messages
* [ JBAS-4444 ] The invoker-proxy-binding in the base container configuration is ignored on sub-configurations.
* [ JBAS-4447 ] Remove '*' from distributed session id alphabet
* [ JBAS-4461 ] new InitialContext().rebind("x", null) throws NullPointerException
* [ JBAS-4462 ] mod() function not supported in SQL server 2005
* [ JBAS-4463 ] escape syntax
* [ JBAS-4473 ] Java to IDL mapping erroneously treats a 'get' method as an attribute
* [ JBAS-4485 ] JMXConnector always binds to the loopback device, regardless of the actual bind address
* [ JBAS-4486 ] Binding the JMXConnector on a multihomed machine
* [ JBAS-4492 ] NullPointerException in org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.DateEditor setValue(...)
* [ JBAS-4536 ] Isolated classloading is incorrectly isolating java.* classes
* [ JBAS-4540 ] Port 8083, HTTP request revealing installation directory
* [ JBAS-4541 ] Authentication Service (AS) Context stored in CSIv2 encoded IORs shouldn't indicate EstablishTrustInClient supported when AUTH_METHOD_NONE
* [ JBAS-4547 ] Fix RunAsSecurityInterceptor
* [ JBAS-4555 ] Connection.close() taking 2 minutes in JBossMQ
* [ JBAS-4559 ] JBossMQ security manager should have a dependency on the Jaas service
* [ JBAS-4561 ] EJB Timer Service doesn't come up properly
* [ JBAS-4575 ] resourceadapter-class should be optional
* [ JBAS-4577 ] Deployment of a no-tx-datasource doesn't work
* [ JBAS-4593 ] Leak in org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedClassLoader3
* [ JBAS-4597 ] CacheInvalidator.areInvalid doesn't lock partitions
* [ JBAS-4607 ] Transaction timeout is not raising a JMSException in the JBossMQ Persistence manager or StateManager
* [ JBAS-4612 ] Non ignorable white space is ignored while reading env-entries
* [ JBAS-4614 ] UnifiedInvokerHAProxy does not implement InvokerProxyHA
* [ JBAS-4615 ] NamingContext caches stale Naming stub
* [ JBAS-4620 ] NPE in EJB3 Authentication Interceptor
* [ JBAS-4622 ] Can't flush bad naming stub if no java.naming.provider.url specified
* [ JBAS-4623 ] org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheCluster creates MBeanServer with incorrent domain name
* [ JBAS-4625 ] Connection leak if failure to setup connection in jms inbound resource adapter
* [ JBAS-4655 ] HandleImplIIOP not retrieving EJBObject correctly
* [ JBAS-4659 ] jboss-4.2.1.GA.zip distribution doesn't include mail-ra.rar
* [ JBAS-4667 ] Wrong logic in CachedConnectionManager.getCloseConnectionSynchronization()
* [ JBAS-4681 ] Generated Corba stub throws BAD_OPERATION on toString() when not connected to the ORB
* [ JBAS-4683 ] The 4.2 dtds are not configured in the default schema resolver
* [ JBAS-4685 ] jboss/web/2.1.0.CR4 is missing source archive
* [ JBAS-4692 ] NPE starting EJB2 entity container with cache invalidation
* [ JBAS-4693 ] Any cluster-config element in EJB2 jboss.xml is ignored
* [ JBAS-4697 ] Use of EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.toArray() is not thread safe and should be replace with java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap when using MQ transactions.
