[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Problem with selectManyCheckbox and EntityConverter

valeriopp do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Dec 23 20:57:52 EST 2007

I set up a long running conversation as suggested in the FAQ.
But I don't understand: still  having the same validation error.

I verified (running debug.seam) that, in the Conversation Context, I have:
AutorizzatiFoManager.autorizzati (the original element list)
AutorizzatiFoManager.selezionati (the list of selected items)

in autorizzati  I have, for example, this list:
 0 	 org.jboss.seam.example.registration.Fornitore at dddee8
1 	org.jboss.seam.example.registration.Fornitore at 556e82
2 	org.jboss.seam.example.registration.Fornitore at ca5165
3 org.jboss.seam.example.registration.Fornitore at a5d3d5

I verified that autorizzati remains the same after calling the bean methods and re-calling the page or posting the item selection.
(I mean that also the object id  (the  xxxxx id in ....Fornitore at xxxxx) remains the same, while it didn't happen when the scope of AutorizzatiFoManager was not the conversation) so the original list do NOT change now.

I tried to assign selezionati=autorizzati just in the Factory method of AutorizzatiFoManager. So when i call the page I correctly see that all checkboxes are checked, since all elements of original list  autorizzati  is in the selected list selezionati(so the 'output' of selezionati  works). But if I confirm (checking at least one item), then I get the validation error (if I check none it works correctly, since the selectedItems value is null and isn't converted, I suppose).

Maybe I made a mistake in .xml files (I posted in this thread) ? Is it possible to verify that the converter is correctly called? how can I find the values that are trying to be assigned to selezionati but are not validated?

Thanks for your help.

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