* [ JBAS-4719 ] Implementations of Invoker should implement equals as an equality check rather than relying on Object.equals, this is important for cluster fail-over support
* [ JBAS-4724 ] DRM lifecycle must be controlled by ClusterPartition
* [ JBAS-4729 ] HARMIClient fails over on UnmarshalException
* [ JBAS-4735 ] Upon Shutdown connectors should be stopped before applications are undeployed
* [ JBAS-4753 ] ExternalContext can pass duplicate interfaces to Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, interfaces, handler)
* [ JBAS-4770 ] TransactionLocal.get() not sufficiently pluggable
* [ JBAS-4801 ] HomeHandleImplIIOP not using the HandleDelegate
* [ JBAS-4809 ] JCA deployer and metadata incorrectly identifies TxConnectionFactory in unmarshalling *-ds.xml file
* [ JBAS-4817 ] PreFillPoolingUnitTestCase isssues
* [ JBAS-4870 ] Redelivery flags not updated in case of JBossMQ node failure
* [ JBAS-4886 ] Incorrect order/dependency shutting down MDBs
* [ JBAS-4892 ] WebService ignores java.rmi.server.codebase system property
* [ JBAS-4927 ] Code added in 4.2.1 breaks web app that works in 4.2.0
* [ JBAS-4938 ] source tarball contains non free code
* [ JBAS-4945 ] Messages transfered from DLQ to working queue will never be resent to DLQ
* [ JBAS-4950 ] Transaction failover authorisation is broken within UnifiedInvokerHAProxy
* [ JBAS-4957 ] We should always look at the old MDB metadata for JMS MDBs
* [ JBAS-4958 ] ActivationConfigMetaData is not merged correctly in the new metadata
* [ JBAS-4959 ] Need to parse the activation-config-propertys in the invoker-proxy-binding for MDBs
* [ JBAS-4964 ] txFailoverAuthorizations should be keyed on transaction propagation context
* [ JBAS-4975 ] Usage of read-ahead on-find with entity beans containing binary attributes (mapped to BLOB, VARBINAR, ...) breaks eager loading.
* [ JBAS-4980 ] Calling a message endpoint twice from different transactions makes MessageInflowLocalProxy confuse the two transactions
* [ JBAS-5014 ] EJBMethodPermission implies should check for null methodname and methodSig==""
* [ JBAS-5020 ] Incorrect system property usage in JMX console clustering service
* [ JBAS-5028 ] Push RunAsIdentity for ejbTimeOut methods
* [ JBAS-5036 ] Local home create() implementation returns wrong type
* [ JBAS-5049 ] NoInitialContextException on deployment of EAR that contains MDB and persistence.xml
* [ JBAS-5051 ] HTTP/1.1 400 No Host matches server name localhost
* [ JBAS-5069 ] org.jboss.test.security.test.WebConstraintsUnitTestCase (Excluded Access failures)
* [ JBAS-5070 ] Extending container configurations without changing the name is not supported in the new MetaData
* [ JBAS-5072 ] Fix null pointer exception when getting keys, values, or entry's in the ConcurrentHashmap
* [ JBAS-59 ] JCA work for JBoss-5.0.0Beta
* [ JBAS-62 ] JMX work for JBoss-5.0.0.Beta
* [ JBAS-63 ] MicroContainer work for JBoss-5.0.0.Beta
* [ JBAS-1841 ] SAR/ServiceController should be a facade over the generic dependency controller
* [ JBAS-2100 ] AOP integration in JBoss5
* [ JBAS-2102 ] JBoss Messaging integration in JBoss5
* [ JBAS-2506 ] EJB3 integration in JBoss5
* [ JBAS-2623 ] JASPISecurityManagerService based on JSR196
* [ JBAS-2624 ] Generic AuthorizationManager service
* [ JBAS-2853 ] Integrate JBoss Cache 2.0 into AS 5.0
* [ JBAS-3162 ] Testcase to validate set up of a root context web app
* [ JBAS-3423 ] Fix org.jboss.test.cmp2.commerce.CompleteUnitTestCase in HEAD
* [ JBAS-3450 ] Fix org.jboss.test.webservice.jbws309.JBWS309TestCase running under JACC
* [ JBAS-3576 ] Unified Security Context
* [ JBAS-3599 ] Implement MessageListener.block() in HAPartitionImpl
* [ JBAS-3720 ] Change structure of ClusteredSSO data in tree cache to avoid lock issues
* [ JBAS-3812 ] TomcatDeployment should use modified WebMetaData
* [ JBAS-3993 ] Test suite should use client libraries for tests' classpaths
* [ JBAS-4009 ] Add tests to validate mc-bean, jmx-bean property reference usage
* [ JBAS-4032 ] Restore jboss.partition.name property replacement in clustering beans.xml files
* [ JBAS-4125 ] Move clustering test support classes to jboss-test
* [ JBAS-4405 ] Programmatic Web Authentication (JBoss5)
* [ JBAS-4242 ] Port Hibernate deployer to VDF
* [ JBAS-4317 ] Security Context over the invocation
* [ JBAS-4319 ] Inject Security Managers into the deployers
* [ JBAS-4332 ] bin/run.sh should force IPv4 on Linux systems
* [ JBAS-4347 ] Patch xalan 2.7.0 so that javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newTransformer() does not return null
* [ JBAS-4348 ] SecurityDeployer:JaccPolicyBean starts after components in the deployment have started
* [ JBAS-4365 ] Remove commons http-client and codec from jbossall-client.jar
* [ JBAS-4369 ] SecurityDeployer: Configure unAuthenticatedIdentity
* [ JBAS-4376 ] Have deployers implement ManagedObjectCreator
* [ JBAS-4378 ] Update the management CRUD usecases
* [ JBAS-4414 ] Move AOP integration code out of trunk and into jboss-aop source tree
* [ JBAS-4420 ] Separate classloader leak tests from the 'all' tests
* [ JBAS-4423 ] EJB3 Security Integration Assimilation with JBoss Security
* [ JBAS-4424 ] WebAuthentication:Generate a SSOID
* [ JBAS-4443 ] Remove deprecated HAPartition methods
* [ JBAS-4445 ] ENC binding for TransactionSynchronizationRegistry
* [ JBAS-4449 ] Remove deprecated attribute "PartitionName" from HAServiceMBean
* [ JBAS-4466 ] JBossCacheService does too many cache operations to remove a session
* [ JBAS-4475 ] Convert JGroups multiplexer service to a -beans.xml
* [ JBAS-4500 ] Upgrade to JSF RI 1.2_04 P02 in JBoss 5
* [ JBAS-4506 ] Unify javaee metadata
* [ JBAS-4512 ] PartitionRestartUnitTestCase should have its own Partition
* [ JBAS-4513 ] Cluster module's JChannelFactory should inject NamingService port
* [ JBAS-4516 ] The transaction project needs moving out jboss-head since it is obsolete
* [ JBAS-4523 ] Verify installation of jbossws tools jars
* [ JBAS-4530 ] Direct inject HAPartition into ProxyFactoryHAMBean
* [ JBAS-4533 ] Tag jboss-javaee project
* [ JBAS-4539 ] Modify HA-JNDI not to leak JBoss Cache CacheException
* [ JBAS-4551 ] Rationalize clustering testsuite
* [ JBAS-4562 ] Track jboss and thirdparty dependencies upgrades for JBoss 5.0.0.Beta3
* [ JBAS-4567 ] Install jbossws-2.0.x
* [ JBAS-4599 ] JaasSecurityManager refactor
* [ JBAS-4601 ] Add example sybase-xa-ds.xml from the forums
* [ JBAS-4613 ] JBossCacheManager active session count should include backup sessions
* [ JBAS-4627 ] Move to JGroups 2.5
* [ JBAS-4640 ] JmsActivation reconnection could start multiple threads
* [ JBAS-4670 ] Remove support for AopMarker and InstanceOfAopMarker marker interfaces
* [ JBAS-4677 ] Disallow buddy replication for ClusteredSingleSignOn cache
* [ JBAS-4678 ] Need to write the ManagedOperation aspects for the ProfileService.ManagementView
* [ JBAS-4679 ] EJB 3 SPI for WS
* [ JBAS-4698 ] Oswego Concurrent needs checking for bug fixes
* [ JBAS-4699 ] JBossMQ should use XA_RMFAIL as the default XA error code
* [ JBAS-4702 ] Don't support null 'types' param to HAPartition cluster RPC invocation methods
* [ JBAS-4707 ] Convert ClientDeployer to a AbstractVFSParsingDeployer subclass
* [ JBAS-4708 ] Move default clustering config info out of DeployerConfig to WebMetaData
* [ JBAS-4709 ] Organize clustering artifacts in deploy
* [ JBAS-4717 ] The JMXLifecycleCallback should be registering with the ServiceController inside the appserver
* [ JBAS-4718 ] Handle or prevent duplicate invocation of lifecycle callbacks
* [ JBAS-4720 ] Ensure security-domain is picked up by JCA Deployer
* [ JBAS-4721 ] Usage of Security SPI
* [ JBAS-4737 ] Include the CSIv2-patched JacORB
* [ JBAS-4738 ] Handle JaasSecurityDomain registration via JNDI
* [ JBAS-4741 ] Correct the public ID in jboss-app_5_0.dtd
* [ JBAS-4743 ] Publish the updated http://www.jboss.org/j2ee dtds/schemas
* [ JBAS-4751 ] JBossWebRealm has redundant threadlocal activeRequest
* [ JBAS-4856 ] Web Services regression after update to new metadata model
* [ JBAS-4865 ] Validate the JBM clustered config
* [ JBAS-4888 ] Inject InvalidationManagerMBean into JGCacheInvalidationBridge
* [ JBAS-4928 ] Compare AS library names between 4.2.x & 5.0.x
* [ JBAS-4937 ] EJB3 testsuite doesn't complete due to server start/stop issues
* [ JBAS-4939 ] Hudson JBoss-AS-5.0.x-TestSuite-sun15-noip testsuite run does not complete
* [ JBAS-4947 ] Externalize ClusterConfigMetaData defaults
* [ JBAS-4954 ] Consoles and invokers need to accept local connections only in jboss5
* [ JBAS-4960 ] Fix clustering related elements of JBossWebMetaData
* [ JBAS-4966 ] Set java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true on all testsuite server configs
* [ JBAS-4968 ] Deployment Level Principal Role Mapping should be transferred to the authorization layer
* [ JBAS-4982 ] Add jboss-ejb3-ext-api.jar to jbossall-client.jar for ClientContainer
* [ JBAS-5010 ] Security Integration Changes with Metadata
* [ JBAS-5013 ] TomcatInjectionContainer: Handle message-destination-ref
* [ JBAS-5016 ] Update docs for beta3
* [ JBAS-5018 ] Support bean declarations only in jboss.xml
* [ JBAS-5019 ] Turn ClusterNode into an interface
* [ JBAS-5025 ] EJBResource/WebResource API change usage
* [ JBAS-5061 ] IdentityTrustManager should be on demand
* [ JBAS-5075 ] Security Tests failing due to locahost binding
* [ JBAS-2042 ] Spring deployer and coding standards
* [ JBAS-3412 ] Port ClientDeployer and complete JavaEE5 support
* [ JBAS-3414 ] Port EJBDeployer
* [ JBAS-3613 ] failing test in org.jboss.test.iiop.test.ParameterPassingStressTestCase
* [ JBAS-3766 ] Port the webservice deployer
* [ JBAS-4057 ] Port JBAS-3721 fix to trunk
* [ JBAS-4146 ] Update to JacORB 2.3.0jboss.patch1
* [ JBAS-4152 ] Upgrade to hsql causes org.jboss.test.cmp2.idxandusersql.test.IdxAndUsersqlUnitTestCase::testCMRmn2 to fail
* [ JBAS-4330 ] Give meaningful names to the EJB Timer java.util.Timer threads
* [ JBAS-4334 ] port JBAS-4103 to JBoss 5
* [ JBAS-4336 ] Remove XLevel trace example from jboss-log4j.xml as it is not needed anymore.
* [ JBAS-4398 ] implement instances of JBMICROCONT-178
* [ JBAS-4487 ] Checking of Transaction Complete is missing rolled back transactions
* [ JBAS-4488 ] Write BMTCleanUp tests for web-apps
* [ JBAS-4489 ] Port BMT CleanUp to EJB3
* [ JBAS-4517 ] Remove the old JMSContainerInvoker and ServerSessionPool
* [ JBAS-4518 ] EJB3 should not have a dependency on the XID factory
* [ JBAS-4519 ] The IIOP dependency on the old transaction needs removing
* [ JBAS-4520 ] Remove testsuite dependency on old transaction manager
* [ JBAS-4535 ] Convert to the notification API introduced in 2.0.0.CR3
* [ JBAS-4544 ] Add setServiceHAName to HAServiceMBeanSupport
* [ JBAS-4552 ] Move all cluster tests under the org.jboss.test.cluster package
* [ JBAS-4554 ] Extract clustering stuff from testsuite/build.xml into imports/config/tests-clustering.xml
* [ JBAS-4563 ] Hibernate Annotations 3.3.1.Beta1
* [ JBAS-4564 ] Hibernate EntityManager 3.3.2.Beta1
* [ JBAS-4568 ] AOP 2.0.0.CR1
* [ JBAS-4628 ] Update multiplexer protocol stack configs for 2.5
* [ JBAS-4634 ] Upgrade jboss remoting to v2.2.2.GA (from v2.2.0.SP4)
* [ JBAS-4642 ] Fix org.jboss.test.xml.mbeanserver.XMBean2UnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-4643 ] Fix org.jboss.test.xml.DDValidatorUnitTestCase (5 failures)
* [ JBAS-4644 ] fix org.jboss.test.webservice.jbws309.JBWS309TestCase(JACC) - 5 errors
* [ JBAS-4645 ] Fix org.jboss.test.web.test.ClusteredSingleSignOnUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-4656 ] Upgrade jboss transactions to 4.2.3.SP5 (from snapshot)
* [ JBAS-4657 ] Upgrade JBossWeb to 2.1.0.CR4 (from 2.0.1.CR7)
* [ JBAS-4658 ] The jms destinations classes need to be updated with management annotations
* [ JBAS-4663 ] Replace JBossClusteredTestCase usage of RMIAdaptor
* [ JBAS-4665 ] Remove testsuite module version of JBossClusteredTestCase
* [ JBAS-4671 ] DsDataSourceTemplate needs to be completed
* [ JBAS-4672 ] SARDeployer metadata needs to be annotated for management
* [ JBAS-4686 ] Use tagged releases for security libraries
* [ JBAS-4687 ] Use a tagged release for the new jboss-ejb3-cache module
* [ JBAS-4688 ] Upgrade jboss transactions to 4.3.x (from 4.2.3.SP5)
* [ JBAS-4689 ] Upgrade JBoss messaging to 1.4.0.SP1
* [ JBAS-4690 ] TransactionLocal tests are not run against the proper transaction manager
* [ JBAS-4711 ] Rename jgroups-multiplexer.sar to jgroups-channelfactory.sar
* [ JBAS-4712 ] Upgrade JGroups to 2.6.1
* [ JBAS-4713 ] Upgrade to JBoss Cache 2.1.0.CR2
* [ JBAS-4714 ] Upgrade JBossRemoting to 2.2.2.SP3 (from 2.2.0.GA)
* [ JBAS-4716 ] Update common-core to 2.2.2.GA
* [ JBAS-4726 ] DistributedStateImpl does not subclass ServiceMBeanSupport
* [ JBAS-4727 ] ServiceMBeanSupport should ignore duplicate create() calls
* [ JBAS-4728 ] AS's JChannelFactory subclass should ignore duplicate lifecycle calls
* [ JBAS-4740 ] HARMIClient to give preference to wrapping NoSuchObjectException
* [ JBAS-4742 ] Upgrade jacorb to 2.3.0jboss.patch5 (from 2.3.0jboss.patch4)
* [ JBAS-4744 ] Update to JBossXB 2.0.0.CR5
* [ JBAS-4745 ] Need a jboss-metadata release
* [ JBAS-4746 ] Need an MC 2.0.0.Beta6 release
* [ JBAS-4750 ] Upgrade hsqldb to v1.8.0.8 (from
* [ JBAS-4863 ] NPE in ContainerConfigurationMetaDataWrapper
* [ JBAS-4864 ] jboss-web with 4.0 dtd does not deploy
* [ JBAS-4887 ] Port beanshell deployer to VDF
* [ JBAS-4889 ] jboss-vfs 2.0.0.beta5
* [ JBAS-4890 ] EJBAccessException: Caller unauthorized
* [ JBAS-4891 ] Cannot unmarshall qname elements
* [ JBAS-4895 ] JAXB based ServiceRef meta data
* [ JBAS-4896 ] NPE in JBossMetaDataWrapper
* [ JBAS-4898 ] class-loading not found as a child of jboss-web
* [ JBAS-4899 ] Failed to resolve schema nsURI= location=null
* [ JBAS-4900 ] cannot redeploy after deployment error
* [ JBAS-4901 ] Reverse paths are not allowed (containing a . or ..)
* [ JBAS-4902 ] nested jar not deployed
* [ JBAS-4903 ] EJB 2.1 view cannot be realized
* [ JBAS-4910 ] NPE in AbstractMappedMetaData
* [ JBAS-4913 ] wsdl-override not found as a child of service-ref
* [ JBAS-4914 ] NPE in JBossWebRealm
* [ JBAS-4915 ] service-ref merge looses data
* [ JBAS-4916 ] Invalid content was found starting with element 'env-entry'
* [ JBAS-4922 ] NPE in AssemblyDescriptorMetaData
* [ JBAS-4923 ] No valid security context for the caller identity
* [ JBAS-4924 ] NPE caused by SessionContainer.createService
* [ JBAS-4926 ] IncompleteDeploymentException prevents further deployments
* [ JBAS-4929 ] mapped-name is required for jdbc/juddiDB of deployment juddi.war
* [ JBAS-4930 ] Cannot lookup ejb3 remote proxy
* [ JBAS-4931 ] Fix ejb3 ClientLaucher
* [ JBAS-4932 ] Invalid principal: anonymous
* [ JBAS-4944 ] Ejb3AuthenticationInterceptorv2.invoke not implemented
* [ JBAS-4949 ] NPE in ProxyFactoryHelper
* [ JBAS-4956 ] ClassCastException: org.jboss.ejb3.cache.simple.SimpleStatefulCache
* [ JBAS-4971 ] org.jboss.test.cmp2.audit.test.AuditUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-4976 ] Integrate jboss-ha-client.jar beta
* [ JBAS-4978 ] Create analogues for the existing LoadBalancePolicy impls that use the new interface
* [ JBAS-4979 ] Convert HARMIClient and HARMIServer to use new LoadBalancePolicy
* [ JBAS-4981 ] Transaction variable is not reset in ejb2 inflow interceptor
* [ JBAS-4983 ] Update jboss-javaee.jar
* [ JBAS-4989 ] 'port-component' not found as a child of 'ejb'
* [ JBAS-4990 ] Use a tagged release for the new jboss-ejb3-ext-api module
* [ JBAS-5011 ] SecurityInterceptor: Use unauthenticatedIdentity if explicit RunAsPrincipal not configured
* [ JBAS-5012 ] Trim MetaData getSecurityDomain newline characters
* [ JBAS-5021 ] org.jboss.test.jca.test.XADSUnitTestCase
* [ JBAS-5032 ] Create a Release for new EJB3 Artifact: ejb3-impl
* [ JBAS-5038 ] Create separate deployer for setting webapp clustering defaults
* [ JBAS-5045 ] standardjboss.xml is not merged if there is no jboss.xml
* [ JBAS-5052 ] JNDIView.list() fails to show java:/jaas context
* [ JBAS-5054 ] tests-jacc-security failures
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